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Thread: Application-defined or object-defined error - Error in replicating code

  1. #1
    VBAX Regular
    Sep 2021

    Application-defined or object-defined error - Error in replicating code

    Dear Gurus,
    I'm having troubles in replicating a set of code in the same Sub.
    Basically (with the support of this forum) I've been able to complete a code section which is entitled to add some columns to a table on the basis of a difference in months.
    Now I'm trying to make the same operation on another sheet/ table and I will need to make the same at least on some other worksheets.
    But, I'm getting an "Application-defined or object-defined error".

    Here below the code:

    Private Sub InitializeProject_Click()
    Dim ws1, ws3, ws4 As Worksheet
    Dim dur, dur2 As Variant
    Dim i, j As Long
    Dim table3, table4 As ListObject
    Dim stdate, stdate2 As Date
    Dim colCount, colCount1 As Integer
    Set ws1 = Worksheets(1)
    dur = ws1.Range("C8").Value
    stdate = ws1.Range("C6").Value
    'Tab Effort
    Set ws3 = Worksheets(3)
    Set table3 = ws3.ListObjects("EffortResources")
    With table3
        For i = 1 To dur
            colCount = .ListColumns.Count
            Selection.NumberFormat = "mmm\-yyyy"
            Selection.Value = DateAdd("m", i - 1, stdate)
        Next i
    End With
    'Tab Other Costs
    Set ws4 = Worksheets("Other Costs")
    Set table4 = ws4.ListObjects("Costs")
    With table4
        For j = 1 To dur
            colCount1 = .ListColumns.Count
            Selection.NumberFormat = "mmm\-yyyy"
            Selection.Value = DateAdd("m", j - 1, stdate)
        Next j
    End With
    End Sub
    Could you please advise?

    Thanks in advance,

  2. #2
    Please post a sample worikbook.

  3. #3
    VBAX Regular
    Sep 2021
    Here it is
    Attached Files Attached Files

  4. #4
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    Seems to work ... now

    Your replicate had a number if things that were not updated

    Other suggestions included

    (You could have avoided the issue by modularizing and having one sub with the table logic and just calling it with the right parameters for each use)

    Option Explicit '   I like to use this, others may not
    'personal style, but I like to keep event handlers small and call a standard module
    Private Sub InitializeProject_Click()
        Call InitProject
    End Sub

    Option Explicit '   I like to use this, others may not
    Sub InitProject()
    ' Dim ws1 without the 'As Worksheet' assumes Variant type. I like to specifically Type variables, others may not
    Dim ws1 As Worksheet, ws3 As Worksheet, ws4 As Worksheet
    Dim dur As Variant, dur2 As Variant
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Dim table3 As ListObject, table4 As ListObject
    Dim stdate As Date, stdate2 As Date
    Dim colCount As Integer, colCount1 As Integer
    Set ws1 = Worksheets("Project Data")                 '   used ws name not index
    dur = ws1.Range("C8").Value
    stdate = ws1.Range("C6").Value
    'Tab Effort
    Set ws3 = Worksheets("Effort")             '   used ws name not index
    Set table3 = ws3.ListObjects("EffortResources")
    With table3
        For i = 1 To dur
            colCount = .ListColumns.Count
            .DataBodyRange.Columns(colCount).NumberFormat = "mmm\-yyyy"
            .DataBodyRange.Columns(colCount).Value = DateAdd("m", i - 1, stdate)
        Next i
    End With
    'Tab Other Costs
    Set ws4 = Worksheets("Other Costs")             '   used ws name not index
    Set table4 = ws4.ListObjects("Costs")
    With table4
        For j = 1 To dur
            colCount1 = .ListColumns.Count                                          'you used colCount1 here, but not below
            .DataBodyRange.Columns(colCount1).NumberFormat = "mmm\-yyyy"
            .DataBodyRange.Columns(colCount1).Value = DateAdd("m", j - 1, stdate)    '   i or j ??? j seems to work better
        Next j
    End With
    End Sub
    Attached Files Attached Files


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  5. #5
    VBAX Regular
    Sep 2021
    Dear Paul,
    thanks for your support.

    Indeed now the code is not retrieving errors, but the outcome is not what expected.
    In fact with those modifications, I have now three columns more in each sheet, but the column headers are not populated with month/year dates, while each row of the two tables are.

    Here below an example of what I'm getting:

    Tab Resource
    Table EffortResources

    Resource | .... | Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3
    | | Jan-2021| Feb-2021 | Mar-2021
    | | Jan-2021| Feb-2021 | Mar-2021
    ........ .... ...... ...... ......
    | | Jan-2021 | Feb-2021 | Mar-2021

    I guess it is exactly caused by the last two lines in the loop for i and j...

    Thanks in advance for your review,

  6. #6
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    I got rid of the .Select because the correct WS needs to be active (and there's usually no reason to .Select an object). That was the source of the run time error I think

    Here's one other way

    Option Explicit
    Sub InitProject_ver2()
        With Worksheets("Project Data")
            Call AddColumns(Worksheets("Effort").ListObjects(1), .Range("C8"), .Range("C6"))
            Call AddColumns(Worksheets("Other Costs").ListObjects(1), .Range("C8"), .Range("C6"))
        End With
    End Sub
    Private Sub AddColumns(LO As ListObject, N As Long, S As Date)
        Dim i As Long
        With LO
            For i = 1 To N
                With .ListColumns(.ListColumns.Count).Range(1)
                    .NumberFormat = "mmm-yyyy"
                    .Value = DateAdd("m", i - 1, S)
                End With
            Next i
        End With
    End Sub
    Attached Files Attached Files


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  7. #7
    VBAX Regular
    Sep 2021
    Thanks a lot Paul,
    it works.

    Other way I found to get it was:

    Private Sub InitializeProject_Click()
    Dim ws1 As Worksheet, ws3 As Worksheet, ws4 As Worksheet
    Dim dur As Variant, dur2 As Variant
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Dim table3 As ListObject, table4 As ListObject
    Dim stdate As Date, stdate2 As Date
    Dim colCount As Integer, colCount1 As Integer
    Set ws1 = Worksheets("Project Data")
    dur = ws1.Range("C8").Value
    stdate = ws1.Range("C6").Value
    'Tab Effort
    Set ws3 = Worksheets("Effort - Baseline")
    Set table3 = ws3.ListObjects("EffortResources")
    With table3
        For i = 1 To dur
            colCount = .ListColumns.Count
            .HeaderRowRange(colCount).NumberFormat = "mmm\-yyyy"
            .HeaderRowRange(colCount).Value = DateAdd("m", i - 1, stdate)
        Next i
    End With
    Set ws2 = Worksheets(2)
    ws3.Range("B5").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Transpose:=False
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    'Tab Other Costs
    Set ws4 = Worksheets("Other Costs - Baseline")
    Set table4 = ws4.ListObjects("Costs")
    With table4
        For j = 1 To dur
            colCount1 = .ListColumns.Count
            .HeaderRowRange(colCount1).NumberFormat = "mmm\-yyyy"
            .HeaderRowRange(colCount1).Value = DateAdd("m", j - 1, stdate)
        Next j
    End With
    Set ws2 = Worksheets(2)
    Please let me know in case you see any error in it.

    Thanks again,

  8. #8
    Always use A1 in every Worksheet.
    Start a Listonject in A1.

    You could use VBA and Excel's builtin options.
    In the macromodule of sheet 'Project Data'

    Sub M_snb()
      sp = Evaluate("transpose(eomonth(C6,row(1:" & [C8] & ")-1))")
      With Sheet3.ListObjects(1).HeaderRowRange
        .Offset(, .Cells.Count).Resize(, 1).Resize(, UBound(sp)) = sp
      End With
      With Sheet5.ListObjects(1).HeaderRowRange
        .Offset(, .Cells.Count).Resize(, 1).Resize(, UBound(sp)) = sp
      End With
    End Sub
    NB. Only 3 effective lines of code.
    Remove 'Option explicit'

  9. #9
    VBAX Regular
    Sep 2021
    Clear - thank you both for your support

  10. #10
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    @AndreB --

    Nothing jumps out at me that's really wrong

    1. You do not need to escape the hyphen in Format mmm-yyyy

    2. There is lot of almost duplicated code between the two blocks. A called sub would be more maintainable (post #6)

    3. It seems to be a better use of the properties that ListObject give you, e.g. HeaderRow range, instead of .Select-ing objects

    4. You could use .ListColumns.Count directly instead of storing it in colCount and ColCount1. Not wrong, just IMHO a little cleaner

    5. I agree with snb about starting in A1, but disagree about not using Option Explicit

    FWIW, my personal / preferred programming / coding style is much worder than that of some others. I find that for me it's much more readable to have 10 less complicated lines, instead 3 very complex lines with lots of nested parens, If's, etc.

    CPU cycle-wise and wall-clock wise it almost always works out in the end.

    However, if you can use an intrinsic Excel / VBA function, it's almost always better; less to maintain and better performance

    I learned that in

    where I did something manually with loops that VBA's .DataSeries method would do directly, faster, with less code, and without my silly error


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