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Thread: Solved: Splitting all addresses in a formula

  1. #21
    Distinguished Lord of VBAX VBAX Grand Master Bob Phillips's Avatar
    Apr 2005
    I haven't been following this thread in detail, or know what Mikle has given you, but have you looked at the DirectPrecedents/Dependents properties of the Range object?
    Nihil simul inventum est et perfectum

    Abusus non tollit usum

    Last night I dreamed of a small consolation enjoyed only by the blind: Nobody knows the trouble I've not seen!
    James Thurber

  2. #22
    VBAX Expert
    Dec 2007
    Hi Bob,

    Thanks for your reply.

    If possible could you have alook at post #18. I wrote out a strategy in there that I would like to take to attack the problem. I would appreciate your insights.

    I'm sorry if I'm verbose with my posts. I just like to be thorough so that other keen learners can follow in detail as well, and I fully explain myself.

    I know that the long posts can be offputting at times.

    Mike has given me some great methods. He has somewhat reverse engineered the trace precedents in audit toolbar. It alsmost works, except if the external link is closed, his method does not capture any links at all. We discussed this in an earlier post.

  3. #23
    VBAX Expert
    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by xld
    I haven't been following this thread in detail, or know what Mikle has given you, but have you looked at the DirectPrecedents/Dependents properties of the Range object?
    Thanks! Just tried the following:

    [VBA]Sub test()

    Dim cel As Range


    For Each cel In Selection

    Debug.Print cel.Address


    End Sub

    and it printed out the internal links only in the activesheet. Good start, but still require the following:

    • An external link of a closed workbook
    • An external link of an already open workbook
    • An internal link in a different worksheet in the same workbook
    Any ideas how to acquire these without straight out RegExp parsing?


  4. #24
    VBAX Expert
    Dec 2007
    Ok, some more good news.

    Searched more for precedents and found the following code by Andy Pope of Ozgrid (and VBAX ).

    The link for this code is:

    And the code, pasted from this link is:

    [vba]Sub FindPrecedents()
    ' written by Bill Manville
    ' With edits from PaulS
    ' this procedure finds the cells which are the direct precedents of the active cell
    Dim rLast As Range, iLinkNum As Integer, iArrowNum As Integer
    Dim stMsg As String
    Dim bNewArrow As Boolean
    Application. ScreenUpdating = False
    Set rLast = ActiveCell
    iArrowNum = 1
    iLinkNum = 1
    bNewArrow = True
    Application.Goto rLast
    On Error Resume Next
    ActiveCell.NavigateArrow TowardPrecedent:=True, ArrowNumber:=iArrowNum, LinkNumber:=iLinkNum
    If Err.Number > 0 Then Exit Do
    On Error Goto 0
    If rLast.Address(external:=True) = ActiveCell.Address(external:=True) Then Exit Do
    bNewArrow = False
    If rLast.Worksheet.Parent.Name = ActiveCell.Worksheet.Parent.Name Then
    If rLast.Worksheet.Name = ActiveCell.Parent.Name Then
    ' local
    stMsg = stMsg & vbNewLine & Selection.Address
    stMsg = stMsg & vbNewLine & "'" & Selection.Parent.Name & "'!" & Selection.Address
    End If
    ' external
    stMsg = stMsg & vbNewLine & Selection.Address(external:=True)
    End If
    iLinkNum = iLinkNum + 1 ' try another link
    If bNewArrow Then Exit Do
    iLinkNum = 1
    bNewArrow = True
    iArrowNum = iArrowNum + 1 'try another arrow
    Application.Goto rLast
    MsgBox "Precedents are" & stMsg
    Exit Sub
    End Sub [/vba]
    This finds
    • An external link of an already open workbook
    • An internal link in a different worksheet in the same workbook
    • An internal link in a different worksheet in the same workbook
    The only thing remaining is:
    • An external link of a closed workbook, is this possible?
    Any VBgurus, this is the final piece of the puzzle, could anyone please help to solve it.


  5. #25
    VBAX Expert
    Dec 2007
    Ok, haven;t given up on this problem, though have not progressed as well as I would have liked.

    Here is the code that I am using ("Test" is the man macro I run which calls the two subsequent macros) at the moment:

    [vba]Option Explicit

    Sub Test()

    Call Find_Internal_Links_in_Activesheet_only

    Call Find_External_Links_in_CLOSED_Workbooks_references_only

    End Sub

    Sub Find_Internal_Links_in_Activesheet_only()

    Dim cel As Range


    For Each cel In Selection

    MsgBox cel.Address


    Call test_find_external_links

    End Sub

    Sub Find_External_Links_in_CLOSED_Workbooks_references_only()

    Dim cel_formula_text As String, ext_link As String
    Dim cel_formula_length As Double, charac_position As Double
    Dim startlink_ind As Boolean, letter As String

    cel_formula_text = Selection.Formula
    cel_formula_length = Len(cel_formula_text)
    startlink_ind = False
    ext_link = ""

    For charac_position = 1 To cel_formula_length Step 1
    letter = Mid(cel_formula_text, charac_position, 1)
    If startlink_ind Then
    ext_link = ext_link & letter
    End If

    'picks up the ext_link using the "'" value
    If letter = "'" And Not startlink_ind Then
    startlink_ind = True
    ext_link = "'"
    ElseIf letter = "'" And startlink_ind Then
    While (charac_position <= cel_formula_length) And (("A" <= letter And letter <= "Z") Or ("a" <= letter And letter <= "z") Or ("0" <= letter And letter <= "9") Or letter = "!" Or letter = "$" Or letter = "'" Or letter = ":")
    ext_link = ext_link & letter

    charac_position = charac_position + 1
    letter = Mid(cel_formula_text, charac_position, 1)

    MsgBox ext_link
    startlink_ind = False

    End If
    Next charac_position

    End Sub[/vba]
    So the Macro named "Find_Internal_Links_in_Activesheet_only" finds links in the activeworksheet of the activecell.


    the macro named "Find_External_Links_in_CLOSED_Workbooks_references_only" finds links to CLOSED external workbook references.

    I haven't been able to fault the macros in finding the specified types of links.

    The only 2 types of links that aren't found with the above macros are:
    • An external link of an already open workbook
    • An internal link in a different worksheet in the same workbook
    I had thought that the code in the previous post found these, but als, it fails when there are closed workbooks in the activecell i.e. displays nothing in the Msgbox output.

    Ok, so mike, Bob, could you please help to amend the above code to help isolate out the 2 types of links required.

    I have tried hard but am not getting anywhere.

    Any help appreciated.


  6. #26
    Mac Moderator VBAX Guru mikerickson's Avatar
    May 2007
    Davis CA
    Have you considered the path of using regular expressions to find cell references by the form of a formula.
    1) Develop the rules needed to determine if a formula is well formed (eg. if "=A" and "=B" are well formed formulas, then "=A+B", "=A-B", "=A*B" and "=A/B" are also wff's)
    2) Work backwards from those rules to determine the "atomic" portions of a specific formula.
    3) Determine which of those are cell references (vs. constants).

  7. #27
    VBAX Expert brettdj's Avatar
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by mikerickson
    Have you considered the path of using regular expressions to find cell references by the form of a formula.
    1) Develop the rules needed to determine if a formula is well formed (eg. if "=A" and "=B" are well formed formulas, then "=A+B", "=A-B", "=A*B" and "=A/B" are also wff's)
    2) Work backwards from those rules to determine the "atomic" portions of a specific formula.
    3) Determine which of those are cell references (vs. constants).
    see my earlier post on this.



  8. #28
    Distinguished Lord of VBAX VBAX Grand Master Bob Phillips's Avatar
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by brettdj
    see my earlier post on this.


    Dave, can you check your PMs, Bob
    Nihil simul inventum est et perfectum

    Abusus non tollit usum

    Last night I dreamed of a small consolation enjoyed only by the blind: Nobody knows the trouble I've not seen!
    James Thurber

  9. #29
    Mac Moderator VBAX Guru mikerickson's Avatar
    May 2007
    Davis CA
    I think this will do it. The sub RunMe will return the addresses of all precedents of the ActiveCell.

    Open or closed workbook, named ranges are also returned.
    After FindCellPrecedents is run, the collections are filled with addresses of all the cell's precedents.
    The OtherWbRefs are in order that they appear in the formula. It also includes the precedents that are in closed workbooks.
    SameWbOtherSheetRefs is also in order of the formula.

    Someone with a scripting dictionary might want to change the coding in NextClosedWbRefStr.

    I think this will do what you want.
    [VBA]Option Explicit
    Public OtherWbRefs As Collection
    Public ClosedWbRefs As Collection
    Public SameWbOtherSheetRefs As Collection
    Public SameWbSameSheetRefs As Collection
    Public CountOfClosedWb As Long
    Dim headerString As String

    Sub RunMe()
    Call FindCellPrecedents(ActiveCell)
    End Sub

    Sub FindCellPrecedents(homeCell As Range)
    Dim i As Long, j As Long, pointer As Long
    Dim maxReferences As Long
    Dim outStr As String
    Dim userInput As Long

    If homeCell.HasFormula Then
    Set OtherWbRefs = New Collection: CountOfClosedWb = 0
    Set SameWbOtherSheetRefs = New Collection
    Set SameWbSameSheetRefs = New Collection

    Rem find closed precedents from formula string
    Call FindClosedWbReferences(homeCell)

    Rem find open precedents from navigate arrows
    headerString = "in re: the formula in " & homeCell.Address(, , , True)
    maxReferences = Int(Len(homeCell.Formula) / 3) + 1
    On Error GoTo LoopOut:
    For j = 1 To maxReferences
    homeCell.NavigateArrow True, 1, j
    If ActiveCell.Address(, , , True) = homeCell.Address(, , , True) Then
    Rem closedRef
    Call CategorizeReference("<ClosedBook>", homeCell)
    Call CategorizeReference(ActiveCell, homeCell)
    End If
    Next j

    On Error GoTo 0
    For j = 2 To maxReferences
    homeCell.NavigateArrow True, j, 1
    If ActiveCell.Address(, , , True) = homeCell.Address(, , , True) Then Exit For
    Call CategorizeReference(ActiveCell, homeCell)
    Next j

    Rem integrate ClosedWbRefs (from parsing) with OtherWbRefs (from navigation)
    If ClosedWbRefs.Count <> CountOfClosedWb Then
    If ClosedWbRefs.Count = 0 Then
    MsgBox homeCell.Address(, , , True) & " contains a formula with no precedents."
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "string-" & ClosedWbRefs.Count & ":nav " & CountOfClosedWb
    MsgBox "Methods find different # of closed precedents."
    End If
    End If

    pointer = 1
    For j = 1 To OtherWbRefs.Count
    If OtherWbRefs(j) Like "<*" Then
    OtherWbRefs.Add Item:=ClosedWbRefs(pointer), key:="closed" & CStr(pointer), after:=j
    pointer = pointer + 1
    OtherWbRefs.Remove j
    End If
    Next j

    Rem present findings
    outStr = homeCell.Address(, , , True) & " contains a formula with:"
    outStr = outStr & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & CountOfClosedWb & " precedents in closed workbooks."
    outStr = outStr & vbCr & (OtherWbRefs.Count - CountOfClosedWb) & " precedents in other workbooks that are open."
    outStr = outStr & vbCr & SameWbOtherSheetRefs.Count & " precedents on other sheets in the same workbook."
    outStr = outStr & vbCr & SameWbSameSheetRefs.Count & " precedents on the same sheet."
    outStr = outStr & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "YES - See details about Other Books."
    outStr = outStr & vbCr & "NO - See details about The Active Book."
    userInput = MsgBox(prompt:=outStr, Title:=headerString, Buttons:=vbYesNoCancel + vbDefaultButton3)
    Select Case userInput
    Case Is = vbYes
    MsgBox prompt:=OtherWbDetail(), Title:=headerString, Buttons:=vbOKOnly
    Case Is = vbNo
    MsgBox prompt:=SameWbDetail(), Title:=headerString, Buttons:=vbOKOnly
    End Select
    Loop Until userInput = vbCancel
    MsgBox homeCell.Address(, , , True) & vbCr & " does not contain a formula."
    End If
    End Sub

    Sub CategorizeReference(Reference As Variant, Home As Range)
    Rem assigns reference to the appropriate collection
    If TypeName(Reference) = "String" Then
    Rem string indicates reference to closed Wb
    OtherWbRefs.Add Item:=Reference, key:=CStr(OtherWbRefs.Count)
    CountOfClosedWb = CountOfClosedWb + 1
    If Home.Address(, , , True) = Reference.Address(, , , True) Then Exit Sub
    If Home.Parent.Parent.Name = Reference.Parent.Parent.Name Then
    Rem reference in same Wb
    If Home.Parent.Name = Reference.Parent.Name Then
    Rem sameWb sameSheet
    SameWbSameSheetRefs.Add Item:=Reference.Address(, , , True), key:=CStr(SameWbSameSheetRefs.Count)
    Rem sameWb Other sheet
    SameWbOtherSheetRefs.Add Item:=Reference.Address(, , , True), key:=CStr(SameWbOtherSheetRefs.Count)
    End If
    Rem reference to other open Wb
    OtherWbRefs.Add Item:=Reference.Address(, , , True), key:=CStr(OtherWbRefs.Count)
    End If
    End If
    End Sub

    Sub FindClosedWbReferences(inRange As Range)
    Rem fills the collection with closed precedents parsed from the formula string
    Dim testString As String, returnStr As String, remnantStr As String
    testString = inRange.Formula
    Set ClosedWbRefs = New Collection

    returnStr = NextClosedWbRefStr(testString, remnantStr)
    ClosedWbRefs.Add Item:=returnStr, key:=CStr(ClosedWbRefs.Count)
    testString = remnantStr
    Loop Until returnStr = vbNullString

    ClosedWbRefs.Remove ClosedWbRefs.Count
    End Sub
    Function NextClosedWbRefStr(FormulaString As String, Optional ByRef Remnant As String) As String
    Dim workStr As String
    Dim start As Long, interval As Long, del As Long
    For start = 1 To Len(FormulaString)
    For interval = 2 To Len(FormulaString) - start + 1
    workStr = Mid(FormulaString, start, interval)
    If workStr Like Chr(39) & "[!!]*'![$A-Z]*#" Then
    If workStr Like Chr(39) & "[!!]*'!*[$1-9A-Z]#" Then
    interval = interval - CLng(Mid(FormulaString, start + interval, 1) Like "#")
    interval = interval - 3 * CLng(Mid(FormulaString, start + interval, 1) = ":")
    interval = interval - CLng(Mid(FormulaString, start + interval, 1) Like "[$1-9A-Z]")
    interval = interval - CLng(Mid(FormulaString, start + interval, 1) Like "[$1-9A-Z]")
    interval = interval - CLng(Mid(FormulaString, start + interval, 1) Like "[$1-9A-Z]")
    interval = interval - CLng(Mid(FormulaString, start + interval, 1) Like "[$1-9A-Z]")
    NextClosedWbRefStr = Mid(FormulaString, start, interval)
    Remnant = Mid(FormulaString, start + interval)
    Exit Function
    End If
    End If
    Next interval
    Next start
    End Function

    Function OtherWbDetail() As String
    Rem display routine
    OtherWbDetail = OtherWbDetail & "There are " & OtherWbRefs.Count & " references to other workbooks. "
    OtherWbDetail = OtherWbDetail & IIf(CBool(CountOfClosedWb), CountOfClosedWb & " are closed.", vbNullString)
    OtherWbDetail = OtherWbDetail & vbCr & "They appear in the formula in this order:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
    OtherWbDetail = OtherWbDetail & rrayStr(OtherWbRefs, vbCr)
    End Function
    Function SameWbDetail() As String
    Rem display routine
    SameWbDetail = SameWbDetail & "There are " & SameWbOtherSheetRefs.Count & " ref.s to other sheets in the same book."
    SameWbDetail = SameWbDetail & vbCr & "They appear in this order, including duplications:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
    SameWbDetail = SameWbDetail & rrayStr(SameWbOtherSheetRefs, vbCr)
    SameWbDetail = SameWbDetail & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "There are " & SameWbSameSheetRefs.Count & " precedents on the same sheet."
    SameWbDetail = SameWbDetail & vbCr & "They are (out of order, duplicates not noted):" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
    SameWbDetail = SameWbDetail & rrayStr(SameWbSameSheetRefs, vbCr)
    End Function
    Function rrayStr(ByVal inputRRay As Variant, Optional Delimiter As String)
    Rem display routine
    Dim xVal As Variant
    If IsEmpty(inputRRay) Then Exit Function
    If Delimiter = vbNullString Then Delimiter = " "
    For Each xVal In inputRRay
    rrayStr = rrayStr & Delimiter & xVal
    Next xVal
    rrayStr = Mid(rrayStr, Len(Delimiter) + 1)
    End Function
    Last edited by mikerickson; 05-16-2008 at 02:40 AM.

  10. #30
    VBAX Expert
    Dec 2007
    Hi mike,

    Firstly, apologies for my delayed response, was busy with work yesterday so am responding with first opportunity today.

    Secondly, before I discuss the awesome algorithm that you have supplied, can I just thank you and other contributors on VBAX who are helping me learn and develop through your superb and generous help . On this steep learning curve, I really appreciate it.

    The code you ahve sent me is brilliant, and have tested it for an externally linked workbook. To give details, I tested it on a linked workbook I posted here for a previous query to Bob titled C:\VBAX_Test_workbookforxld.xls. It has 3 worksheets ('Ext Links 1', 'Ext Links 2', 'Ext Links 3').

    I tried the following testing (in 'Ext Links 1' worksheet):
    • An internal link in the same worksheet.
    • Cell 014 formula "=013"
    • Sub Run me output:
      • '[VBAX_Test_workbookforxld.xls]Ext Links 1'$0$13, as required.
    • An internal link in a different worksheet in the same workbook
    • Cell Q20 formula "='Ext Links 2'!F32"
    • Sub Run me output:
      • Msgbox OKonly style "Methods find different # of closed precedents"
      • FOUND INCORRECTLY i.e. no link found.
    • An external link of an already open workbook
    • Cell P14 formula "='[Test with Notes.xls]TestData'!D22"
    • Sub Run me output:
      • Msgbox OKonly style "Methods find different # of closed precedents"
      • FOUND INCORRECTLY i.e. no link found.
    • An external link of a closed workbook
    • Cell M9 formula "='C:\[sumif_countif.xls]Sheet1'!M8"
    • Sub Run me output:
      • 'C:\[sumif_countif.xls]Sheet1'!M9, as required.
      • However sometimes when there is a single closed workbook link, the output errs and gives the same VBOkOnly Msgbox as with the p[revious test i.e. "Methods find different # of closed precedents", I can;t understand why it would do this for some cells and not others?
    When used in combination of open closed, internal links (i.e. a more realistic scenario e.g. cell formula is "=M8+D4+'C:\[sumif_countif.xls]Sheet1'!K9", the macro gives the same VBOkOnly Msgbox as above.

    Did you find this when you tested it?
    • If not, could you please explain what I may be doing wrong?
    • If so, could you kindly help me to amend for it?
    Again thank you for your help and patience. Despite my efforts on this problem, I realise its quite advanced but am learning lots in the process.

    Please let me know on the above.


  11. #31
    Mac Moderator VBAX Guru mikerickson's Avatar
    May 2007
    Davis CA
    The posted routine confuses references to a worksheet with a space (eg.='My Sheet'!A1) with a reference to a closed workbook (='Macintosh HD:Users:merickson: Desktop:[Workbook3.xls]Sheet1'!$C14) (space inserted before "Desktop" to prevent emoticon )

    ("When did some nit-wit in a suit decide that spaces in sheet names were OK?", the old school grumbles.)

    Changing this UDF will fix that.

    The faulty result in the mixed case may be related to spaces in worksheet names. If so, this fix should include that as well.
    The new routine correctly returned the precedents from
    =Sheet2!B21+B21+'Macintosh HD:Users:merickson: Desktop:[Workbook2.xls]Sheet1'!$B$4+'Sh 3'!A3

    ALSO: A remove-everything-between-double-quotes routine needs to be incorporated so that the text function
    ="xyz'[MyBook]mySheet'!A3abc" is not mis-read as a cell refernece.
    I'll get on that when I get back from the post-event hot springs meeting.

    Function NextClosedWbRefStr(ByVal formulaString As String, Optional ByRef Remnant As String) As String
        Dim testStr As String
        Dim startChr As Long
        Dim subLen As Long
        Dim i As Long
        startChr = 0
            startChr = startChr + 1
            subLen = 0
                subLen = subLen + 1
                testStr = Mid(formulaString, startChr, subLen)
                If testStr Like "'*'!*" Then
                    If testStr Like "'*]*'!*" Then
                        For i = 1 To 13
                            subLen = subLen - CBool(Mid(formulaString, startChr + subLen, 1) Like "[$:1-9A-Z]")
                        Next i
                        NextClosedWbRefStr = Mid(formulaString, startChr, subLen)
                        Remnant = Mid(formulaString, startChr + subLen)
                        Exit Function
                        formulaString = Left(formulaString, startChr - 1) & Mid(formulaString, startChr + subLen)
                        startChr = 0
                        subLen = Len(formulaString) + 28
                    End If
                End If
            Loop Until Len(formulaString) < (subLen + startChr)
        Loop Until Len(formulaString) < startChr
    End Function
    This function is the part of my code that is particularly suited to the use of Regular Expressions. (Parsing equations is the genesis of Regular Languages.) I wish my Mac supported them.
    Last edited by mikerickson; 05-17-2008 at 10:41 AM.

  12. #32
    VBAX Expert
    Dec 2007
    The posted routine confuses references to a worksheet with a space (eg.='My Sheet'!A1) with a reference to a closed workbook (='Macintosh HD:Users:merickson: Desktop:[Workbook3.xls]Sheet1'!$C14) (space inserted before "Desktop" to prevent emoticon )
    Nice pick-up, may I ask how you realised this from my testing above?

    The code works really well now mike .

    ALSO: A remove-everything-between-double-quotes routine needs to be incorporated so that the text function
    ="xyz'[MyBook]mySheet'!A3abc" is not mis-read as a cell refernece.
    This sounds interesting. I look forward to seeing your code for this and seeing a final solution to this interesting parsing problem. This problem is proving to be an enriching VBA experience, with all these conditions that keep popping up.

    This function is the part of my code that is particularly suited to the use of Regular Expressions. (Parsing equations is the genesis of Regular Languages.) I wish my Mac supported them.
    Since Bob and Dave mentioned this in an earlier post I have been intrigued by the pwer of RegExp. I feel I have only skimmed my understanding of its usefulness. The site I have been using is:

    If I knew this better for use in VBA, I would love to adapt my initial attempt to using it. But other than Dave's great example list, there are not any great online tutorials for application in VBA, juts a case of trial-and-error to learn (which can be fun!)

    BTW, I know my earlier code may is not as robust as yours, but for finding closed links in external workbooks, could you fault my code titled "Find_External_Links_in_CLOSED_Workbooks_references_only", I found that this bit worked quite well. If you can break it, is there a way to amend this code using RegExp to make it more rigorous, I'm just curious to hear your thoughts.

    Well, thanks again and please let me know of the other Function and any changes.


  13. #33
    Mac Moderator VBAX Guru mikerickson's Avatar
    May 2007
    Davis CA
    How did I know from your test data?

    "='C:\[sumif_countif.xls]Sheet1'!M8" - closed precedent CORRECT

    "='[Test with Notes.xls]TestData'!D22" - open other wb ERROR
    "='Ext Links 2'!F32" - same wb other sheet ERROR

    The string parsing routine Post #29 defined a "reference to a closed workbook" as any sub-string that begins with the pattern ' (anything) '![VBA]testString Like " '*"!' " : Rem spaces added for clarity[/VBA]The two failed cases both involved sheet names with spaces, which has a syntax that matches that definintion.
    To exclude that situation, the post #31 correction "defines" a "reference to a closed workbook" as any sub-string that
    begins with ' (anything) ] (anything) '![VBA]testString Like " '*]*"!' " : Rem spaces added for clarity[/VBA]

    It turns out that that is not specific enough. The correction below defines "external reference" as any sub-string that begins with
    apostrophy (required, any character except [) (anything) ] (anything) '!
    [VBA]If testStr Like "'[![]*]*'!*" Then[/VBA]

    In addition, the new function RemoveTextBetweenDoubleQuotes has been added.

    These two routines should be replaced.[VBA]Sub FindClosedWbReferences(inRange As Range)
    Rem fills the collection with closed precedents parsed from the formula string
    Dim testString As String, returnStr As String, remnantStr As String
    testString = inRange.Formula
    testString = RemoveTextInDoubleQuotes(testString): Rem new line
    Set ClosedWbRefs = New Collection
    returnStr = NextClosedWbRefStr(testString, remnantStr)
    ClosedWbRefs.Add Item:=returnStr, key:=CStr(ClosedWbRefs.Count)
    testString = remnantStr
    Loop Until returnStr = vbNullString

    ClosedWbRefs.Remove ClosedWbRefs.Count
    End Sub
    Function NextClosedWbRefStr(ByVal formulaString As String, Optional ByRef Remnant As String) As String
    Dim testStr As String
    Dim startChr As Long
    Dim subLen As Long
    Dim i As Long
    startChr = 0
    startChr = startChr + 1
    subLen = 0
    subLen = subLen + 1
    testStr = Mid(formulaString, startChr, subLen)
    If testStr Like "'*'!*" Then
    If testStr Like "'[![]*]*'!*" Then
    For i = 1 To 13
    subLen = subLen - CBool(Mid(formulaString, startChr + subLen, 1) Like "[$:1-9A-Z]")
    Next i
    NextClosedWbRefStr = Mid(formulaString, startChr, subLen)
    Remnant = Mid(formulaString, startChr + subLen)
    Exit Function
    formulaString = Left(formulaString, startChr - 1) & Mid(formulaString, startChr + subLen)
    startChr = 0
    subLen = Len(formulaString) + 28
    End If
    End If
    Loop Until Len(formulaString) < (subLen + startChr)
    Loop Until Len(formulaString) < startChr
    End Function
    And this new function added.
    [VBA]Function RemoveTextInDoubleQuotes(inString As String) As String
    Dim firstDelimiter As Long, secondDelimiter As Long
    Dim Delimiter As String: Delimiter = Chr(34)

    RemoveTextInDoubleQuotes = inString
    firstDelimiter = InStr(RemoveTextInDoubleQuotes & Delimiter, Delimiter)
    secondDelimiter = InStr(firstDelimiter + 1, RemoveTextInDoubleQuotes, Delimiter)
    RemoveTextInDoubleQuotes = _
    IIf(CBool(secondDelimiter), Left(RemoveTextInDoubleQuotes, firstDelimiter - 1), vbNullString) _
    & Mid(RemoveTextInDoubleQuotes, secondDelimiter + 1)
    Loop Until secondDelimiter = 0
    End Function
    All this string maniputlation can be improved. Windows supports better string handling features like Regular Expressions, Split, Join, Replace than Mac does.

    I'm also wondering what this is for. Is there an end use for this or is it an intellectual exersize at the moment?

  14. #34
    VBAX Expert
    Dec 2007
    Hi mike,

    That's a very elegant solution indeed. Thank you.
    How did I know from your test data?

    "='C:\[sumif_countif.xls]Sheet1'!M8" - closed precedent CORRECT

    "='[Test with Notes.xls]TestData'!D22" - open other wb ERROR
    "='Ext Links 2'!F32" - same wb other sheet ERROR

    The string parsing routine Post #29 defined a "reference to a closed workbook" as any sub-string that begins with the pattern ' (anything) '!

    testString Like " '*"! ' " : Rem spaces added for clarity

    VBA tags courtesy of
    The two failed cases both involved sheet names with spaces, which has a syntax that matches that definintion.
    To exclude that situation, the post #31 correction "defines" a "reference to a closed workbook" as any sub-string that
    begins with ' (anything) ] (anything) '!

    testString Like " '*]*"! ' " : Rem spaces added for clarity

    VBA tags courtesy of

    It turns out that that is not specific enough. The correction below defines "external reference" as any sub-string that begins with
    apostrophy (required, any character except [) (anything) ] (anything) '!


    If testStr Like "'[![]*]*'!*" Then

    VBA tags courtesy of
    I see now. Good to know so I can pick-up some testing skills.

    BTW, I am marking this as solved, but will keep you posted of any more 'conditions' that keep popping up. I will also be going through your code more thoroughly and would like to ask you about the logic as I understand it better.

    I'm also wondering what this is for. Is there an end use for this or is it an intellectual exersize at the moment?
    This will definetely have a use.

    From post #14:

    Basically I'm trying to recreate the trace precedents Userform, from the audit toolbar, but by clicking the links you will actually open up the relevant links (even if link workbook is closed) and go to the relevant range.

    - The trace precedents as you know doesn't open the link up for you especially for a closed workbook, Hence the deficiency I am trying to correct for, and learning about simple Userforms in the process.

    I will now be understanding how to design and buil my first Userform using the code you have kindly helped build.

    As an aside, from my post #19 image, is it possible just to open up the trace precedents dialog (as shown) and pick up the list of links/ precedents from it directly as they appear.
    • That is, the trace-precedents is effectively a Userform listbox, is it possible to tap into it directly and extract the listbox items as they appear directly? Or must we always parse as per the above methods?
    Thanks again for your kind help and efforts. Thanks also to Bob and Dave for their helpful insights into this tough problem and for introducing me to RegExp, hope to learn more about this from the VBAX community.

  15. #35

    how about named ranges?

    Quote Originally Posted by xluser2007 View Post
    Hi mike,

    That's a very elegant solution indeed. Thank you.

    I see now. Good to know so I can pick-up some testing skills.

    BTW, I am marking this as solved, but will keep you posted of any more 'conditions' that keep popping up. I will also be going through your code more thoroughly and would like to ask you about the logic as I understand it better.

    This will definetely have a use.

    From post #14:

    Basically I'm trying to recreate the trace precedents Userform, from the audit toolbar, but by clicking the links you will actually open up the relevant links (even if link workbook is closed) and go to the relevant range.

    - The trace precedents as you know doesn't open the link up for you especially for a closed workbook, Hence the deficiency I am trying to correct for, and learning about simple Userforms in the process.

    I will now be understanding how to design and buil my first Userform using the code you have kindly helped build.

    As an aside, from my post #19 image, is it possible just to open up the trace precedents dialog (as shown) and pick up the list of links/ precedents from it directly as they appear.

    • That is, the trace-precedents is effectively a Userform listbox, is it possible to tap into it directly and extract the listbox items as they appear directly? Or must we always parse as per the above methods?

    Thanks again for your kind help and efforts. Thanks also to Bob and Dave for their helpful insights into this tough problem and for introducing me to RegExp, hope to learn more about this from the VBAX community.
    hi all! I'm new to this forum. I've been googling for days to find something to help me understand precedents and create something that goes through them and allows the user to follow the one they like without having to use the mouse. The code posted here is the most comprehensive I've seen so far! Great job!
    To be honest, I dont usually need to trace named ranges (they are obvious and happy to rely on name manager), but I just thought I'd mention it. Given that a named range does not necessarily point to a cell, it may be a bit harder to trace.
    Thanks in advance,

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