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Thread: Standard CTRL+C in ListBox

  1. #1

    Standard CTRL+C in ListBox

    Hi all,

    I have created a UserForm with a ListBox. I would need to use the default CTRL + C to copy data from the ListBox. Is there such a possibility?

    Thank you for your help in advance.

  2. #2
    VBAX Expert Dave's Avatar
    Mar 2005
    Seems related to your previous post. What is your outcome objective? Copy the listbox selection to where, or copy the whole listbox contents somewhere? Dave

  3. #3
    Yes, right, related to my previous post. Yes, right, related to my previous post. I want copy one value from listbox to web browser or to other applications.

  4. #4
    VBAX Expert Dave's Avatar
    Mar 2005
    You don't need to copy the selected value. For example, U can assign the selected listbox1 item in Userform1 to a variable as follows ...
     Dim SomeVariableName as String
    SomeVariableName = UserForm1.ListBox1.List(UserForm1.ListBox1.ListIndex)
    You would then pass that value to your web browser or other application. HTH. Dave

  5. #5
    Need to paste the code into the UserForm code?

  6. #6
    VBAX Expert Dave's Avatar
    Mar 2005
    U can trial this...
    Module code..
    Public SomeVariableName as String
    Userform code...
    Private Sub ListBox1_Click()
    SomeVariableName = UserForm1.ListBox1.List(UserForm1.ListBox1.ListIndex)
    End Sub
    If U select something in listbox1, you can then use the SomeVariableName for whatever U want. U can even close the userform and the Variable value will persist (if U have placed the variable declaration at the top of a module as indicated). Dave

  7. #7
    Thanks for help. I solved problem again with button and code:
    Private Sub CommandButton4_Click()
    Dim clipboard As MSForms.dataObject
    Dim strSample As String

    Set clipboard = New MSForms.dataObject
    strSample = UserForm1("ListBox1").Value

    clipboard.SetText strSample
    End Sub

  8. #8
    It can be done more concisely:

    Private Sub ListBox1_Click()
      With GetObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")
        .SetText ListBox1
      End With
    End Sub

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