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Thread: Excel TV, Episode 2 w. Kari Finn, Online MVP Community Manager at Microsoft Corp

  1. #1
    VBAX Regular
    May 2010
    Dayton, OH

    Excel TV, Episode 2 w. Kari Finn, Online MVP Community Manager at Microsoft Corp

    You are all invited to Episode 2 of Excel TV featuring Kari Finn, the Microsoft MVP community manager for Microsoft!

    Here's the trailer.

    Kari is the go-to resource for the Microsoft MVP Program in North America. She can also help and advise non-MVPS looking to start new user groups around Microsoft technologies in their area. She'll be on to talk about the MVP program and other community activities. If you have a question for her, feel free to post it below. We may use it on air!

    Episode 2 of Excel TV starts tonight at 9:05 PM EST.

    RSVP on Google+
    and watch live on YouTube! Make sure to check the challenge forum to answer this week's question.

  2. #2
    Site Admin
    VBAX Regular ExcelAndAccess's Avatar
    Apr 2012
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    Thumbs down Outstanding Show

    GREAT Episode even with the glitches. Really cool guest as well. You guys over at ExcelTV are doing a great job.

    Looking forward to next week.

  3. #3
    Distinguished Lord of VBAX VBAX Grand Master Bob Phillips's Avatar
    Apr 2005
    Uumh. Self-indulgent, uninformative, and trivial. I had to stop at 6 minutes and get on with my life.

    And the answer is T and N.
    Nihil simul inventum est et perfectum

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    Last night I dreamed of a small consolation enjoyed only by the blind: Nobody knows the trouble I've not seen!
    James Thurber

  4. #4
    Moderator VBAX Wizard Aussiebear's Avatar
    Dec 2005
    Sorry but I'm definitely with Bob on this one. I watched, waited and eventually shut it down after 18 minutes. I admit I'm not the most patient guy, but there was nothing there that would encourage me to watch any more, nor would I recommend it to anyone else. So unless there's something better in store, you can count me out.
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  5. #5
    Site Admin
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    Just finished watching it. I can see where it would be informative to new Excel-comers, maybe people looking for more community information, or less-specific technical information. It's a nice idea though.

    In the earlier days of VBAX we tried something similar. But there was no such thing as Google Hangouts, and we weren't as cool as video taping ourselves and putting it on the internet. So we ended up doing a "live chat" through an instant messenger platform. They didn't garner much viewership though, and desire slowly fizzled out and we stopped doing them. It was kind of nice for the community, as a way to get to talk to and ask questions of Excel experts.

    While I'm not sure there will be much draw here, I would hope to see some good involvement, because it could grow into a good thing.

  6. #6
    VBAX Regular
    May 2010
    Dayton, OH
    So we're definitely interested in all direct feedback. In fact, your complaints haven't escaped our notice. That said, keep in mind they're things we've also noticed ourselves.

    OK, so when I first approached Rick about Excel TV, I wanted to model it after two well-known and popular podcasts in the United States, Car Talk and Wait Wait Don't Tell Me. Both of these shows are informative about their subjects (Car Talk on cars, and Wait Wait Don't Tell Me on current events), but the idea behind both shows is to bring some levity to otherwise dull or niche subjects. Also, there are more than enough programs on YouTube that show you how to do this or that on a spreadsheet. Instead, we wanted a show that folks who do Excel (or use a related technologies) could find approachable and fun, but not necessarily instructional. In addition, since I am an MVP and the Excel community has done so much for me, I wanted to provide a platform to well-known Experts, fledgling bloggers, and relevant professionals.

    Most important, I (that is me, specifically) wanted to create a show that addressed questions that often go unanswered. For instance, did you know if you wanted to start a Microsoft user group around a technology, Microsoft has a program available that will (1) help you book a venue; (2) put you in touch with speakers; and (3) promote your group... for free? Very few people know this. In fact, I didn't even know this until our guest Kari Finn, Microsoft's Community Coordinator, told us about it on air. Is that information truly of no interest or value to anyone? I would find that hard to believe.

    As for the quality of the proceedings and their length. Yes, it appears amateurish because we are amateurs. Before we started, we discussed at length the quality of what we wanted to deliver. We would, of course, love it if we had high quality cameras, terrific lighting, good sound, and professional editing. But the upfront investment to achieve that level of quality is enormous. In addition, there are other logistical factors: how do ensure the people we interview have access to the same professional level of quality. If we were a big news network like CNN, we could ask our interviewees to go to their local affiliate who would provide makeup, a sound stage, and a satellite link. We don't have those things. I wish we did (and I'm sure you do too). After much discussion on the subject, we resolved that the show needed to have good content to overcome these deficits. We needed to do a show that had low upfront investment, that we could turn around quickly with minimal editing, that could be organized and executed consistently and reliably. While you might have thought the first airing was of poor quality, in truth, we were surprised by how well it turned out compared to the chaos we thought would ensue.

    Concerning the vision I had when I first pitched the idea, I think we've been largely successful. Outside this forum, we've received overwhelming praise. But praise is easy to give; when people provide criticism, it means they've actually watched the show and have something to say about it. So despite some comments above that were nastier than they needed to be, we are listening. For one, let me assure you we have plans to do this show "right." But as we looked at past efforts of similar projects, we realized many folks became needlessly encumbered by unrealistic goals for quality. For example, I've always wanted to do more instructional videos on Excel, but I get bogged down in the nitty girtty. We realized we needed to pull the trigger if we wanted to do Excel TV, to just get it out there. Hopefully, that's something you can respect. As with anything worth doing, there's static friction you must overcome to create kinetic energy. A trip down to will demonstrate this site didn't look like it does today; it certainly wasn't as popular as it is today. We're starting from zero here, so, you know, maybe cut us some slack?

    Yes, professional editing is in our future. Better equipment, sound, lighting, cameras, etc are in are future. Until then, I'm running it out of my basement... with every light on because my HD camera would otherwise use my face for white balance. And we agree with you about episode length: going forward, we are editing down these episodes to become manageable chunks. If there isn't enough interest for the full episodes on here, then we'll spare you and not post them. That said, despite complaints about the guest panel and topics, it appears people like the challenges. And Xld, despite your dismissal of the show as a whole, you're the most active contributor to these challenges. We thank you for your contributions and hope you keep it up. I can come up with harder challenges if need be. Or, better yet, if you have a good challenge idea, send it to me over private message and we'll use it on the show!

    Ultimately, we are thrilled by the opportunity to partner with VBA Express. In my conversations with the site admins, they had said they were looking to make this forum more dedicated to thanking the community. I realize it appears I'm a newcomer here, but I've just never posted. I've used this forum many times for help. I'm an Excel MVP just like Zack and Jacob, and I follow their contributions. As well, xld and AussieBear, I've seen the great work you've done answering questions for others throughout my years of lurking. Speaking with honesty here, I was incredibly caught off guard by the needlessly nasty parts of your comments. I say this because I see how kind and considerate both of you are when answering forum questions from those who come to this site seeking help. We want direct and constructive feedback, but we'd appreciate if you could extend us the same courtesies you provide to other forum goers. We're no different than they; we know you have insights that can help us to turn this into a superlative program.

    At the end of the day, we wanted to build a special relationship with VBA Express. We wanted to interview the contributors of this forum, ask questions about your expertise and hear your unique insights. Zack has agreed to come on our show in the near future to talk about his upcoming book. We are hoping you will watch and support him. We are even looking to provide contest winners of the challenge questions free VBA Express gear.

    We knew we wouldn't get it perfect the first time.


  7. #7
    Site Admin
    Urban Myth
    VBAX Guru
    May 2004
    Oregon, United States
    I certainly hope nobody watches me lol! Kidding. But not... And do remember your target audience. I wouldn't say any of the comments were nasty. Honest, brutal, yes, but not nasty.

    And yesterday is the first time I knew VBAX had "partnered" with Excel TV. This admin certainly wasn't asked about it.

  8. #8
    Distinguished Lord of VBAX VBAX Grand Master Bob Phillips's Avatar
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Zack Barresse View Post
    And yesterday is the first time I knew VBAX had "partnered" with Excel TV. This admin certainly wasn't asked about it.
    Nor this one. Were you Ted? Quite happy for us to do the dog-work, but don't bother to involve us.

    I think that Jordan's comments is a very American thing, reject criticism as nasty remarks. Aussies and Brits are far more thick-skinned, we don't go in for this false 'everything is lovely' attitude. Also, a lot has been said about the look and feel of the shows, whereas the thing that really matters is the content, and in the two I looked at, for the time I looked at them, there was no content; it lacked proper editing, it was rambling. It reminded of the worst days of YouTube, people who thought they were cool thought everyone should see them being cool.

    I feel I have the right to make whatever comment I like about something that is plugged and promoted on my forum if I feel it reflects back. When I started on this board I met two great people here, Zack and Ken Puls, who have become lifelong friends. I like VBAX, it has been my main Excel hangout since I joined, and I have invested a lot of time and energy into VBAX. I feel that I, Zack and Ken, and many other contributors have been the main reasons that VBAX has flourished, this is not something that Jacob can lay claim to. VBAX is not Excel Forum, it isn't MrExcel, it is much better than that, there are a lot of great people here. VBAX is a special place for me, and so if something is done under the brand name I would want to see it done right. I would rather something is not done than done badly, and Excel TV is bad, very bad.

    At least you won't have me commenting about future episodes as I won't be wasting my time on them, even yours Zack I am afraid (btw, did I know you were doing a book, what's it's subject?).
    Nihil simul inventum est et perfectum

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    Last night I dreamed of a small consolation enjoyed only by the blind: Nobody knows the trouble I've not seen!
    James Thurber

  9. #9
    Site Admin
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    VBAX Guru Jacob Hilderbrand's Avatar
    Jun 2004
    Roseville, CA
    I didn't see any of the comments as being nasty. Some people will like it and some won't and the ones that say it is great will make you feel good but won't necessarily help you make it better. The people that send you criticism give you something to think about, and you can use that to make the show better.

    We have a lot of great members here at VBAX that have and still do make this site really great. we are trying to reward that starting this year with some free swag.

    The partnership I referred to is really just cross promoting. I setup a forum here and they promote VBAX on the show and hopefully that drives some traffic to each of us that we wouldn't normally have.

    I do like the idea of the challenges, though if you post them here they will need to be more complicated to give our members more of a challenge.

  10. #10
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    Any of snb's code samples would make good challenges

    Not to see what's wrong with them, just to see what they are doing.

    For example, Challenge: What does this function return?

    Function F_snb(targetuser,userlist) 
        F_snb = Application.Match(targetuser, userlist, 0) 
        If IsError(F_snb) Then F_snb=-1 
    End Sub
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

    Please take the time to read the Forum FAQ

  11. #11
    Site Admin
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    This is what happens when you miss Summit's, Bob. It's a book on Excel Tables. Figured nobody else has done one solely on them, might as well give it a shot. Should be done in a few weeks. Although honestly I'm terribly frightened it'll be ****-poor lol.

    VBAX means a lot to me as well. When I helped start this board with Anne it was (IMHO) one of my greatest accomplishments. We received a lot of flak for it, people saying we're trying to steal other forums members, we're wasting time, it's already been done, etc. Looking at it now it's grown into a really wonderful community of experts, with deep and diverse questions/solutions, and is one of the best places to go for VBA help. And that is solely due to our members. Period.

    Definitely agree with the challenges - at least on this board, but that's where I think the target audiences don't match up. The audience for Excel TV seems a, well, less VBAX-esque audience. More "remedial" comes to mind, whereas I see the VBAX community as more refined. I'd say more "professional", but I'm not sure if I'd want to describe Ted that way. (Come to think of it, "refined" might not even be the right word lol.)

    I like the idea of partnerships and helping each other, and I'm all for it. The community will be better for it IMHO. I truly wish the best success of Excel TV. I remember what it was like starting out, seeing names like Jan Karel, Colo, Juan Pablo, the elusive Bob Phillips, and many others. If me (or anyone) in a Q&A/BS session results in helping anybody, I think you could call that a win. I'm not sure how my session will go, but I'm willing to give it a shot.

  12. #12
    Moderator VBAX Wizard Aussiebear's Avatar
    Dec 2005
    @ Jordan
    Quote Originally Posted by jpo645 View Post
    So we're definitely interested in all direct feedback. In fact, your complaints haven't escaped our notice. That said, keep in mind they're things we've also noticed ourselves.
    Excellant, so why not fix what is obviously substandard before presenting it to the public. First impressions count in any business, so please don't waste any opportunity to retain a possible member.

    Most important, I (that is me, specifically) wanted to create a show that addressed questions that often go unanswered. For instance, did you know if you wanted to start a Microsoft user group around a technology, Microsoft has a program available that will (1) help you book a venue; (2) put you in touch with speakers; and (3) promote your group... for free? Very few people know this. In fact, I didn't even know this until our guest Kari Finn, Microsoft's Community Coordinator, told us about it on air. Is that information truly of no interest or value to anyone? I would find that hard to believe.
    I believe that this would be far too high ended for the vast majority of those who contribute to VBAX. Have a good look at your target audience, most of whom hold a passion for vba, to assist with their work. They are not presenters, or people in the business of promoting vba to the world, but more simply persons wanting to find a better way to do their day to day job. So why would that interest them?

    As for the quality of the proceedings and their length. Yes, it appears amateurish because we are amateurs. Before we started, we discussed at length the quality of what we wanted to deliver.
    Did you think about the style? What might work in America doesn't mean it will definitely work elsewhere in the world. Did you talk to other producers to see if they could give you some tips about what works and more importantly why it works?

    Did you think about the target audience? What are the demographics of your intended audience? What are the skill levels, their interest in vba, how long can you hold their interest in the presentation etc. This is a complex business, of presenting the right type of material to the right audience.

    For one, let me assure you we have plans to do this show "right." But as we looked at past efforts of similar projects, we realized many folks became needlessly encumbered by unrealistic goals for quality. For example, I've always wanted to do more instructional videos on Excel, but I get bogged down in the nitty girtty.
    Like referencing a bow tie for example? What has that got to do with VBA? I personally couldn't give a damn if he came out wearing a pink skirt. Its not related to the subject matter in any way, so becomes a distraction to the viewer.

    As well, xld and AussieBear, I've seen the great work you've done answering questions for others throughout my years of lurking. Speaking with honesty here, I was incredibly caught off guard by the needlessly nasty parts of your comments. I say this because I see how kind and considerate both of you are when answering forum questions from those who come to this site seeking help. We want direct and constructive feedback, but we'd appreciate if you could extend us the same courtesies you provide to other forum goers. We're no different than they; we know you have insights that can help us to turn this into a superlative program.
    There's nothing nasty about either of our comments. I realise that you are emotionally tied to the subject at hand, and that this is perhaps making you over react to our comments. If you have indeed followed my efforts in VBAX, you will understand that I call a spade a spade and not a shovel. This is who I am both in real life and in the forum, and I make no apology for it.

    At the end of the day, we wanted to build a special relationship with VBA Express. We wanted to interview the contributors of this forum, ask questions about your expertise and hear your unique insights. Zack has agreed to come on our show in the near future to talk about his upcoming book. We are hoping you will watch and support him. We are even looking to provide contest winners of the challenge questions free VBA Express gear.
    Its nice to know that Zack will be on the show, and I wish him every success with the book, but unless the style and content of the show changes, I won't be a viewer.
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  13. #13
    Distinguished Lord of VBAX VBAX Grand Master Bob Phillips's Avatar
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Zack Barresse View Post
    This is what happens when you miss Summit's, Bob. It's a book on Excel Tables. Figured nobody else has done one solely on them, might as well give it a shot. Should be done in a few weeks. Although honestly I'm terribly frightened it'll be ****-poor lol.
    Ooh, tables, that sounds so exciting . Now that you mention in, I do think I have already heard about it. I know they are a bad investment regarding time taken against remuneration, but we all want to do (or rather, want to have done) a book. As for the Summit, it's easy for you to say, you live 10 minutes down the road. I have to spend circa $2,000 to go (I am not sharing a room with anyone ... oh wait, didn't we once do that?), I have to give up a week of time and loss of earnings, and the flight back is hard work. Now if they did PASS BI and the Summit at the same time, like the are with PASS and the Summit in November, then I might reconsider.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zack Barresse View Post
    VBAX means a lot to me as well. When I helped start this board with Anne it was (IMHO) one of my greatest accomplishments. We received a lot of flak for it, people saying we're trying to steal other forums members, we're wasting time, it's already been done, etc. Looking at it now it's grown into a really wonderful community of experts, with deep and diverse questions/solutions, and is one of the best places to go for VBA help. And that is solely due to our members. Period.
    Absolutely agree, even with the bit about your greatest achievement.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zack Barresse View Post
    I remember what it was like starting out, seeing names like Jan Karel, Colo, Juan Pablo, the elusive Bob Phillips, and many others.
    I am not sure that Bob Phillips actually exists Shame Colo has largely disappeared, he is a good guy.
    Nihil simul inventum est et perfectum

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    Last night I dreamed of a small consolation enjoyed only by the blind: Nobody knows the trouble I've not seen!
    James Thurber

  14. #14
    Moderator VBAX Wizard Aussiebear's Avatar
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Zack Barresse View Post
    , whereas I see the VBAX community as more refined. I'd say more "professional", but I'm not sure if I'd want to describe Ted that way. (Come to think of it, "refined" might not even be the right word lol.)
    Profesional or Refined I will never be so stop raiding the first aid kit for drugs. By way of apology I want a signed copy of your book, just let me know how much I owe and I'll forward it to you.
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  15. #15
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    @Bob: LOL!! Oh I hear ya. Tables are certainly the anti-hero in Excel (IMHO). It's my hopes that anybody from beginner to expert can pick up the book and learn something good and bad about tables. And I'm hoping the accompanying add-in will be helpful too. I actually am using it constantly these days.

    And regarding the Summit, I really understand, but I just wanted to give you flack. I did read about the PASS conference around the same time. I'm going to the one in San Jose in May (missed last year due to a client 'emergency') so I hope they tie them together! It would be good to see you again Bob, but I do understand. Let me bribe you with offering, no, insisting, of buying your first round.

    @Ted: First Aid kits are meant to be raided, so I empathize. Thanks again for your kind words, you always humble me. You're on my list!

  16. #16
    Distinguished Lord of VBAX VBAX Grand Master Bob Phillips's Avatar
    Apr 2005
    I find tables awfully frustrating. The idea is fine, far too many holes in them. So I look forward to hearing how we overcome the holes.

    I wished I had known you were going to PASS BA. Anyone else going? I was offered a ticket to come to the PASS BA conference, but again I could not justify the expense and time out. I went to Chicago last year and the content really was not good enough to warrant doing it again, even with a free conference pass. If I had to pay the conference ticket it wouldn't even cross my mind. Considering that everyone, even those old SQL dogs, all agree that Excel is the client BI tool of choice, the conference is far too dominated by the same-old-same-old SQL Server types. We need to pack it out with Excel types.

    As for your offer, spend $2,000 because Zack will buy you a $5 beer. Does that sound like a deal to you? I am going to the Dublin MVP Open Day in April, and I suspect that will be my last MVP jaunt, time to move on in life perhaps.
    Nihil simul inventum est et perfectum

    Abusus non tollit usum

    Last night I dreamed of a small consolation enjoyed only by the blind: Nobody knows the trouble I've not seen!
    James Thurber

  17. #17
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    True that Bob. Perhaps the Amsterdam event in May? You're just trying to force me into making my way to the UK, aren't you? You slick bastard.

  18. #18
    Distinguished Lord of VBAX VBAX Grand Master Bob Phillips's Avatar
    Apr 2005
    Just trying to broaden your outlook Zack, see the real world. I don't think I will be able to go to Amsterdam in May. Come to Dublin, and drink Guinness with Roger, Andy, Charles and myself.
    Nihil simul inventum est et perfectum

    Abusus non tollit usum

    Last night I dreamed of a small consolation enjoyed only by the blind: Nobody knows the trouble I've not seen!
    James Thurber

  19. #19
    Site Admin
    VBAX Regular ExcelAndAccess's Avatar
    Apr 2012
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    Question, how many people posting here have tried such an effort in their past? I know at least one person has, and I know something I personally tried in my past related to the Excel community did not work. So I know how hard it can be. And to do it each week, even harder. Sometimes you give people applause for their effort.

    I drink some pretty amazing wines each week. Not many of them receive 100 W.S. points. As such most have flaws technically speaking. But I focus on the enjoyment of it, and what it brings to the table, literally. Why focus on the 3 missed points? It is so easy to be critical of something you had nothing to do with.

    Life is short, might as well be positive.


  20. #20
    That attitude excludes any quality assessment of anything.
    You may apply that for yourself but shouldn't impose it to others.

    Although I can't play a violin I can hear it's being played untuned. I have no right to say so in this case ?

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