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Thread: Add templates to QA toolbar/Ribbon in 2019?

  1. #1
    VBAX Contributor
    Nov 2020
    Swansea,South Wales,UK

    Add templates to QA toolbar/Ribbon in 2019?

    I have just upgraded from Office 2007 to 2019, and starting to regret it to be honest.
    In my Outlook on 2007 I had a Templates entry and my frequent templates below that. ALso had a menu for various macros that I used frequently.

    I have been unable to find how to do that in 2019?
    I found this link but all that does is put the Choose Form icon in Outlook, I still have to go and get it from the folder?

    In 2007 this was all done via a hyperlink?? Whilst I can add a new mail under a new group, no option to link to a template as there is in 2007.

    So, is there a way to replicate the method in 2007 in 2019 please?

    Not having much luck with this.
    I have also posted at the following

  2. #2
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    I think if you put the template in


    then you can pick one like this



    I've never really used this feature, so you may need to experiment a little


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  3. #3
    VBAX Contributor
    Nov 2020
    Swansea,South Wales,UK
    Hi Paul,
    Thank you for your reply.
    Yes, I am aware I can do it that way, even put a Choose Form option on the ribbon, but that is way more effort than I need to do in 2007?

    Attached is what I have had for years with 2007? I could create the outcmd.dat and give that to you to make your life easier, not any more it appears.
    One button has a list of templates I use so frequently, and easy to add more, same with the Macros button.
    So much so, I have gone back to Outlook 2007.

    I initially upgraded just beacuse of Access, as 2007 would not open later DBs from later versions.
    I have just upgraded one PC of mine to Win11, and then find that you cannot move the taskbar. Going backwards there as well.

    So something that was so easy to implement, seems impossible now? So much for progress.
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