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Thread: How to lock/unlock ContentControls in ALL Footers

  1. #1

    How to lock/unlock ContentControls in ALL Footers


    i would like to have 2 functions to lock and unlock Contentcontrols in all Footers in my Word Document.
    The syntax to group and lock is:
    Selection.Range.ContentControls.Add (wdContentControlGroup)
    Selection.ParentContentControl.LockContentControl = True
    I have written this, but I have a problem with footers on different pages:
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Dim Sctn As Section, HdFt As HeaderFooter
    With ActiveDocument
      For Each Sctn In .Sections
        MsgBox (Sctn.Index)
        For Each HdFt In Sctn.Headers
          With HdFt
            If .LinkToPrevious = False Then
              With .Range
                ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.SeekView = wdSeekCurrentPageHeader
                For Each fieldX In .Fields
                  If InStr(1, fieldX.Code.Text, "KLASSIFIZIERUNG", 1) > 0 Then
                      Selection.Range.ContentControls.Add (wdContentControlGroup)
                      Selection.ParentContentControl.LockContentControl = True
                  End If
                Next fieldX
              End With
            End If
          End With
        For Each HdFt In Sctn.Footers
          With HdFt
            If .LinkToPrevious = False Then
              With .Range
              ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.SeekView = wdSeekCurrentPageFooter
                For Each fieldX In .Fields
                  If InStr(1, fieldX.Code.Text, "KLASSIFIZIERUNG", 1) > 0 Then
                      Selection.Range.ContentControls.Add (wdContentControlGroup)
                      Selection.ParentContentControl.LockContentControl = True
                  End If
                Next fieldX
              End With
            End If
          End With
    End With
    Also another approach did not work:
    Dim oHFKL As HeaderFooter
    Dim fieldX As Field
    ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.SeekView = wdSeekFirstPageFooter
        For Each fieldX In ActiveDocument.Sections(0).Footers(wdHeaderFooterFirstPage).Range.Fields
            If InStr(1, fieldX.Code.Text, "KLASSIFIZIERUNG", 1) > 0 Then
                Selection.Range.ContentControls.Add (wdContentControlGroup)
                Selection.ParentContentControl.LockContentControl = True
            End If
        Next fieldX
    as I do not know if I have to use wdHeaderFooterFirstPage or wdHeaderFooterPrimaryPage in the section 0,1,2,..and so on..

    I also get a display problem (ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.Type switches to 1 and does not remain in status 3) when using this function above.
    The fields in my footers are VBA Docvariables with "KLASSIFIZIERUNG" (engl: classification) within, so thats why I check the field.Code.Text by Instr()

    Any help? Any ideas?

    best regards,

  2. #2
    Microsoft Word MVP 2003-2009 VBAX Guru gmaxey's Avatar
    Sep 2005
    Sub LockCC()
      SetCCStateInFooters True
      Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Sub UnlockCC()
      SetCCStateInFooters False
      Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Public Sub SetCCStateInFooters(bState As Boolean)
    Dim rngStory As Word.Range
    Dim lngJunk As Long
    Dim oShp As Shape, oCanShp As Shape
    lngJunk = ActiveDocument.Sections(1).Headers(1).Range.StoryType
    Dim oCC As ContentControl
      For Each rngStory In ActiveDocument.StoryRanges
        'Iterate through all linked stories
          On Error Resume Next
          Select Case rngStory.StoryType
            Case 8, 9, 11
              For Each oCC In rngStory.ContentControls
                oCC.LockContentControl = bState
              Next oCC
              If rngStory.ShapeRange.Count > 0 Then
                For Each oShp In rngStory.ShapeRange
                  If oShp.TextFrame.HasText Then
                    For Each oCC In oShp.TextFrame.TextRange.ContentControls
                      oCC.LockContentControl = bState
                    Next oCC
                  End If
                  If oShp.Type = msoCanvas Then
                    For Each oCanShp In oShp.CanvasItems
                      If oCanShp.TextFrame.HasText Then
                        For Each oCC In oCanShp.TextFrame.TextRange.ContentControls
                          oCC.LockContentControl = bState
                        Next oCC
                      End If
                    Next oCanShp
                  End If
              End If
            Case Else
              'Do Nothing
          End Select
          On Error GoTo 0
          'Get next linked story (if any)
          Set rngStory = rngStory.NextStoryRange
        Loop Until rngStory Is Nothing
      Exit Sub
    End Sub

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  3. #3

    Thanks, but the View is still changing during this sub()

    Quote Originally Posted by gmaxey View Post
    Sub LockCC()
      SetCCStateInFooters True
      Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Sub UnlockCC()
      SetCCStateInFooters False
      Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Public Sub SetCCStateInFooters(bState As Boolean)
    Dim rngStory As Word.Range
    Dim lngJunk As Long
    Dim oShp As Shape, oCanShp As Shape
    lngJunk = ActiveDocument.Sections(1).Headers(1).Range.StoryType
    Dim oCC As ContentControl
      For Each rngStory In ActiveDocument.StoryRanges
        'Iterate through all linked stories
          On Error Resume Next
          Select Case rngStory.StoryType
            Case 8, 9, 11
              For Each oCC In rngStory.ContentControls
                oCC.LockContentControl = bState
              Next oCC
              If rngStory.ShapeRange.Count > 0 Then
                For Each oShp In rngStory.ShapeRange
                  If oShp.TextFrame.HasText Then
                    For Each oCC In oShp.TextFrame.TextRange.ContentControls
                      oCC.LockContentControl = bState
                    Next oCC
                  End If
                  If oShp.Type = msoCanvas Then
                    For Each oCanShp In oShp.CanvasItems
                      If oCanShp.TextFrame.HasText Then
                        For Each oCC In oCanShp.TextFrame.TextRange.ContentControls
                          oCC.LockContentControl = bState
                        Next oCC
                      End If
                    Next oCanShp
                  End If
              End If
            Case Else
              'Do Nothing
          End Select
          On Error GoTo 0
          'Get next linked story (if any)
          Set rngStory = rngStory.NextStoryRange
        Loop Until rngStory Is Nothing
      Exit Sub
    End Sub
    the code works fine, but If I am in the printView View the code changes to Draftview during execution and back to printView afterwards. How can I prevent this?

    best regards,


  4. #4
    Microsoft Word MVP 2003-2009 VBAX Guru gmaxey's Avatar
    Sep 2005
    No idea. That doesn't happen here.

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  5. #5

    Split View with Footer

    Quote Originally Posted by gmaxey View Post
    No idea. That doesn't happen here.
    It happens here:

    Case 8, 9, 11          For Each oCC In rngStory.ContentControls
                oCC.LockContentControl = bState
              Next oCC
    The Screen switches from Printview to a splitted Screen (top=document, bottom=footer)
    After executing the sub, it switches back.
    Can I prevent word from showing this screen?
    best regards and thanks a lot for your help!!

  6. #6
    Microsoft Word MVP 2003-2009 VBAX Guru gmaxey's Avatar
    Sep 2005
    There is nothing in the code that should trigger that. Typically that only happens of you physically select the object in the footer. That isn't happening in the code.

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  7. #7
    It doesn't happen here either, but I suppose you could force the Normal view?

    Sub LockCC()
        SetCCStateInFooters True
        If ActiveWindow.View.SplitSpecial = wdPaneNone Then
            ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.Type = wdPrintView
            ActiveWindow.View.Type = wdPrintView
        End If
        Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Sub UnlockCC()
        SetCCStateInFooters False
        If ActiveWindow.View.SplitSpecial = wdPaneNone Then
            ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.Type = wdPrintView
            ActiveWindow.View.Type = wdPrintView
        End If
        Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Graham Mayor - MS MVP (Word) 2002-2019
    Visit my web site for more programming tips and ready made processes

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by gmayor View Post
    It doesn't happen here either, but I suppose you could force the Normal view?

    Sub LockCC()
        SetCCStateInFooters True
        If ActiveWindow.View.SplitSpecial = wdPaneNone Then
            ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.Type = wdPrintView
            ActiveWindow.View.Type = wdPrintView
        End If
        Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Sub UnlockCC()
        SetCCStateInFooters False
        If ActiveWindow.View.SplitSpecial = wdPaneNone Then
            ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.Type = wdPrintView
            ActiveWindow.View.Type = wdPrintView
        End If
        Exit Sub
    End Sub
    well, that may be the solution..
    I replaced
    oCC.LockContentControl = bState
    Selection.Range.ContentControls.Add (wdContentControlGroup)
    Selection.ParentContentControl.LockContentControl = bState
    oCC.LockContentControl = bState
    oCC.ParentContentControl.LockContentControl = bState
    oCC.ContentControls.Add (wdContentControlGroup)
    does not work (method or dataobject not found)

    Furthermore, I would like to set the language Setting for the whole document, even the footers, so I added:
    ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.Selection.WholeStoryActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.Selection.LanguageID = wdgerman
    ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.Selection.NoProofing = True
    Application.CheckLanguage = False
    Is there a more graceful way to do that?

    best regards,

  9. #9
    You don't need to select controls or story ranges in order to process them. Selecting items in the footer will open the footer, hence the problem you had.
    You need to use instead ranges.
    You can process the document range instead
    With ActiveDocument.Range
            .LanguageID = wdGerman
            .NoProofing = True
    End With
    Greg's code creates ranges for the headers and footers so you can process those ranges also
    Select Case rngStory.StoryType    Case 8, 9, 11
            With rngStory
                .LanguageID = wdGerman
                .NoProofing = True
            End With
            For Each oCC In rngStory.ContentControls
                oCC.LockContentControl = bState
            Next oCC
    Graham Mayor - MS MVP (Word) 2002-2019
    Visit my web site for more programming tips and ready made processes

  10. #10

    Object or Method not found...

    Quote Originally Posted by gmayor View Post
    You don't need to select controls or story ranges in order to process them. Selecting items in the footer will open the footer, hence the problem you had.
    You need to use instead ranges.
    You can process the document range instead
    With ActiveDocument.Range
            .LanguageID = wdGerman
            .NoProofing = True
    End With
    Greg's code creates ranges for the headers and footers so you can process those ranges also
    Select Case rngStory.StoryType    Case 8, 9, 11
            With rngStory
                .LanguageID = wdGerman
                .NoProofing = True
            End With
            For Each oCC In rngStory.ContentControls
                oCC.LockContentControl = bState
            Next oCC
    thanks for your response. It works almost perfect I guess, BUT:
    oCC.LockContentControl = bState
    brings an error:
    Error while compiling:
    Method or Dataobject not found

    And how may I group the oCC, I was using:
    Selection.Range.ContentControls.Add (wdContentControlGroup)
    without "select"?

    Thanks a lot for your help!!

    best regards,

  11. #11
    Microsoft Word MVP 2003-2009 VBAX Guru gmaxey's Avatar
    Sep 2005
    In my first post, I answered your posted question. How to lock/unlock CCs in the document footers.

    To wrap a field located in the footers in a group control, it appears that you must select the content:

    Public Sub SetGroupCCInFooters()
    Dim rngStory As Word.Range
    Dim lngJunk As Long
    lngJunk = ActiveDocument.Sections(1).Headers(1).Range.StoryType
    Dim oCC As ContentControl
    Dim oFld As Field
    Dim oFtr As HeaderFooter
    Dim lngView As Long
      lngView = ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.View
      For Each rngStory In ActiveDocument.StoryRanges
        'Iterate through all linked stories
          On Error Resume Next
          Select Case rngStory.StoryType
            Case 8, 9, 11
              For Each oFld In rngStory.Fields
                If InStr(oFld.Code, "Classified") > 0 Then
                  Set oCC = Selection.ContentControls.Add(wdContentControlGroup, oFld.Code)
                  oCC.LockContentControl = True
                End If
              Next oFld
            Case Else
              'Do Nothing
          End Select
          On Error GoTo 0
          'Get next linked story (if any)
          Set rngStory = rngStory.NextStoryRange
        Loop Until rngStory Is Nothing
      ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.View = lngView
      Exit Sub
    End Sub

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  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by gmaxey View Post
    In my first post, I answered your posted question. How to lock/unlock CCs in the document footers.

    To wrap a field located in the footers in a group control, it appears that you must select the content:

    Public Sub SetGroupCCInFooters()
    Dim rngStory As Word.Range
    Dim lngJunk As Long
    lngJunk = ActiveDocument.Sections(1).Headers(1).Range.StoryType
    Dim oCC As ContentControl
    Dim oFld As Field
    Dim oFtr As HeaderFooter
    Dim lngView As Long
      lngView = ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.View
      For Each rngStory In ActiveDocument.StoryRanges
        'Iterate through all linked stories
          On Error Resume Next
          Select Case rngStory.StoryType
            Case 8, 9, 11
              For Each oFld In rngStory.Fields
                If InStr(oFld.Code, "Classified") > 0 Then
                  Set oCC = Selection.ContentControls.Add(wdContentControlGroup, oFld.Code)
                  oCC.LockContentControl = True
                End If
              Next oFld
            Case Else
              'Do Nothing
          End Select
          On Error GoTo 0
          'Get next linked story (if any)
          Set rngStory = rngStory.NextStoryRange
        Loop Until rngStory Is Nothing
      ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.View = lngView
      Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Hi, well I replaced
    But I still get an error "Method or Dataobject not found" here:
    oCC.LockContentControl = True
    I just want to Lock and group the Fields with the String "Klassifizierung" in its .code.text and lock this fields.

    I tried:
    If bState = True Then oCC.Select 
     Selection.Range.ContentControls.Add (wdContentControlGroup) 
     Selection.ParentContentControl.LockContentControl = bState
     Selection.ParentContentControl.LockContentControl = bState
    End If
    but this does not work either... Still getting the view problem.
    is there a chance to select something, but not switching the paneview to splitview?

    best regards,

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