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Thread: VBA Sum Records Which Match Monthly Column Heading

  1. #1
    VBAX Tutor
    Oct 2012

    VBA Sum Records Which Match Monthly Column Heading

    Hi, I wonder whether someone may be able to help me please.
    With some help along the way and with some adaptation by myself, I’ve put together the following pieces of code:

    'Define Constants to indicate use of OVERHEADS or PROJECTS
    Const nUseAllDIR As Integer = 1
    Const nUseAllEH As Integer = 2
    Const nUseAllIND As Integer = 3
    Const nUseAllOVH As Integer = 4
    Const nUseAllPRO As Integer = 5
    Sub ActivitiesForecasts()
    '    'This is the Direct Activities routine
    '    'It calls the Direct Activities, Enhancements, Indirect Activities, Overheads and Projects routine with the Indirect Activities option
        Call ActivitiesForecastsExtract(nUseAllDIR)
        Call ActivitiesForecastsExtract(nUseAllEH)
        Call ActivitiesForecastsExtract(nUseAllIND)
        Call ActivitiesForecastsExtract(nUseAllOVH)
        Call ActivitiesForecastsExtract(nUseAllPRO)
    End Sub

    Sub ActivitiesForecastsExtract(iOption As Integer)
        'This is the Direct Activities, Enhancements, Indirect Activities, Overheads or Projects routine
        'Input option iOption has the following possible enumerated values:
        '  a. nUseAllDIR - process for Direct Activities
        '  b. nUseAllEH  - process for Enhancements
        '  c. nUseAllIND - process for Indirect Activities
        '  d. nUseAllOVH  - process for Overheads
        '  e. nUseAllPRO - process for Projects
        Dim a
        Dim ad As Worksheet
        Dim bottomB As Integer
        Dim dic As Object
        Dim i As Long
        Dim Mmonth
        Dim rng As Range
        Dim ws As Worksheet
        Dim Y()
        'Define a boolean Value which is 'True' if Column 'C' Consultancy and Requirements' are met AND 'False' otherwise
        Dim bColumnCIsConsultancyAndRequirements As Boolean
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Set ad = Sheets("All Data")
        bottomB = Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
                    For Each rng In ad.Range("B8:B" & bottomB)
                    If rng > 0 Then
            Set ws = Sheets(rng.Value)
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        With Worksheets("All Data")
            a = .Range("B8").CurrentRegion ' Load the required range in to array, named "a"
        End With
        Set dic = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
        dic.comparemode = 1
        With ws
        With dic
            For i = 2 To UBound(a) ' Loop through rows
                'test if column C is "Consultancy & Requirements"
                'Initialize to NOT 'Consultancy and Requirements'
                bColumnCIsConsultancyAndRequirements = False
                'Test either Direct Activities, Enhancements, Indirect Activities, Overheads or Projects for Column 'C' 'Consultancy and Requirements' conditions
                Select Case iOption
                    'Direct Activities processing test for Column 'C' 'Consultancy and Requirements' conditions
                    Case nUseAllDIR
                    If a(i, 1) = ws.Name And InStr(a(i, 6), "Consultancy & Innovation") = 0 And _
                        InStr(a(i, 8), "TM - DIR") > 0 Then
                        'Set the Column 'C' is 'Consultancy & Requirements' boolean value to true
                        'Conditions have been met for Direct Activities
                        bColumnCIsConsultancyAndRequirements = True
                    End If
                    'Enhancements processing test for Column 'C' 'Consultancy and Requirements' conditions
                    Case nUseAllEH
                    If a(i, 1) = ws.Name And InStr(a(i, 6), "Consultancy & Innovation") = 0 And _
                        InStr(a(i, 8), "Enhancements") > 0 Then
                        'Set the Column 'C' is 'Consultancy & Requirements' boolean value to true
                        'Conditions have been met for Enhancements
                        bColumnCIsConsultancyAndRequirements = True
                    End If
                    'Indirect Activities processing test for Column 'C' 'Consultancy and Requirements' conditions
                    Case nUseAllIND
                    If a(i, 1) = ws.Name And InStr(a(i, 6), "Consultancy & Innovation") = 0 And _
                        InStr(a(i, 8), "TM - IND") > 0 Then
                        'Set the Column 'C' is 'Consultancy & Requirements' boolean value to true
                        'Conditions have been met for Indirect Activities
                        bColumnCIsConsultancyAndRequirements = True
                    End If
                    'Overheads processing test for Column 'C' 'Consultancy and Requirements' conditions
                    Case nUseAllOVH
                    If a(i, 1) = ws.Name And InStr(a(i, 6), "Consultancy & Innovation") = 0 And _
                        InStr(a(i, 8), "TM - OVH") > 0 Then
                        'Set the Column 'C' is 'Consultancy & Requirements' boolean value to true
                        'Conditions have been met for Indirect Activities
                        bColumnCIsConsultancyAndRequirements = True
                    End If
                    'Projects processing test for Column 'C' 'Consultancy and Requirements' conditions
                    Case nUseAllPRO
                    If a(i, 1) = ws.Name And InStr(a(i, 6), "Consultancy & Innovation") = 0 And _
                        InStr(a(i, 8), "TM - ") + _
                        InStr(a(i, 8), "Enhancements") = 0 Then
                        'Set the Column 'C' is 'Consultancy & Requirements' boolean value to true
                        'Conditions have been met for Indirect Activities
                        bColumnCIsConsultancyAndRequirements = True
                    End If
                End Select
                If bColumnCIsConsultancyAndRequirements = True Then 'test if column C is "Consultancy & Requirements"
                    Mmonth = Trim(Format(a(i, 12), "mmm yy")) ' format the date in to mmm-yy
                    If Not .exists(Mmonth) Then 'If column C cells do not exist, load column E value in to dictionary using column C as item
                        .Item(Mmonth) = a(i, 14)
                        .Item(Mmonth) = .Item(Mmonth) + a(i, 14) 'If column C cells do exist, then add column E in to existing item
                    End If
                End If
        End With
        With ws
            a = .Range("C7", .Cells(7, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft)) ' Load the required range in to array, named "a"
        End With
        ReDim Y(1 To 2, 1 To UBound(a, 2))
        With dic
            For i = 1 To UBound(a, 2) ' Loop through rows
                Mmonth = Trim(Format(a(1, i), "mmm yy")) ' format the date in to mmm-yy
                If .exists(Mmonth) Then 'If column C cells do exist then copy the the dictionary in to match column
                    Y(1, i) = .Item(Mmonth)
                End If
        End With
        With ws
            'Process either Direct Activities, Enhancements, Indirect Activities, Overheads or PROJECTS for resize
            Select Case iOption
                'Direct Activities processing resize
                Case nUseAllDIR
                .Range("C9").Resize(1, i - 1) = Y() 'Result-load Y in to C8
                'Enhancements processing resize
                Case nUseAllEH
                .Range("C10").Resize(1, i - 1) = Y() 'Result-load Y in to C8
                'Indirect Activities processing resize
                Case nUseAllIND
                .Range("C11").Resize(1, i - 1) = Y() 'Result-load Y in to C8
                'Overheads processing resize
                Case nUseAllOVH
                .Range("C12").Resize(1, i - 1) = Y() 'Result-load Y in to C8
                'Projects processing resize
                Case nUseAllPRO
                .Range("C13").Resize(1, i - 1) = Y() 'Result-load Y in to C
            End Select
        End With
        End With
        End If
        Next rng
        Set dic = Nothing ' clear dic
    End Sub
    The code initially selects column B on the "All Data" sheet for unique values. The aim of this is to see whether the cell value matches a sheet name (already created), contained within the workbook. Then performs the following:
    • When a match is found, the code then moves onto the first 'Select Case' statement and works through looking for the various criteria in the 'Case' sub routines i.e. Case nUseAllDIR, Case nUseAllEH, Case nUseAllIND, Case nUseAllOVH and Case nUseAllPRO.
      NB. For information, a(i, 1) = ws.Name is column B, (a(i, 6), "Consultancy & Innovation") = 0 is column G and (a(i, 8), "TM - DIR") > 0 is column I all on the "All Data" sheet.
    • When these criteria are met the code then moves onto the following piece of code.
      If bColumnCIsConsultancyAndRequirements = True Then 'test if column C is "Consultancy & Requirements"
                      Mmonth = Trim(Format(a(i, 12), "mmm yy")) ' format the date in to mmm-yy
                      If Not .exists(Mmonth) Then 'If column C cells do not exist, load column E value in to dictionary using column C as item
                          .Item(Mmonth) = a(i, 14)
                          .Item(Mmonth) = .Item(Mmonth) + a(i, 14) 'If column C cells do exist, then add column E in to existing item
                      End If
                  End If
      Where it looks to see if firstly there is a value in column M on the [B]"All Data"[/B ]sheet, and where it does it then copies the associated value in column Q on the "All Data" sheet.
    • Finally when these values are copied, the code moves onto the second 'Select Case' statement and pastes the value into the relevant cell.

    This code works, but it is painfully slow, to the point it takes over an hour to extract, and I admit, that despite trying for over a week, I've not been able to make this any better.
    I just wondered whether someone may be able to look at this please and offers some guidance on how to amend this.
    I appreciate that this is a fairly lengthy and technical post, my apologies, but I thought it better to be as accurate with the process as possible. To help I've included a file here:[/URL]

    To launch the macro which extracts the data to the individual sheets please click the button, but as I say this process takes a long time.

    Now I did post this same question here: ansd although I was fortunate enough to receive a reply, unfortunately I still have the same issue.

    Many thanks and kind regards

  2. #2
    can you post some sample of desired results, for checking results, so as to remove the need to run existing code to get results

    your select case with multiple criteria would be slow, i am sure there would be much faster methods, specifically ADO, but i am unsure of how the results should be determined

  3. #3
    Banned VBAX Wizard
    Apr 2012
    I'd say :

    Sub M_snb()
       for j= 1 to 5
         for each it in Sheets("All Data").range("B8").currentregion
            If a(i, 1) = ws.Name And InStr(a(i, 6), "Consultancy & Innovation") = 0 And InStr(a(i, 8), choose(j,"TM - DIR",Enhancements","TM - ID", etc) > 0 Then
    end sub

  4. #4
    VBAX Tutor
    Oct 2012
    HI @snb, thank you for taking the time to come back to me with this.

    Forgive me for being a little stupid, but could you tell me pleas which part of the code you wish me to chnage?

    I've incorporated the code snippet you kindly provided where I thought it would be, but I receive a syntax error.

    Many thanks and kind regards


  5. #5
    VBAX Tutor
    Oct 2012
    Hi @westconn1, thank you very much for taking the time to reply to my post. I will amend the test file I originally sent and re-issue on my return home.

    Many thanks and kind regards


  6. #6
    VBAX Tutor
    Oct 2012
    Hi @westconn1 I hope you are well.

    As requested, please find a link to the file here: . I've run the code and created a new set of sheets which displays the relevant data and re-named them with a "1" at the end, so if you want to run the code from scratch, please click the 'Launch' button which will create a new set of sheets and extract the data, but it does take some time.

    Once again many thanks for taking the time to contact me.

    Kind Regards


  7. #7
    Banned VBAX Wizard
    Apr 2012
    My suggestion was only meant to indicate how you could reduce your code to a very simple one. It's not running code.
    Please post your sample workbook in this forum.
    If your file will be removed from dropbox this thread isn't hardly worth reading for anyone with the same kind of question.
    Consider this forum as a kind of 'Fundgrube' for 'generations to come'.

  8. #8
    VBAX Tutor
    Oct 2012
    Hi @snb, thank you for coming back to me with this, and my sincere apologies for the lack of thought for what, as you say, future generations.

    Please find a very cut down version of my test file. I have run the macro, creating the sheets and extracting the data. I have added a "1" to each sheet name which will then, if you wish allow you to run the macro for yourself.

    Many thanks and kind regards

    Attached Files Attached Files

  9. #9
    Banned VBAX Wizard
    Apr 2012
    I removed all ' 1' after the sheetnames
    If you change the 'enhancement' project names in column I i.e starting with 'enhancement..." we can reduce the code with one more line.

    The only code you need (making the progressbar redundant)
    Sub M_snb()
        sn = Sheets("all data").Cells(7, 2).CurrentRegion
        ReDim sp(5, 11)
        With CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
          For Each sh In Sheets
             If InStr("All DataLaunch Sheet", sh.Name) = 0 Then .Item(sh.Name) = sp
          For j = 2 To UBound(sn)
             st = .Item(sn(j, 1))
             x = InStr("DhIOc", Mid(sn(j, 8), 6, 1))
             If x = 0 Then x = 2
             y = (DatePart("m", sn(j, 12)) + 8) Mod 12
             st(x, y) = st(x, y) + sn(j, 16)
             .Item(sn(j, 1)) = st
          For Each it In .keys
            Sheets(it).Range("C8:N13") = .Item(it)
        End With
    End Sub

  10. #10
    VBAX Tutor
    Oct 2012
    Hi @snb, thank you for coming back to me with this and my sincere apologies for not replying sooner.

    I an confirm that the code works fine.

    All the best and kind regards


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