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Thread: After mail merge code want save as box for Word doc

  1. #1
    VBAX Regular
    Feb 2013

    After mail merge code want save as box for Word doc

    So I have a working mail merge procedure but it produces PDFs. Now I'm trying to save the mail merged document as a word document. The beginning of the procedure is as follows:

    Dim xls As Excel.Application
    Set xls = New Excel.Application
    Dim wrdApp As Word.Application
    Set wrdApp = New Word.Application
    Dim sPathFileTemplate As String
    sPathFileTemplate = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\OFF template macro.docx" 
    'Setting up template 
    Dim doc As Word.Document
    Set doc = wrdApp.Documents.Add(sPathFileTemplate)
    wrdApp.Visible = False ' Make MS Word Invisible
    Dim sIn As String
    sIn = ThisWorkbook.FullName

    After this in VBA I've written the code for the SQL, Opened the merge and then done the merge. Now all I want to do is save a copy in word with the save as box appearing so that I can insert a file name. I've had a go and come up with the following:

    wrdApp.Visible = True 
    wrdApp.Documents.Add doc.FullName 
    doc.SaveAs "C:\Documents\" & "test1.docx"
    doc.Close False
    Set doc = Nothing
    wrdApp.Quit False
    Set wrdApp = Nothing
    MsgBox "Done"
    End Sub
    Alternatively I am thinking some variation of:
    SaveAsName = Application.DefaultFilePath & "\" & "docx"
    With doc
    .Activedocument.SaveAs Filename:=SaveAsName
    End With
    would work.

    Any ideas with this would be much appreciated.


  2. #2
    from memory the merged document is a new document with a default file name, no extention, so assuming only 1 new document, you can try like
    for each d in wrdapp.documents
       if instr(,".doc") = 0 then d.saveAs saveasname: exit for
    if there could be multiple new documents then some additional criteria may be required, or some part of the default filename for merged documents

  3. #3
    VBAX Regular
    Feb 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by westconn1 View Post
    from memory the merged document is a new document with a default file name, no extention, so assuming only 1 new document, you can try like
    for each d in wrdapp.documents
       if instr(,".doc") = 0 then d.saveAs saveasname: exit for
    if there could be multiple new documents then some additional criteria may be required, or some part of the default filename for merged documents
    Hi thanks for the response. The data source in excel contains 11 rows of data with the first row being the field names. Each row corresponds to a letter. So once the mail merge is done it produces 10 one page letters in one document for the PDF version.

    I will have a go at using the code sometime today and tomorrow.

  4. #4
    as they are individual 1 page documents, you probably have several to save, so remove the exit for, and update the saveAs filename for each

    or convert to a single multipage document, in the mailmerge object

  5. #5
    Sub M_snb()
       with getobject("G:\OF\maindocument.docx")
         .mailmerge execute
         with activedocument
             .exportasfixedformat "G:\OF\merged_document.pdf"
             .saveas2 "G:\OF\merged_document.docx"
             .close 0
         end with
      end with
    End Sub

  6. #6
    VBAX Regular
    Feb 2013
    "as they are individual 1 page documents, you probably have several to save, so remove the exit for, and update the saveAs filename for each

    or convert to a single multipage document, in the mailmerge object"

    I've had a go inserting your initial code and I get run time error 13: Type mismatch. It then highlights
     d.saveAs saveasname
    On help it mentions that the variable or property isn't the correct type. However when I put
    Dim As Object
    it still returns the same error. I have tried removing the exit for and still get the same error. Also I've tried including and removing the final 4 lines of my initial code but again the same error. I am missing something. I'll continue working on it and see where I get.

    When I try the code from my first attempt it seems to open up 3 word documents and saves another to a folder. One of the 3 documents is the one I need i.e it has all the letters that I need in one document but the code needs work.
    Last edited by mbbx5va2; 07-26-2014 at 07:05 AM.

  7. #7

  8. #8
    VBAX Regular
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by snb View Post

    Hi Sorry I was meant to quote westconn1 for my previous message. I'm just trying to get yours to work right now.

  9. #9
    VBAX Regular
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by snb View Post
    Sub M_snb()
       with getobject("G:\OF\maindocument.docx")
         .mailmerge execute
         with activedocument
             .exportasfixedformat "G:\OF\merged_document.pdf"
             .saveas2 "G:\OF\merged_document.docx"
             .close 0
         end with
      end with
    End Sub


    I had to change a couple of things but it works.

    Many thanks

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