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Thread: Run Macro only if selected by left click

  1. #1
    VBAX Regular
    Oct 2017

    Run Macro only if selected by left click

    Excel Version: 2013 Professional Plus

    I am trying to make a cell change values only if it is selected by a left click.

    I tried to fix it by adding in "if left clicked" macro I found online that allows left clicks to be tracked by VBA.

    Unfortunately, Public Declare Function is not allowed in the Microsoft Excel Objects, and changing it to Private seems to make the code not run at all (after I click, nothing activates, not even error pop up)

    How can I fix this? And is there better way of getting macros to activate only with left click on cell?

    Public Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" _        (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer
    Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        For n = 7 To 25
            'Set thisCell = Range(Cells(n, "H"))
            If Target.Address = Cells(n, "H").Address Then
                If GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyLButton) And &H8000 Then
                    If Cells(n, "H") = 0 Then
                        If Cells(n, "I") = 3 Then
                            Cells(n, "H") = 1
                            Range(Cells(n, "F"), Cells(n, "G")).Select
                            Exit Sub
                        ElseIf Cells(n, "I") = 2 Then
                            MsgBox "System is 'In-Work'"
                        ElseIf Cells(n, "I") = 1 Then
                            MsgBox "System is 'Line Stopped'"
                        End If
                    ElseIf Cells(n, "H") = 1 Then
                        Cells(n, "H") = 0
                        Range(Cells(n, "F"), Cells(n, "G")).Select
                        Exit Sub
                        Cells(n, "H") = 0
                        Range(Cells(n, "F"), Cells(n, "G")).Select
                        Exit Sub
                    End If
                End If
            End If
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub

  2. #2
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    It is built in to allow macros to run only on a doubleclick

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
    If Intersect(Range("H7:H5"), Target) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Cancel = True
    'Only change the cells in the doubleclicked Row
    If Target = 0 Then
      Select Case Target.Offset(, 1)
        Case 1: MsgBox "System is 'Line Stopped'"
        Case 2: MsgBox "System is 'In-Work'"
        Case 3: Target = 1
        Case Else 'Do Nothing
      End Select
    ElseIf Target = 1 Then
        Target = 0
    Else 'Do Nothing
    End If
    End Sub
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

    Please take the time to read the Forum FAQ

  3. #3
    VBAX Regular
    Oct 2017
    Thank you for this! Not only did you solve my problem, but you showed me a better way to script.

    One question though. I noticed by adding ",Cancel As Boolean" and "Cancel = True" changes the previous macro from "select to activate" to "double click to activate". What is the logic behind this?

  4. #4
    VBAX Sage SamT's Avatar
    Oct 2006
    Near Columbia
    adding ",Cancel As Boolean" and "Cancel = True" changes the previous  macro from "select to activate" to "double click to activate".
    That's not what happened. I gave you a different Event Sub. I didn't "add" Cancel. It is an intrinsic requirement of the BeforeDoubleClick Event sub.
    I expect the student to do their homework and find all the errrors I leeve in.

    Please take the time to read the Forum FAQ

  5. #5
    VBAX Regular
    Oct 2017
    Ahh, I see. I didn't see the different event.

    Thank you SamT.

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