A: Always declare variables!
B. You have st the pattern to be "GREEDY" - this means it will look for the first <code1> and keep looking till it gets to the last </code1> and delete everything in between. Use a ? in the pattern to set to NON GREEDY

Sub sync_text()
'Declare variables
        Dim input_text As String
        Dim output_text As String
        Dim regX_delete As Object
        input_text = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).NotesPage.Shapes(2).TextFrame.TextRange.Text
        ' Delete code1
        Set regX_delete = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
        With regX_delete
        .Global = True
        .Pattern = "<code1>(.+?)</code1>"
        End With
        output_text = regX_delete.Replace(input_text, " ")
        ActivePresentation.Slides(1).NotesPage.Shapes(2).TextFrame.TextRange.Text = output_text
    End Sub