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Thread: VBA to Hide and Show rows based on multiple ranges provided

  1. #1

    VBA to Hide and Show rows based on multiple ranges provided

    Hi all,

    I'm a complete noob when it comes to VBA scripts, I've never used it before and I'm not a programmer at all. I found a VBA script online and I don't know enough to modify it to suit my needs.

    The script has 2 functions - HideRows and ShowRows. When you run them, you are asked to specify a range. For example, I can provide the following range:
    'Sheet 1'!H7:H24

    It will then look at the cells at H7~H24 in Sheet 1 and hide or unhide the row(s), depending on whether the cell value is a 0 or not.

    What I'm trying to do is to provide multiple ranges from multiple sheets. E.g:

    'Sheet 1'!H7:H24
    'Sheet 2'!D519

    The problem is that the VBA script seems to only allow one range at a time and I need to modify this to allow multiple ranges.

    For reference, I have attached a test Excel spreadsheet for you to play around with.

    HTML Code:
    Sub HideRows()
    Dim WorkRng As Range
    Dim cell As Range
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
    On Error Resume Next
    xTitleId = "Hide Rows"
    Set WorkRng = Application.Selection
    Set WorkRng = Application.InputBox("Range", xTitleId, WorkRng.Address, Type:=8)
    For Each cell In WorkRng.Rows
    If (WorksheetFunction.CountIf(cell, "<>0") - WorksheetFunction.CountIf(cell, "") = 0) And (WorksheetFunction.CountA(cell) - WorksheetFunction.Count(cell) = 0) Then
    cell.EntireRow.Hidden = True
    End If
    Next cell
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
    End Sub

    HTML Code:
    Sub ShowRows()
    Dim rng As Range
    Dim WorkRng As Range
    Dim xNumber As Integer
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
    On Error Resume Next
    xTitleId = "Show Rows"
    Set WorkRng = Application.Selection
    Set WorkRng = Application.InputBox("Range", xTitleId, WorkRng.Address, Type:=8)
    'xNumber = Application.InputBox("Number", xTitleId, "", Type:=1)
    For Each rng In WorkRng
    rng.EntireRow.Hidden = False
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
    End Sub
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Wizard p45cal's Avatar
    Oct 2005
    Surrey UK
    InputBox won't accept ranges from more than one worksheet, nor can you assign ranges from more than one worksheet to a range variable (your WorkRng). (You can, however use multiple ranges from the same sheet in the Input box.)
    This could be done with a bit more coding, where it keeps asking for ranges until you leave one blank, but I've no time to do that myself now.
    However, I see you've put range addresses in 2 cells on Sheet2, (H9 & H12); do you want the macro to use the data in these cells to tell it what ranges to process?
    Everyone: If I've helped and you can't be bothered to acknowledge it, I can't be bothered to look at further posts from you.

  3. #3
    do you want the macro to use the data in these cells to tell it what ranges to process?
    correct, but I need to process ranges for other sheets.

  4. #4
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Wizard p45cal's Avatar
    Oct 2005
    Surrey UK
    See attached.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Everyone: If I've helped and you can't be bothered to acknowledge it, I can't be bothered to look at further posts from you.

  5. #5

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