Mine is the same - 4464,

I did note though that if the number of rows is 65536 then the ubound returns 65536. If you make it 65537 then the ubound is 2 I suppose for the same reason.

   Dim u(1 To 2, 1 To 65536)
   Dim v
   v = Application.Transpose(u)
   MsgBox UBound(v, 1)
   Dim u(1 To 2, 1 To 65537)
   Dim v
   v = Application.Transpose(u)
   MsgBox UBound(v, 1)
I think I will be avoiding TRANSPOSE on larger ranges that have the potential to expand going forward, why on earth would Microsoft not have the transpose function updated to work with the new row size...

Quote Originally Posted by Aflatoon View Post
So it appears to have done some sort of Mod 65536 and resized using the remainder, keeping the data from the start of the original array.
So strange