Hey OBP, I am having an issue with importing a the second file (same data structure as the first). I moved the keyfield to after rst2 but it actually crashes in the first rst. I have tried a few different things but I receive Run-Time error 3265: Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to name or ordinal. I've checked to make sure all field names in the file are also in the tables I am importing and do not see an issue. I will look again because the run-time error is usually because of omissions like that. If it is meaning something else, please inform me. Here's the code I have so you can see if I have something wrong. I appreciate any input.

With rst 'process first table
For i = 1 To 200
.Fields(i) = fieldstring(i)
fieldstring(i) = ""
Next i
End With

With rst2 'process second table
For i = 1 To maxfields - 200
.Fields(i) = fieldstring(i + 200)
fieldstring(i + 200) = ""
Next i
End With

With rst
.Fields(200) = keyfield 'set primary key in tblImport2
End With
End If
If reccount > 0 Then
x = x + 1
If xchar = Chr(34) Then
If first = 0 Then
first = 1
first = 0
End If
End If

If first = 1 Then
fieldstring(fieldcount) = fieldstring(fieldcount) & xchar
If xchar <> "," Then fieldstring(fieldcount) = fieldstring(fieldcount) & xchar
If xchar = "," And first = 0 Then
fieldcount = fieldcount + 1
If fieldcount = 84 Then keyfield = fieldstring(83)

End If
End If
End If
maxfields = fieldcount
End If