Are you saying that in the line
Const strRoot As String = "\\Servername\Private\Projects\Drawings\customer\"
customer is the name of the customer?

Actually Private\ is from my network path and shouldn't be in the string, which explains why the function doesn't work .

Your last version shows the root as "\\NEWBENSON\Projects\drawings\" There is no reference to 'customer'

In your message you indicated Our folder structure is like this "\\Servername\Projects\Drawings\customer\P1234 Liverpool Street Station"

\\NEWBENSON\Projects\drawings\customer name\P1234 Liverpool Street Station"
and that you want to add the folders
\\NEWBENSON\Projects\drawings\customer name\Correspondence\Sent"
\\NEWBENSON\Projects\drawings\customer name\Correspondence\Received"

In that case what's the relevance of the P1234? Is P1234 a unique ID that will identify the 'customer name' from minimal input? That is certainly possible with a modification to the GetPath.

Where is the workbook location relative to the path? Is it in the folder
\\NEWBENSON\Projects\drawings\customer name\
and it is that folder you now wish to locate or do you just want to identify the customer name (or both)?