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Thread: Get a Cell into a Standard Format depending on its Contents - UDF/Formula Only

  1. #1
    VBAX Regular
    Apr 2017

    Get a Cell into a Standard Format depending on its Contents - UDF/Formula Only

    Hi Guys Good Morning from Sri Lanka,

    I want a favor with regards to getting a Cell formatted to a standard Cell.

    What I have:

    A1=Green Hoodie: 5
    A2=Green Hoodie: 10 Black Hoodie: -
    A3=White Hoodie: 4

    What I Need:

    B1=Green Hoodie: 5 Black Hoodie: N/A White Hoodie: N/A
    B2=Green Hoodie: 10 Black Hoodie: N/A White Hoodie: N/A
    B3=Green Hoodie: N/A Black Hoodie: N/A White Hoodie: 4

    At times we get the Number along with the words like Pieces, or pcs...but that's completely Fine. Therefore when you make the UDF/formuala please regard the number string which appear here irrelevant as a Text or Numeric

    A1=Green Hoodie: 5pcs
    A1=Green Hoodie: 5Nos

    Thank you...

  2. #2
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    Try this

    Option Explicit
    'very similar to
    Function BreakOut3(s As String) As String
        Dim v As Variant, v1 As Variant
        Dim i As Long, n As Long
        Dim s1 As String, s2 As String
        Dim aOut(1 To 3, 1 To 2) As String
        aOut(1, 1) = "Green"
        aOut(2, 1) = "Black"
        aOut(3, 1) = "White"
        aOut(1, 2) = "N/A"
        aOut(2, 2) = "N/A"
        aOut(3, 2) = "N/A"
        s1 = s
        s1 = Replace(s1, " Hoodie", vbNullString)
        s1 = Replace(s1, " Green", Chr(1) & "Green")
        s1 = Replace(s1, " Black", Chr(1) & "Black")
        s1 = Replace(s1, " White", Chr(1) & "White")
        v = Split(s1, Chr(1))
        For i = LBound(v) To UBound(v)
            v1 = Split(v(i), ":")
            Select Case v1(0)
                Case "Green": n = 1
                Case "Black": n = 2
                Case "White": n = 3
            End Select
            If IsNumeric(v1(1)) Then
                aOut(n, 2) = v1(1)
                Do While Len(v1(1)) > 0 And Not IsNumeric(v1(1))
                    v1(1) = Left(v1(1), Len(v1(1)) - 1)
                If Len(v1(1)) > 0 Then
                    aOut(n, 2) = v1(1)
                End If
            End If
        Next i
        s1 = vbNullString
        For i = LBound(aOut, 1) To UBound(aOut, 1)
            s1 = s1 & aOut(i, 1) & " Hoodie: " & aOut(i, 2) & IIf(i < UBound(aOut, 1), " ", vbNullString)
        Next i
        BreakOut3 = s1
    End Function
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  3. #3
    VBAX Regular
    Apr 2017
    Yes Brother, requirement change depending on our customer and what we have to do with their Data, its hard to over see some expectations of them...

    Thanks a lot for your support...

    Just asking as the UDF looks massive, will this not slow down the Excel, due to the amount of coding?

  4. #4
    VBAX Regular
    Apr 2017
    ...and another problem is I do not Know VBA,

    Specially from BreakOut1&2 I could have never come up with this to code...

    Thank you again and again for your kind support...

  5. #5
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by New_Here View Post
    Just asking as the UDF looks massive, will this not slow down the Excel, due to the amount of coding?
    In general, the number of VBA lines does not affect performance nearly as much as things such as For/Next loops and the necessity to handle special cases such as "pcs" and "Nos"


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  6. #6
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by New_Here View Post
    ...and another problem is I do not Know VBA,
    If you have a little programming experience, VBA is not that hard to become familiar with. I'm still impressed by many of the real VBA pros and experts that visit here

    Read through a macro and hit F1 to get the help on any unfamiliar terms, but many times you can make a fairly good guess

    For example, "Replace" replaces something, "Split" splits something, etc.


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  7. #7
    VBAX Regular
    Apr 2017
    While Thanking you again...

    I have a small request but a bit big in Size... you see my records always vary along these lines...which means its always a little bit of adjustment here and there...

    Is there a possibility not to hard code the below features to the Macro itself, but in Cells..

    1. Lets say in some data I might have 3 sets of info Remember the Breakout 1 : Phone Fax and Mobile
    2. Some data I might have 2 sets of info Remember the Breakout 2 : Name and Designation
    3. The Trilogy is connecting the both lol, you directed Breakout 3 : Hoodies...
    4. Number of cells I will have to highlight always equals to : sets of data by 2, ex: 1. 6, ex: 2. 4, and this ex: a 6 again...
    5. Do you think you can manage to Direct Part 4 by doing something like this will say we make the Macro look into A1, B1, C1, D1, E1...If data available in any, the Data will be the Headers (A1:Phone B1:Fax C1:Mobile) etc...the rest completely depend on the number of headings and if no data is available with or without the header, make the header appear with "N/A"...

    6. Do you think this is asking too much? Because in all 3 instances you managed to crack the case...
    7. Then I can number the Function like Breakout - 1,2,3,4 and leave the rest for the Macro to do... (Then when there are 2 similar scenarios in One Sheet I can change a New Breakout Number with A2, B2, C2, D2, E2....etc...

    Thank you again... Sorry for all the Trouble I have given you... Trust me I have been for past few weeks now...

  8. #8
    VBAX Regular
    Apr 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Paul_Hossler View Post
    Read through a macro and hit F1 to get the help on any unfamiliar terms, but many times you can make a fairly good guess

    For example, "Replace" replaces something, "Split" splits something, etc.
    You know bro, I opened up your VBA and tried to figure out the result area and hoping it will work, tried adding N/A and stuff ...only to realize it was debugging and excel started to Freeze... I was in a mess... lol...then you just coded this massive macro... I feel sorry for myself...

  9. #9
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    Actually, I sort of expected it

    Try this in the attachment

    The WS Data col A is a list of words to be deleted (like pcs and Nos) is you want

    The other columns are the list of key words. The UDF will take the input string, get any data associated with any keywords and construct the output string


    Option Explicit
    Sub drv()
        MsgBox BreakOutAll("Green Hoodie: 10 Black Hoodie: -", Worksheets("Data").Columns(2), Worksheets("Data").Columns(1))
        MsgBox BreakOutAll("Green Hoodie: 10pcs Black Hoodie: -", Worksheets("Data").Columns(2), Worksheets("Data").Columns(1))
        MsgBox BreakOutAll("Phone: 51-83-9498756, 5583772359 Fax: 61-88-4932516", Worksheets("Data").Columns(3))
        MsgBox BreakOutAll("Phone: 51-6785239556 Fax: 31-13-45225335 Mobile: -", Worksheets("Data").Columns(3))
        MsgBox BreakOutAll("Contact Person: James Anderson Designation: Proprietor", Worksheets("Data").Columns(4))
        MsgBox BreakOutAll("Contact Person: Gordan, David Designation: Seller Things", Worksheets("Data").Columns(4))
        MsgBox BreakOutAll("Contact Person: David Cameron Miller Designation: Vice President", Worksheets("Data").Columns(4))
    End Sub
    Function BreakOutAll(s As String, KeyWords As Range, Optional Exceptions As Range = Nothing) As String
        Dim i As Long, nStart As Long, j As Long
        Dim s1 As String, s2 As String
        Dim aOut() As String
        Dim r1 As Range, x1 As Range
        Dim v As Variant, v1 As Variant
        Set r1 = KeyWords.Columns(1)
        Set r1 = r1.Cells(1, 1)
        Set r1 = Range(r1, r1.End(xlDown))
        If Exceptions Is Nothing Then
            Set x1 = Nothing
            Set x1 = Exceptions.Columns(1)
            Set x1 = x1.Cells(1, 1)
            Set x1 = Range(x1, x1.End(xlDown))
            If x1.Rows.Count = x1.Parent.Rows.Count Then Set x1 = Nothing
        End If
        ReDim aOut(1 To r1.Rows.Count, 1 To 2)
        'store key words, replacing space with chr(3)
        For i = LBound(aOut, 1) To UBound(aOut, 1)
            aOut(i, 1) = r1.Cells(i, 1).Value
            aOut(i, 1) = Replace(aOut(i, 1), " ", Chr(3))
            aOut(i, 2) = "N/A"
        Next I
        'get rid of multiple spaces
        s1 = s
        Do While InStr(s1, "  ") > 0
            s1 = Replace(s1, "  ", " ")
            s1 = Trim(s1)
        'handle multiple data in single keyword (e.g. Phone: 999888777, 111222333) to keep together
        s1 = Replace(s1, ", ", Chr(1))
        'go through list of all possible keywords and put Chr(2) in front if space
        For i = LBound(aOut, 1) To UBound(aOut, 1)
            nStart = InStr(s1, " " & aOut(i, 1))
            'if keyword is there, ...
            If nStart > 0 Then
                Mid(s1, nStart, 1) = Chr(2)
            End If
        Next I
        'make " " = Chr(3)
        s1 = Replace(s1, " ", Chr(3))
        'Original  where a _ represents a space
        'Replaced where  1=comma+space, 2=space+keyfield, 3=space
        '          1         2         3         4         5
        v = Split(s1, Chr(2))
        For j = LBound(v) To UBound(v)
            v1 = Split(v(j), ":" & Chr(3))
            'go through list of all possible keywords
            For i = LBound(aOut, 1) To UBound(aOut, 1)
                If UCase(aOut(i, 1)) = UCase(v1(0)) Then
                    aOut(i, 2) = v1(1)
                    'if it's a dash, make N/A again
                    If aOut(i, 2) = "-" Then aOut(i, 2) = "N/A"
                End If
            Next I
        Next j
        'if ther are Exceptions, replace exception list in all data
        If Not x1 Is Nothing Then
            For i = LBound(aOut, 1) To UBound(aOut, 1)
                If aOut(i, 2) <> "N/A" Then
                    If Not IsNumeric(aOut(i, 2)) Then
                        For j = 1 To x1.Rows.Count
                            aOut(i, 2) = Replace(aOut(i, 2), x1.Cells(i, 1), vbNullString, 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
                        Next j
                    End If
                End If
            Next I
        End If
        'fix strings by removing markers
        For i = LBound(aOut, 1) To UBound(aOut, 1)
            aOut(i, 1) = Replace(aOut(i, 1), Chr(3), " ")
            aOut(i, 1) = Replace(aOut(i, 1), Chr(1), ", ")
            aOut(i, 2) = Replace(aOut(i, 2), Chr(3), " ")
            aOut(i, 2) = Replace(aOut(i, 2), Chr(1), ", ")
        Next i
        'build the string
        s1 = vbNullString
        For i = LBound(aOut, 1) To UBound(aOut, 1)
            s1 = s1 & aOut(i, 1) & ": " & aOut(i, 2) & IIf(i < UBound(aOut, 1), " ", vbNullString)
        Next I
        'put back the ", "
        BreakOutAll = Trim(Replace(s1, Chr(1), ", "))
    End Function
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