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Thread: A presentatin + VBA + message boxes: How to let music play without interruptions?

  1. #1

    A presentatin + VBA + message boxes: How to let music play without interruptions?

    I created a presentation containing a VBA code that counts correct/ incorrect answers.

    It works well. I added a background music. When I press one of the message boxes the music stops and continue after pressing OK. Is there a way to let the music play on while the message box appear?
    When the message box appear there's also a sound which I don't want to be heard.
    Thank you.

  2. #2
    VBAX Tutor
    Mar 2014
    You have sound associated with msgbox. And if your are running the sound in the app, then it WILL stop when the code hits msgbox.
    You must run the sound from an 'outside' app to be uninterupted.

  3. #3
    Hi ranman256.
    Thanks for your reply.

    How can I run a sound from an 'outside' app?
    I'm not familiar with that.


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