No . Not fixed.

Please find the below code i modified which u sent early as per my requirement.

Function copyall()
Dim response, rs As Object, count As Integer, filecount As Integer, SQL As String, FSO As Object, filename As String
    'Dim FSO As Object
    Dim filenameraw As String
    Dim FromPathraw As String
    Dim ToPathraw As String
    Dim filenamecta As String
    Dim ToPathcta As String
    Dim FromPathcta As String
    Dim filenameinvoice As String
    Dim FromPathinvoice As String
    Dim ToPathinvoice As String
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
On Error GoTo errorcatch
    response = MsgBox("Are You Sure You Want to Transfer " & Me.Combo0 & " Files", vbYesNo + vbExclamation + vbDefaultButton2)
    If response = vbNo Then Exit Function ' User chose No.
SQL = "SELECT [V 6 issue 3].* " & _
"FROM [V 6 issue 3] " & _
"WHERE Status = '" & Me.Combo0 & "' "
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(SQL)
If rs.RecordCount <> 0 Then
End If
filecount = rs.RecordCount
For count = 1 To filecount
If Not IsNull(rs![Ms no]) Then
    'filename = "MS " & rs.[Ms no] & ".docx"
    filenameraw = "MS " & rs.[Ms no] & "*"  '<< Change
    filenamecta = "MS " & rs.[Ms no] & "*"  '<< Change
    filenameinvoice = "Invoice * " & rs.[Ms no] & "*"  '<< Change
    MsgBox filenameraw
    FromPathraw = "\\Dell-lptp\d\IJPBS process\Vol - 5, Issue 1\Rawarticles\"  '<< Change RAW
    ToPathraw = "\\DELL-LPTP\BackupVolume\RAW\"    '<< Change RAW
    FromPathcta = "\\Dell-lptp\d\IJPBS process\Vol - 5, Issue 1\CTA form recieved from authors new version\"  '<< Change CTA
    ToPathcta = "\\DELL-LPTP\BackupVolume\CTA\"    '<< Change CTA
   FromPathinvoice = "\\Dell-lptp\d\IJPBS process\Vol - 5, Issue 1\Invoice sent to author\"  '<< Change Invoice
    ToPathinvoice = "\\DELL-LPTP\BackupVolume\Invoice\"    '<< Change Invoice

    'FileExt = "*" & a & " RAW*.*"  '<< Change
   If Right(FromPathraw, 1) <> "\" Then
     FromPathraw = FromPathraw & "\"
    End If
    If Right(FromPathcta, 1) <> "\" Then
     FromPathcta = FromPathcta & "\"
    End If
    If Right(FromPathinvoice, 1) <> "\" Then
     FromPathinvoice = FromPathinvoice & "\"
    End If
    Set FSO = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")

   FSO.CopyFile Source:=FromPathraw & filenameraw, Destination:=ToPathraw
   FSO.CopyFile Source:=FromPathcta & filenamecta, Destination:=ToPathcta
   FSO.CopyFile Source:=FromPathinvoice & filenameinvoice, Destination:=ToPathinvoice
   MsgBox "Succesfully done"
End If
Next count
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description
End Function
For eg., If '10765' file not exist - its ending the loop and code comes out.
I need it should search '10883' and continue till end '10966'