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Thread: Solved: converting text to mtext in autocad

  1. #1
    VBAX Regular
    May 2008

    Solved: converting text to mtext in autocad

    I have this code from some website that will convert text to mtext in autocad. The only problem with it is after it converts the text it places the text in weird locations on the drawing sometimes just a little lower sometimes it the middle of the drawing i need it to place the Mtext in the exact position of the old text. Any ideas? Thank you.

    Sub ad_ConvertText()
    Dim adEntity As AcadObject
    Dim adNewMText As AcadMText
    Dim adNewText As AcadText
    Dim basePnt As Variant
    Dim holdStr As String
    Dim adselected As Boolean
    Dim txtH As Variant
    'One of the things you will probably need to address is the Justification
    ' of the converted text entity. MText uses the AttachmentPoint property
    ' while Text uses the Alignment property. We demonstrate how to set this
    ' property, but it will be left to you to implement the conversion for
    ' the new entity.
    On Error Resume Next
    adselected = True
    Do While adselected = True
    Set adEntity = Nothing
    ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity adEntity, basePnt, "Pick MText Entity>> "
    holdStr = adEntity.textString
    txtH = adEntity.Height
    If adEntity.ObjectName = "AcDbMText" Then
    'This call is used to remove MText formatting from the string
    If InStr(holdStr, "\P") Then holdStr = replaceStr(holdStr, "\P", " ", False)
    Set adNewText = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText(holdStr, adEntity.insertionPoint, adEntity.Height)
    adNewText.Alignment = acAlignmentLeft
    ElseIf adEntity.ObjectName = "AcDbText" Then
    Set adNewMText = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddMText(adEntity.insertionPoint, Len(holdStr), holdStr)
    adNewMText.AttachmentPoint = acAttachmentPointTopLeft
    adNewMText.Height = txtH
    End If
    If adEntity Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    End Sub

  2. #2
    VBAX Wizard lucas's Avatar
    Jun 2004
    Tulsa, Oklahoma
    I can't get your code to work. You must have a function "replaceStr" because it falls down on it as undefined. There is a clue in the comments of your code though:
    MText uses the AttachmentPoint property
    ' while Text uses the Alignment property. We demonstrate how to set this
    ' property, but it will be left to you to implement the conversion for
    ' the new entity.
    What did you find when you looked the following up in help?
    [VBA]adNewMText.AttachmentPoint = acAttachmentPointTopLeft[/VBA]
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
    -Abraham Lincoln

  3. #3
    VBAX Regular
    May 2008
    Sorry that was only part of the code heres the rest I'm still trying to figure this out. Also I realized that this only works in model space and not in layout. If I click text in Layout it converts it and places it in model space. Most or all of our drawings are in layout. The idea is to convert all the text on a drawing to Mtext so I can run a second macro that exports our BOMs to an excel sheet and that that macro only exports Mtext which is why I need to convert the text. What a mess I hope someone can help me or else I have alot of work just converting text to Mtext ahead.
    Option Explicit

    Sub ad_ConvertText()
    Dim adEntity As AcadObject
    Dim adNewMText As AcadMText
    Dim adNewText As AcadText
    Dim basePnt As Variant
    Dim holdStr As String
    Dim adselected As Boolean
    'One of the things you will probably need to address is the Justification
    ' of the converted text entity. MText uses the AttachmentPoint property
    ' while Text uses the Alignment property. We demonstrate how to set this
    ' property, but it will be left to you to implement the conversion for
    ' the new entity.
    On Error Resume Next
    adselected = True
    Do While adselected = True
    Set adEntity = Nothing
    ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity adEntity, basePnt, "Pick Text or MText Entity>> "
    holdStr = adEntity.textString
    If adEntity.ObjectName = "AcDbMText" Then
    'This call is used to remove MText formatting from the string
    If InStr(holdStr, "\P") Then holdStr = replaceStr(holdStr, "\P", " ", False)
    Set adNewText = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText(holdStr, adEntity.insertionPoint, adEntity.height)
    adNewText.Alignment = acAlignmentLeft
    ElseIf adEntity.ObjectName = "AcDbText" Then
    Set adNewMText = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddMText(adEntity.insertionPoint, Len(holdStr), holdStr)
    adNewMText.AttachmentPoint = acAttachmentPointTopLeft
    End If
    If adEntity Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    End Sub

    Public Function replaceStr(ByVal searchStr As String, ByVal oldStr As String, ByVal newStr As String, _
    ByVal firstOnly As Boolean) As String
    'This is an older function taken from ad_FindReplace
    If searchStr = "" Then Exit Function
    If oldStr = "" Then Exit Function
    replaceStr = ""
    Dim i As Integer, oldStrLen As Integer, holdStr As String, StrLoc As Integer
    oldStrLen = Len(oldStr)
    StrLoc = InStr(searchStr, oldStr)
    While StrLoc > 0
    holdStr = holdStr & Left(searchStr, StrLoc - 1) & newStr
    searchStr = Mid(searchStr, StrLoc + oldStrLen)
    StrLoc = InStr(searchStr, oldStr)
    If firstOnly Then replaceStr = holdStr & searchStr: Exit Function
    replaceStr = holdStr & searchStr
    End Function


    EDIT: Adjusted code for line wrap Tommy
    Last edited by Tommy; 06-06-2008 at 04:02 AM. Reason: added more information

  4. #4
    VBAX Master Tommy's Avatar
    May 2004
    Houston, TX
    Hi KennyJ,

    This is why the text appears in Model Space

    This is some revised code. It adjust the mtext only (I got side-tracked). I am still working on the text justification..... It would help if you posted a drawing for a sample, zip it up first so you can post it.

    [vba]Sub ad_ConvertText()
    Dim adEntity As AcadObject
    Dim adNewMText As AcadMText
    Dim adNewText As AcadText
    Dim basePnt As Variant
    Dim holdStr As String
    Dim mNwStr() As String
    Dim mI As Integer
    Dim mPts() As Double
    Dim adselected As Boolean
    Dim txtH As Variant
    'One of the things you will probably need to address is the Justification
    ' of the converted text entity. MText uses the AttachmentPoint property
    ' while Text uses the Alignment property. We demonstrate how to set this
    ' property, but it will be left to you to implement the conversion for
    ' the new entity.
    On Error Resume Next
    adselected = True
    Do While adselected = True
    Set adEntity = Nothing
    ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity adEntity, basePnt, "Pick MText Entity>> "
    If Not adEntity Is Nothing Then
    holdStr = adEntity.TextString
    txtH = adEntity.Height
    If adEntity.ObjectName = "AcDbMText" Then
    'This call is used to remove MText formatting from the string
    'this is a new line character -- the results are not correct
    If InStr(holdStr, "\P") Then
    mNwStr = Split(holdStr, "\P")
    mPts = adEntity.InsertionPoint
    'this only works when the text rotation is 0
    'otherwise some serious math is involved
    For mI = 0 To UBound(mNwStr, 1)
    If adEntity.AttachmentPoint = acAttachmentPointTopLeft Then
    mPts(1) = mPts(1) - adEntity.Height
    adEntity.InsertionPoint = mPts
    Set adNewText = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText(mNwStr(mI), _
    adEntity.InsertionPoint, adEntity.Height)
    'MsgBox adEntity.AttachmentPoint
    Set adNewText = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText(mNwStr(mI), _
    adEntity.InsertionPoint, adEntity.Height)
    End If
    adNewText.Alignment = acAlignmentLeft
    mPts(1) = mPts(1) - ((adEntity.Height + adEntity.LineSpacingDistance) * mI)
    adEntity.InsertionPoint = mPts
    Set adNewText = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText(holdStr, adEntity.InsertionPoint, _
    adNewText.Alignment = acAlignmentLeft
    End If
    ElseIf adEntity.ObjectName = "AcDbText" Then
    Set adNewMText = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddMText(adEntity.InsertionPoint, _
    Len(holdStr), holdStr)
    adNewMText.AttachmentPoint = acAttachmentPointBottomLeft
    adNewMText.Height = txtH
    End If
    End If
    If adEntity Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    End Sub

  5. #5
    VBAX Master Tommy's Avatar
    May 2004
    Houston, TX
    I got this to work for text entities in 2007, the mtext was placed directly over the text entity selected.

    [VBA]Sub ad_ConvertText()
    Dim adEntity As AcadObject
    Dim adNewMText As AcadMText
    Dim adNewText As AcadText
    Dim basePnt As Variant
    Dim holdStr As String
    Dim mNwStr() As String
    Dim mI As Integer
    Dim mPts() As Double
    Dim SomNum As Double
    Dim adselected As Boolean
    Dim txtH As Variant
    'One of the things you will probably need to address is the Justification
    ' of the converted text entity. MText uses the AttachmentPoint property
    ' while Text uses the Alignment property. We demonstrate how to set this
    ' property, but it will be left to you to implement the conversion for
    ' the new entity.
    On Error Resume Next
    adselected = True
    Do While adselected = True
    Set adEntity = Nothing
    ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity adEntity, basePnt, "Pick MText Entity>> "
    If Not adEntity Is Nothing Then
    holdStr = adEntity.TextString
    txtH = adEntity.Height
    mPts = adEntity.InsertionPoint
    If adEntity.ObjectName = "AcDbMText" Then
    'This call is used to remove MText formatting from the string
    'this is a new line character -- the results are not correct
    If InStr(holdStr, "\P") Then
    mNwStr = Split(holdStr, "\P")
    mPts = adEntity.InsertionPoint
    'this only works when the text rotation is 0
    'otherwise some serious math is involved
    For mI = 0 To UBound(mNwStr, 1)
    If adEntity.AttachmentPoint = acAttachmentPointTopLeft Then
    mPts(1) = mPts(1) - adEntity.Height
    adEntity.InsertionPoint = mPts
    Set adNewText = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText(mNwStr(mI), _
    adEntity.InsertionPoint, adEntity.Height)
    'MsgBox adEntity.AttachmentPoint
    Set adNewText = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText(mNwStr(mI), _
    adEntity.InsertionPoint, adEntity.Height)
    End If
    adNewText.Alignment = acAlignmentLeft
    mPts(1) = mPts(1) - ((adEntity.Height + adEntity.LineSpacingDistance) * mI)
    adEntity.InsertionPoint = mPts
    Set adNewText = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText(holdStr, adEntity.InsertionPoint, _
    adNewText.Alignment = acAlignmentLeft
    End If
    ElseIf adEntity.ObjectName = "AcDbText" Then
    Set adNewMText = ThisDrawing.PaperSpace.AddMText(adEntity.InsertionPoint, _
    Len(holdStr), holdStr)
    adNewMText.AttachmentPoint = acAttachmentPointBottomLeft
    adNewMText.Height = txtH
    adNewMText.InsertionPoint = mPts
    'adNewMText.Layer = "NewMText"
    End If
    End If
    If adEntity Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    End Sub

  6. #6
    VBAX Regular
    May 2008
    I finally got this working the way I need it to thanks again for all the help.

  7. #7
    VBAX Master Tommy's Avatar
    May 2004
    Houston, TX
    Would you post the code you used?

  8. #8
    VBAX Regular
    May 2008
    This macro takes any single line text that you select and converts it to Mtext then moves it up .03 and only works in Paper Space.

    [VBA]Option Explicit

    Sub ad_ConvertText()
    Dim adEntity As AcadObject
    Dim adNewMText As AcadMText
    Dim adNewText As AcadText
    Dim basePnt As Variant
    Dim holdStr As String
    Dim adselected As Boolean
    Dim point1(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim point2(0 To 2) As Double

    On Error Resume Next
    adselected = True
    Do While adselected = True
    Set adEntity = Nothing
    ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity adEntity, basePnt, "Pick Text or MText Entity>> "
    holdStr = adEntity.textString

    If adEntity.ObjectName = "AcDbText" Then
    Set adNewMText = ThisDrawing.PaperSpace.AddMText(adEntity.insertionPoint, Len(holdStr), holdStr)
    adNewMText.AttachmentPoint = acAttachmentPointTopLeft

    point1(0) = 0: point1(1) = 0: point1(2) = 0:
    point2(0) = 0: point2(1) = 0.03: point2(2) = 0:

    adNewMText.Move point1, point2
    End If
    If adEntity Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    End Sub

  9. #9
    VBAX Newbie
    Jan 2015
    [QUOTE=KennyJ;148301]This macro takes any single line text that you select and converts it to Mtext then moves it up .03 and only works in Paper Space.

    Great work Kenny but...

    How exactly do I apply the slab of text to autocad so that indeed I can change single line text into multi line text. I understand readers of this thread are no doubt well versed in creating macros etc but sadly I am not. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

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