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Thread: InputBox help

  1. #1
    VBAX Regular
    Mar 2013

    InputBox help

    Hi all. I am having trouble with a function I'm trying to write. The user has a sheet in the workbook that has an ActiveX button on it which when clicked opens InputBoxes where the user enters values which are then put into an array.

    The catch is....

    If they enter nothing or press enter, it needs to continue to the next InputBox
    If they press Cancel then it needs to exit the whole subroutine altogether

    NOTE: YES, I know I can have a loop go through the array (greatly reducing the amount of written code) and maybe use recursion to continually call InputBox and stick the values in but I've been away from vba and all programming for a while so I just coded each iteration line by line. Even with the loop I still have the same problem of differentiating between nothing being entered and the cancel button being hit.

    Here is my code:

    Sub Slope()

    Dim Slopes() As Double
    ReDim Slopes(11, 1)

    Slopes(0, 0) = Application.InputBox("1st Month Put Slope", "Slopes")
    If Slopes(0, 0) = False Then Exit Sub
    Slopes(0, 1) = Application.InputBox("1st Month Call Slope", "Slopes")
    If Slopes(0, 1) = False Then Exit Sub
    Slopes(1, 0) = Application.InputBox("2nd Month Put Slope", "Slopes")
    If Slopes(1, 0) = False Then Exit Sub
    Slopes(1, 1) = Application.InputBox("2nd Month Call Slope", "Slopes")
    If Slopes(1, 1) = False Then Exit Sub
    Slopes(2, 0) = Application.InputBox("3rd Month Put Slope", "Slopes")
    If Slopes(2, 0) = False Then Exit Sub
    Slopes(2, 1) = Application.InputBox("3rd Month Call Slope", "Slopes")
    If Slopes(2, 1) = False Then Exit Sub
    Slopes(3, 0) = Application.InputBox("4th Month Put Slope", "Slopes")
    If Slopes(3, 0) = False Then Exit Sub
    Slopes(3, 1) = Application.InputBox("4th Month Call Slope", "Slopes")
    If Slopes(3, 1) = False Then Exit Sub
    Slopes(4, 0) = Application.InputBox("5th Month Put Slope", "Slopes")
    If Slopes(4, 0) = False Then Exit Sub
    Slopes(4, 1) = Application.InputBox("5th Month Call Slope", "Slopes")
    If Slopes(4, 1) = False Then Exit Sub
    Slopes(5, 0) = Application.InputBox("6th Month Put Slope", "Slopes")
    If Slopes(5, 0) = False Then Exit Sub
    Slopes(5, 1) = Application.InputBox("6th Month Call Slope", "Slopes")
    If Slopes(5, 1) = False Then Exit Sub
    Slopes(6, 0) = Application.InputBox("7th Month Put Slope", "Slopes")
    If Slopes(6, 0) = False Then Exit Sub
    Slopes(6, 1) = Application.InputBox("7th Month Call Slope", "Slopes")
    If Slopes(6, 1) = False Then Exit Sub
    Slopes(7, 0) = Application.InputBox("8th Month Put Slope", "Slopes")
    If Slopes(7, 0) = False Then Exit Sub
    Slopes(7, 1) = Application.InputBox("8th Month Call Slope", "Slopes")
    If Slopes(7, 1) = False Then Exit Sub
    Slopes(8, 0) = Application.InputBox("9th Month Put Slope", "Slopes")
    If Slopes(8, 0) = False Then Exit Sub
    Slopes(8, 1) = Application.InputBox("9th Month Call Slope", "Slopes")
    If Slopes(8, 1) = False Then Exit Sub
    Slopes(9, 0) = Application.InputBox("10th Month Put Slope", "Slopes")
    If Slopes(9, 0) = False Then Exit Sub
    Slopes(9, 1) = Application.InputBox("10th Month Call Slope", "Slopes")
    If Slopes(9, 1) = False Then Exit Sub
    Slopes(10, 0) = Applicaion.InputBox("11th Month Put Slope", "Slopes")
    If Slopes(10, 0) = False Then Exit Sub
    Slopes(10, 1) = Application.InputBox("11th Month Call Slope", "Slopes")
    If Slopes(10, 1) = False Then Exit Sub
    Slopes(11, 0) = Application.InputBox("12th Month Put Slope", "Slopes")
    If Slopes(11, 0) = False Then Exit Sub
    Slopes(11, 1) = Application.InputBox("12th Month Call Slope", "Slopes")
    If Slopes(11, 1) = False Then Exit Sub

    ' MsgBox Slopes(0, 0)
    ' MsgBox Slopes(0, 1)

    End Sub

  2. #2
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Guru GTO's Avatar
    Sep 2008
    ...lets try again...

  3. #3
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Guru GTO's Avatar
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by aztariq View Post
    ...The catch is....

    If they enter nothing or press enter, it needs to continue to the next InputBox
    If they press Cancel then it needs to exit the whole subroutine altogether

    NOTE: YES, I know I can have a loop go through the array (greatly reducing the amount of written code) and maybe use recursion to continually call InputBox and stick the values in but I've been away from vba and all programming for a while so I just coded each iteration line by line. Even with the loop I still have the same problem of differentiating between nothing being entered and the cancel button being hit.
    Greetings aztariq,

    Here is a loop. Note that I changed the Application.InputBox's Type to 1 (requires a number entered). Although this eliminates the user from being able to simply press the OK button, they can still enter a zero if wanted.

    Sub Slope()
    Dim Slopes(0 To 11, 0 To 1) As Double
    Dim vntValue                As Variant
    Dim y                       As Long
    Dim x                       As Long
      For y = 0 To 11
        For x = 0 To 1
          vntValue = _
            Application.InputBox( _
              Switch(y = 0, "1st ", y = 1, "2nd ", y = 2, "3rd ", y = 3, "4th ", _
                     y = 4, "5th ", y = 5, "6th ", y = 6, "7th ", y = 7, "8th ", _
                     y = 8, "9th ", y = 9, "10th ", y = 10, "11th ", y = 11, "12th " _
                     ) & "Month " & IIf(x = 0, "Put ", "Call ") & "Slope", "Slopes", Type:=1)
          If TypeName(vntValue) = "Boolean" Then
            Exit Sub
            Slopes(y, x) = vntValue
          End If
      MsgBox Slopes(0, 0)
      MsgBox Slopes(0, 1)
    End Sub
    Hope that helps,


  4. #4
    VBAX Regular
    Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by GTO View Post
    Greetings aztariq,

    Here is a loop. Note that I changed the Application.InputBox's Type to 1 (requires a number entered). Although this eliminates the user from being able to simply press the OK button, they can still enter a zero if wanted.
    Here's the problem I should have clarified. The user may not want to change certain values, so to fast forward to the part he wants to change, I want them to just press Ok or hit Enter. So if a null value is given by the user, then no value is assigned to that index in the array. If the user hits cancel, then it exits altogether.

    So entering zero won't work in this case because it shouldn't change it they press enter or hit ok

    Thanks for your help,


  5. #5
    Mac Moderator VBAX Guru mikerickson's Avatar
    May 2007
    Davis CA
    An InputBox (rather than Application.InputBox) is easier to tell when Cancel is pressed vs. entering a nullstring.
    Also, if you have existing values that the user might not want to change, you can use the Default argument.

    Sub test()
        Dim myArray(0 To 11, 0 To 1) As Double
        Dim uiValue As String
        Dim i As Long, j As Long
        Dim strPrompt As String
        myArray(0, 0) = 101: myArray(0, 1) = 102
        myArray(1, 0) = 201: myArray(1, 1) = 202
        For i = 0 To 11
            strPrompt = Array("1st", "2nd", "3rd", "4th", "5th", "6th", "7th", "8th", "9th", "10th", "11th", "12th")(i)
            strPrompt = strPrompt & " month "
            For j = 0 To 1
                uiValue = InputBox(strPrompt & Array("Put", "Call")(j) & " slope", Default:=myArray(i, j))
                If StrPtr(uiValue) = 0 Then Exit Sub: Rem cancel pressed
                myArray(i, j) = Val(uiValue)
            Next j
        Next i
    End Sub

  6. #6
    VBAX Regular
    Mar 2013
    Thank you guys so much

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