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Thread: Process All CSV Files In SubFolders

  1. #101
    Banned VBAX Wizard
    Apr 2012

    Hi Sam,

    Can you inform me about the difference of your last code compared to the code in ?

  2. #102
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

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  3. #103
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    @ snb,


    It has one more formula and is more verbose. That is why I credited all here. I was standing on your shoulders, propped up by many others.

    I am not clear yet on the difference in Precision/Accuracy between the Variant Type and the Decimal Type, but the reading I've done hints that the use of Decimal Types is preferred.

    On the three files available, use of the Variant Type gave the same results as when using Doubles.
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

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  4. #104
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    SamT --

    only converting to Decimal when placing the results on the sheet and without even that conversion and saw no difference.
    I would think that if all the internal calculations were done with 'low' precision Doubles, then converting that to 'higher' precision Decimal at the end would not show additional precision

    I'd kind of leaning towards thinking that the Log() function will only return Double level precision, so I doubt that using Decimals will offer any improvement

    As an aside, there is an add-in that allows up to 32760 digits to the right of the decimal point. I never needed that to balance my checkbook, but as an old retired math major, I found it interesting


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  5. #105
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    I'd kind of leaning towards thinking that the Log() function will only return Double level precision, so I doubt that using Decimals will offer any improvement
    My thoughts were that it made the Array values Decimal. It doesn't make much difference in the first calculation which is just adding the squares of the difference in two numbers, but in the second calculation, which is a chain of multiplications, it seems to rally help. Of course Maxximo told me in a PM that 3 in the 3rd is good enough for him.

    Like Richard Pryor in Superman, I want to balance my accounts to the hundred thousandths of a mil.
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

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  6. #106
    Banned VBAX Wizard
    Apr 2012
    Just for reflection's sake:

    Sub M_snb()
        c00 = "C:\TestFolder\"
        sn = Filter(Split(CreateObject("").exec("cmd /c Dir """ & c00 & "*.csv"" /b /s").stdout.readall, vbCrLf), ".")
        With CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
            For j = 0 To UBound(sn)
              sp = Filter(Split(.opentextfile(sn(j)).readall, vbCrLf), ",")
              For jj = 0 To UBound(sp)
                sp(jj) = Log(Split(sp(jj), ",")(5)) / Log(10)
                If j > 1 Then y = y + Abs(sp(jj - 1) - sp(jj - 2)) * Abs(sp(jj) - sn(jj - 1))
              sn(j) = [Pi() / 2] * y * (UBound(sp) + 1) / UBound(sn) * 10 ^ 4
        End With
        Sheet1.Cells(1).Resize(UBound(sn) + 1) = Application.Transpose(sn)
    End Sub

  7. #107
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    Since I lifted your Filter-Split in toto, why doesn't that version error out at the extra carriage return? sp(Ubound(sp)) was empty in my version.
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

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  8. #108
    Banned VBAX Wizard
    Apr 2012
    splittting by vbCrLf instead of by vbLf

  9. #109
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    I see. But you (and I) started out using vbCrLf. What happened?

     sp = Split(.opentextfile(sn(j)).readall, vbLf)
    Bad Dog! No biscuit for you.

    But I think I will keep that Empty-Index-Stripper loop. Ya never know what some User will do.
    Last edited by SamT; 06-22-2015 at 06:35 AM.
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

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  10. #110
    Banned VBAX Wizard
    Apr 2012

    Check whether all subfolders are taken into account with

    Sub M_snb()
        c00 = "G:\OF\"
        sn = Filter(Split(CreateObject("").exec("cmd /c Dir """ & c00 & "*.csv"" /b/s").stdout.readall, vbCrLf), ".")
        Cells(1).Resize(UBound(sn) + 1) = Application.Transpose(sn)
    End Sub
    On my system it works flawlessly

    If your pathname contains spaces SamT's code will let you down.
    Mine ( # 106) is more robust.


    Would 'option Explicit' have helped ? ()
    To - keep that Empty-Index-Stripper loop - is against any 'good coding practice'
    Last edited by snb; 06-22-2015 at 09:55 AM.

  11. #111
    VBAX Regular
    May 2015
    SamT - the accuracy has increased as I adjusted this line: .Columns(3) = ((Sum_Q * Pie * (NumRows / (NumRows - 1))) / 2)

    snb - it works now, the code was in Sheet1, I moved it to Module, thx

  12. #112
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    Added Sum of Column G to procedure

    Sub Precise_Subfolder_File_Processing()
    '16-Byte accuracy
    ' Thanks to all @
    Dim Filename As String
    Dim NameLength As Long
    Dim FileNames As Variant
    Dim FileLines As Variant
    Const F As Long = 5 'CSV field number counting from zero
    Const G As Long = 6  '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    Dim F_Array() As Variant
    Dim Sum_L As Variant
    Dim Q_Array() As Variant
    Dim Sum_Q As Variant
    Dim Sum_G As Long '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    Dim Pie As Double
    Pie = Application.WorksheetFunction.Pi() * 1
    Dim Fn As Long 'Fn = Index number for FileNames
    Dim CR As Long 'CR = FileLines Index number
    Dim NumRows As Long
    Const FolderPath As String = "C:\TestFolder\" 'include ending \
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False '<<<<<<<<<<<<<Added for speed. Comment out to watch process
       '''' Put all the file names in the path in Array
      FileNames = Filter(Split(CreateObject("").exec("cmd /c Dir " & _
        FolderPath & "*.csv /b /s").stdout.readall, vbCrLf), ".")
       '''' Open one file at a time
      With CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
        For Fn = 0 To UBound(FileNames)
    ''''Put all lines from one file in Arrays
          FileLines = Split(.opentextfile(FileNames(Fn)).readall, vbLf)
           'Compensate for extra vbLf's in FileLines
          Do While FileLines(UBound(FileLines)) = ""
             ReDim Preserve FileLines(UBound(FileLines) - 1)
          ReDim F_Array(UBound(FileLines))
          ReDim Q_Array(UBound(FileLines))
          NumRows = UBound(FileLines) + 1
          Sum_G = 0 '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
          Sum_L = 0
          Sum_Q = 0
    ''''Calcuate first result for one file
          For CR = 0 To UBound(FileLines)
             'Replace file line with Log of 6th value. Split(BlahBlah)(5)
            F_Array(CR) = Log(Split(FileLines(CR), ",")(F)) / Log(10#)
             'After the first line
            If CR > 0 Then
              Sum_L = Sum_L + ((F_Array(CR) - F_Array(CR - 1)) * 100) ^ 2
              Q_Array(CR) = Abs((F_Array(CR) - F_Array(CR - 1)) * 100)
              Sum_Q = Sum_Q + (Q_Array(CR) * Q_Array(CR - 1))
            End If
            Sum_G = Sum_G + Split(FileLines(CR), ",")(G) '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
          Next CR
    '''' Put results in sheet
         'Get FileName
          NameLength = Len(FileNames(Fn)) - InStrRev(FileNames(Fn), "\")
          Filename = Right(FileNames(Fn), NameLength)
           'Place result
          With Sheets("Sheet1").Rows(Fn + 1)
              .Columns(1) = Filename
              .Columns(2) = (Sum_L)
              .Columns(3) = ((Sum_Q * Pie * (NumRows / NumRows - 1))) / 2)
              .Columns(4) = NumRows
              .Columns(5) = Sum_G '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
          End With
        Next Fn 'Work on next File
      End With
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True '<<<< Reset to default
    End Sub
    Last edited by SamT; 06-23-2015 at 03:41 PM.
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

    Please take the time to read the Forum FAQ

  13. #113
    VBAX Regular
    May 2015
    If I run #112, it shows all zeros in column 3, however I took new lines (except the one added for speed) and put it into previous "fast" code and it works just fine

    Thx again and pls let me know about the bank....or I will have to send just the beers )

  14. #114
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    Here is one with only the new formulas in it. I only checked the results against the Table_abbv(3) sheet you sent. I left the filenames and the sum of Columne G in for your verification of the results. Either comment out those lines or run it on a blank sheet.
    Sub Fast_Subfolder_File_Processing()
    '8-Byte accuracy
    ' Thanks to all @
    Dim Filename As String
    Dim NameLength As Long
    Dim FileNames As Variant
    Dim FileLines As Variant
    Const F As Long = 5 'CSV field number counting from zero
    Const G As Long = 6
    Dim F_Array() As Double
    'Dim Sum_L As Double
    'Dim Q_Array() As Double
    'Dim Sum_Q As Double
    Dim G_Array() As Double
    Dim Sum_G As Double '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    Dim Sum_O As Double
    Dim Sum_P As Double
    Dim Temp_M As Double
    Dim Pie As Double
    Pie = Application.WorksheetFunction.Pi()
    Dim Fn As Long 'Fn = Index number for FileNames
    Dim CR As Long 'CR = FileLines Index number
    Dim NumRows As Long
    Const FolderPath As String = "C:\TestFolder\" 'include ending \
       '''' Put all the file names in the path in Array
      FileNames = Filter(Split(CreateObject("").exec("cmd /c Dir " & _
        FolderPath & "*.csv /b /s").stdout.readall, vbCrLf), ".")
       '''' Open one file at a time
      With CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
        For Fn = 0 To UBound(FileNames)
    ''''Put all lines from one file in Arrays
          FileLines = Split(.opentextfile(FileNames(Fn)).readall, vbLf)
           'Compensate for extra vbLf's in FileLines
          Do While FileLines(UBound(FileLines)) = ""
             ReDim Preserve FileLines(UBound(FileLines) - 1)
          ReDim F_Array(UBound(FileLines))
          ReDim Q_Array(UBound(FileLines))
          ReDim G_Array(UBound(FileLines))
          NumRows = UBound(FileLines) + 1
          'Sum_L = 0
          'Sum_Q = 0
          Sum_G = 0
          Sum_O = 0
          Sum_P = 0 '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    ''''Calcuate first result for one file
          For CR = 0 To UBound(FileLines)
             'Replace file line with Log of 6th value. Split(BlahBlah)(5)
            F_Array(CR) = Log(Split(FileLines(CR), ",")(F)) / Log(10#)
            G_Array(CR) = Split(FileLines(CR), ",")(G)
             'After the first line
            If CR > 0 Then
              If F_Array(CR) - F_Array(CR - 1) <> 0 Then
              Temp_M = 100 * Abs(F_Array(CR) - F_Array(CR - 1))
              Sum_O = Sum_O + Temp_M / G_Array(CR)
              Sum_P = Sum_P + G_Array(CR) / Temp_M
              End If
            End If
            Sum_G = Sum_G + G_Array(CR)
          Next CR
    '''' Put results in sheet
         'Get FileName
          NameLength = Len(FileNames(Fn)) - InStrRev(FileNames(Fn), "\")
          Filename = Right(FileNames(Fn), NameLength)
           'Place result
          With Sheets("Sheet1").Rows(Fn + 1)
              .Columns(1) = Filename
              '.Columns(2) = Sum_L 'Column B
              '.Columns(3) = (Sum_Q * Pie * (94 / (94 - 1))) / 2
              '.Columns(4) = NumRows
              '.Columns(5) = Sum_G
              .Columns(6) = Sum_O '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
              .Columns(7) = Sum_P
          End With
        Next Fn 'Work on next File
      End With
    End Sub
    Don't send money, mail me a thank you letter, On letterhead paper if appropriate.
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  15. #115
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    Here are the result I got on three files

    table_aapl.csv 20887611 0.00061 1362412839
    table_abbv.csv 13768906 0.006232 295734939.5
    table_abt.csv 20283788 0.002766 3467549458
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

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  16. #116
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    Sub Get_Convar()
         '16-Byte accuracy
         ' Thanks to all @
        Dim Filename As String
        Dim NameLength As Long
        Dim FileNames As Variant
        Dim FileLines As Variant
        Const F As Long = 5 'CSV field number counting from zero
        Dim F_Array() As Variant
        Dim Param_1() As Variant
        Dim Param_2() As Variant
        Dim Fn As Long 'Fn = Index number for FileNames
        Dim CR As Long 'CR = FileLines Index number
        Const FolderPath As String = "C:\TestFolder\" 'include ending \
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False '<<<<<<<<<<<<<Added for speed. Comment out to watch process
         '''' Put all the file names in the path in Array
        FileNames = Filter(Split(CreateObject("").exec("cmd /c Dir " & _
        FolderPath & "*.csv /b /s").stdout.readall, vbCrLf), ".")
         '''' Open one file at a time
        With CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
            For Fn = 0 To UBound(FileNames)
                 ''''Put all lines from one file in Arrays
                FileLines = Split(.opentextfile(FileNames(Fn)).readall, vbLf)
                 'Compensate for extra vbLf's in FileLines
                Do While FileLines(UBound(FileLines)) = ""
                    ReDim Preserve FileLines(UBound(FileLines) - 1)
                ReDim F_Array(UBound(FileLines))
                ReDim Param_1(UBound(FileLines) - 2)
                ReDim Param_2(UBound(FileLines) - 2)
                For CR = 0 To UBound(FileLines)
                     'Replace file line with Log of 6th value. Split(BlahBlah)(5)
                    F_Array(CR) = Log(Split(FileLines(CR), ",")(F)) / Log(10#)
                     'After the first line
                    If CR > 0 And CR < UBound(FileLines) Then _
                        Param_1(CR - 1) = (F_Array(CR) - F_Array(CR - 1)) * 100
                    If CR > 1 Then _
                      Param_2(CR - 1) = (F_Array(CR) - F_Array(CR - 1)) * 100
                Next CR
                 '''' Put results in sheet
                 'Get FileName
                NameLength = Len(FileNames(Fn)) - InStrRev(FileNames(Fn), "\")
                Filename = Right(FileNames(Fn), NameLength)
                 'Place result
                With Sheets("Sheet1").Rows(Fn + 1)
                    .Columns(1) = Filename
                    '.Columns(2) = (Sum_L)
                    '.Columns(3) = ((Sum_Q * Pie * (NumRows / NumRows - 1))) / 2)
                    '.Columns(4) = NumRows
                    '.Columns(5) = Sum_G '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
                    .Columns(8) = WorkdheetFunction(Covar(Param_1, Param_2))
                End With
            Next Fn 'Work on next File
        End With
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True '<<<< Reset to default
    End Sub
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

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  17. #117
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    Hi Sam, thanks, just that there is a compile error: Sub or Function not defined (Covar). Could it be idk e.g. that you have a different version of Office? I have 2013.
    Because I know that in previous Excels covar was a valid function, but in Excel 2013 covariance.p is its replacement (eventhough in Excel 2013 covar still works, but idk whether it is the same with VBA)
    Then replace Covar with covariance.p. I can only use what you give me.
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

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  18. #118
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    WorksheetFunction.Covar(Param_1, Param_2)
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  19. #119
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    This works

    Param_2(CR - 2) = (F_Array(CR) - F_Array(CR - 1)) * 100
    .Columns(8) = WorksheetFunction.Covar(Param_1, Param_2)
    table_aapl1.csv -5.15158E-05
    table_abbv.csv -0.002501356
    table_abt.csv -0.000789329
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

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