is that the 3 seconds gap in previous data as the minute ticked over appears to be a one off.
I ignored it since I considered that some other program was running on that computer at the same time. Loading a Program is a CPU and RAM intensive time

@ CPerry

otl said:
can you change this one letter:

Private Sub SaveRecording()
Worksheets.Add Before:=Sheets("Bet Angel")
ActiveSheet.Range("A1:C" & CStr(RecordingLength)) = Recording
End Sub
If you would modify that code even farther, you can create a set of Real World Data that we will need for testing the entire Helper App.

It does not need, (Or want,) any time stamp. It does need all Data columns, two rows, for one Horse/Brand. This snippet should help
Static DataTable As Range
Set DataTable = Range("C45:L46") 

Dim Recording(1 To RecordingLength) As Variant

If Target.Cells(1).Address <> "$B$45" Then Exit Sub 'B45 from the BA timing logs you made

Recording(i) = DataTable.Value
Post the code when it works. I think we will use a version of it in the Helper App. What Changes do you think need to be made to this code to make it output all the info you want the Helper App to have?