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Thread: Get Windows 98 registry values, VB6

  1. #1
    VBAX Regular andrew93's Avatar
    Aug 2005
    Auckland, New Zealand

    Get Windows 98 registry values, VB6

    Hi Everyone

    Before I start I have to say this is an excellent forum for VBA/VB6 help - I'm a novice VB programmer but I often come here with issues and find the answers without making a post. This time I have an issue for which I haven't found an answer.

    I have a VB6 project that extracts information from the users PC and it works well on Windows XP but it doesn't work on Windows 98 PC's. Part of the process involves extracting information from the registry using these commands :

    Public Function GetInfo()
    	Dim oWSH As Object
    	Set oWSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    	GetInfo = oWSH.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\...")
    	'the previous line was truncated for the sake of brevity
    End Function
    As I mentioned, this works fine on XP PC's but fails on Windows 98 PC's (and I suspect it would also fail on Win 95 & ME). I have checked the registry and the identical path I'm seeking exists on the 98 PC, so I suspect the issue is with the "WScript.Shell" line.

    How can this line (or code) be modified to accommodate other versions of Windows?

    TIA, Andrew

    P.S. I'm posting now from the '98 PC and I forgot to mention that the error is number 429 : "ActiveX component can't create object".
    Last edited by andrew93; 12-30-2005 at 03:53 AM. Reason: extra info

  2. #2
    VBAX Mentor Marcster's Avatar
    Jun 2005
    Hi Andrew93,
    The version of WSH (Windows Script Host) in Windows 98, 2000,
    and Millennium Editions is either version 1.0 or 2.0.

    You can upgrade to version 5.6 by going to:

    If an upgrade is not possible maybe this thread can help:


    Last edited by Marcster; 12-30-2005 at 05:25 AM.

  3. #3
    Knowledge Base Approver
    The King of Overkill!
    VBAX Master
    Jul 2004
    Rochester, NY
    Hi Andrew,

    You can also do this using APIs. I have the following module I use whenever I have to work with the registry. I didn't write it, but I do use it if you have any questions. I have the following module that I import into my registry-based projects:

    Option Explicit
    'Attribute VB_Name = "modRegistry"
    ' modRegistry.Bas - Declares, Subroutines and Functions for the Registry
    ' 1997/05/03 Copyright 1994-1997, Larry Rebich, The Bridge, Inc.
    '' Functions and Subroutines included in this module:
    ''   Function RegRead    Returns a value using the Supplied Key and Value Name
    '   Function RegWrite   Write a value using the Supplied Key, Value Name and Value
    '                       Remove the Value Name if value is null [""]
    '   Function RegCreate  Create a Key, open the Key, then close the Key.
    '                       This function is called by RegWrite if the key does not exist.
    '                       There should be no reason to call this function directly.
    ' Only string data [REG_SZ] is process by these routines.
    ' For details see the comments associated with each function.
    DefLng A-Z
    Public Const REG_SZ         As Long = 1
    Public Const REG_DWORD      As Long = 4
    Public Const HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = &H80000000
    Public Const HKCR = &H80000000
    Public Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001
    Public Const HKCU = &H80000001
    Public Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
    Public Const HKLM = &H80000002
    Public Const HKEY_USERS = &H80000003
    Public Const HKU = &H80000003
    Public Const ERROR_NONE = 0
    Public Const ERROR_BADDB = 1
    Public Const ERROR_BADKEY = 2
    Public Const ERROR_CANTOPEN = 3
    Public Const ERROR_CANTREAD = 4
    Public Const ERROR_CANTWRITE = 5
    Public Const ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY = 6
    Public Const ERROR_ARENA_TRASHED = 7
    Public Const ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED = 8
    Public Const ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS = 259
    Public Const ERROR_SUCCESS& = 0
    Public Const NO_ERROR& = 0
    Const KEY_QUERY_VALUE = &H1&
    Const KEY_SET_VALUE = &H2&
    Const KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY = &H4&
    Const KEY_NOTIFY = &H10&
    Const READ_CONTROL = &H20000
    Const SYNCHRONIZE = &H100000
    Public Const REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY& = 1
    Public Const REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY& = 2
    Private Type FILETIME
     dwLowDateTime           As Long
     dwHighDateTime          As Long
    End Type
     nLength                 As Long
     lpSecurityDescription   As Long   'SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR
     bInheritHandle          As Boolean
    End Type
    Private Declare Function RegCloseKey Lib "advapi32.dll" (ByVal hKey As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function RegCreateKeyEx Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegCreateKeyExA" _
    (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal Reserved As Long, _
    ByVal lpClass As String, ByVal dwOptions As Long, ByVal samDesired As Long, _
    lpSecurityAttributes As SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, phkResult As Long, _
    lpdwDisposition As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function RegDeleteValue Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegDeleteValueA" _
    (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String) As Long
    Private Declare Function RegOpenKey Lib "advapi32" Alias "RegOpenKeyA" _
    (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, phkResult As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function RegOpenKeyEx Lib "advapi32" Alias "RegOpenKeyExA" _
    (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal ulOptions As Long, _
    ByVal samDesired As Long, phkResult As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function RegQueryValueEx Lib "advapi32" Alias "RegQueryValueExA" _
    (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, lpReserved As Long, _
    lpType As Long, ByVal lpData As String, lpcbData As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function RegSetValueEx Lib "advapi32" Alias "RegSetValueExA" _
    (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal Reserved As Long, _
    ByVal dwType As Long, lpData As Any, ByVal cbData As Long) As Long
    Private Function RegCreate(sKey As String, Optional lngHKey As Long) As Long
      '/Created: 11/6/2003 10:56 PM
      '/Created By: Scott
      ' Create a key
      ' Returns:
      '    False if Fails to Create the Key
      ' or lDisposition:
      '    REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY& = 1& or   'created a new key
      '    REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY& = 2&  'key already exists
      Dim lRtn                      As Integer
      Dim lHKey                     As Long           'return handle to opened key
      Dim lDisposition              As Long    'disposition
      Dim lpSecurityAttributes      As SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES
      On Error GoTo Err_RegCreate
      If lngHKey <> 0 Then
        lRtn = RegCreateKeyEx(lngHKey, sKey, 0&, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE, _
        lpSecurityAttributes, lHKey, lDisposition)
        lRtn = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sKey, 0&, "", _
        REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE, lpSecurityAttributes, lHKey, lDisposition)
      End If
        If lRtn = ERROR_SUCCESS Then
        RegCreate = lDisposition    'tell 'em if it existed or was created
        lRtn = RegCloseKey(lHKey)   'close the Registry
        End If 'If lRtn = ERROR_SUCCESS
      On Error Resume Next
      Exit Function
        Select Case Err.Number
        Case Else
            ErrorHandler Err.Number, Err.Description, "RegCreate_basReg"
        End Select
      Resume Exit_RegCreate
    End Function
    Public Function RegRead(sKey As String, sValueName As String, Optional _
     vntOptionalHKey As Variant) As String
      '/Created: 11/6/2003 10:56 PM
      '/Created By: Scott
      ' Returns the Value found for this Key and ValueName
      ' Input:        Sample:
      '   sKey        "Software\Microsoft\File Manager\Settings"
      '   sValueName  "Face"
      ' Return:
      '               "FixedSys" or
      '               "" [null] if not found
      ' 96/09/18 Add support for different root level key. Needed to find DAO3032.DLL
      ' in class registry. Larry.
      Dim lOptionalHKey             As Long   '96/09/18 Can open a different area key.
      Dim lKeyType                  As Long
      Dim lHKey                     As Long       'return handle to opened key
      Dim lpcbData                  As Long    'length of data in returned string
      Dim sReturnedString           As String   'returned string value
      Dim sTemp                     As String     'temp string
      Dim lRtn                      As Long        'success or not success
      On Error GoTo Err_RegRead
      If IsMissing(vntOptionalHKey) Then
        lOptionalHKey = HKEY_CURRENT_USER   'Use current user
        lOptionalHKey = vntOptionalHKey     'Use the one supplied
      End If 'If IsMissing(vntOptionalHKey)
      lKeyType = REG_SZ       'data type is string
      lRtn = RegOpenKeyEx(lOptionalHKey, sKey, 0&, KEY_READ, lHKey)
        If lRtn = ERROR_SUCCESS Then
        lpcbData = 1024                     'get this many characters
        sReturnedString = Space$(lpcbData)  'setup the buffer
        lRtn = RegQueryValueEx(lHKey, sValueName, ByVal 0&, lKeyType, _
        sReturnedString, lpcbData)
        If lRtn = ERROR_SUCCESS Then
            sTemp = Left$(sReturnedString, lpcbData - 1)
        End If 'If lRtn = ERROR_SUCCESS
        RegCloseKey lHKey
        End If 'If lRtn = ERROR_SUCCESS
      RegRead = sTemp
      On Error Resume Next
      Exit Function
        Select Case Err.Number
        Case Else
        ErrorHandler Err.Number, Err.Description, "RegRead_basReg"
        End Select
      Resume Exit_RegRead
    End Function
    Function ErrorHandler(ByVal errNum As Long, ByVal errDesc As String, _
      Optional ByVal ExtraText As String) As Boolean
     MsgBox "Error number: " & errNum & vbCrLf & _
      "Description: " & errDesc & vbCrLf & ExtraText, vbCritical, "Error!"
    End Function
    Public Function RegWrite(sKey As String, sValueName As String, ByVal _
     sValue As String, Optional vntOptionalHKey As Variant) As Integer
      '/Created: 11/6/2003 10:56 PM
      '/Created By: Scott
      ' Input:        Sample:
      '   sKey        "Software\Microsoft\File Manager\Settings"
      '   sValueName  "Face"
      '   sValue      "FixedSys"
      ' Return:
      '   True if successful
    ' If the current setting is the same as the new setting then the update
      ' is bypassed.
    ' Note: If sValue = "" then sValueName is removed [deleted].
      Dim lOptionalHKey As Long   '10/14/96 Can open a different area key(to register fonts). Boris
      Dim lRtn          As Long
      Dim lKeyType      As Long 'returns the key type.  This function expects REG_SZ
      Dim lHKey         As Long 'return handle to opened key
      Dim iSuccessCount As Integer
      On Error GoTo Err_RegWrite
      lKeyType = REG_SZ       'these routines support only string types
        If IsMissing(vntOptionalHKey) Then
        lOptionalHKey = HKEY_CURRENT_USER   'Use current user
        lOptionalHKey = vntOptionalHKey     'Use the one supplied
        End If 'If IsMissing(vntOptionalHKey)
        If Trim$(sValue) <> "" Then             'if there is a value then update it
        lRtn = RegOpenKeyEx(lOptionalHKey, sKey, 0&, KEY_SET_VALUE, lHKey)  'open the Registry
        If lRtn = ERROR_SUCCESS Then
            lRtn = RegSetValueEx(lHKey, sValueName, 0&, lKeyType, ByVal sValue, _
            CLng(Len(sValue) + 1))   'update the value
            If lRtn = ERROR_SUCCESS Then
                iSuccessCount = iSuccessCount + 1
            End If 'If lRtn = ERROR_SUCCESS
            lRtn = RegCloseKey(lHKey)       'close the Registry
            ElseIf lRtn = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND Or lRtn = ERROR_BADKEY Then 'create it
            If RegCreate(sKey, lOptionalHKey) Then        'Create it, was it successful?
                GoTo RegWriteTryAgain       'Yes, go try writing again
            End If 'If RegCreate(sKey)
        End If 'If lRtn = ERROR_SUCCESS
        Else                                    'Value is null, delete the key
        lRtn = RegOpenKeyEx(lOptionalHKey, sKey, 0&, KEY_SET_VALUE, lHKey)  'open the Registry
        If lRtn = ERROR_SUCCESS Then
            lRtn = RegDeleteValue(lHKey, sValueName)
            If lRtn = ERROR_SUCCESS Then
                iSuccessCount = iSuccessCount + 1
            End If 'If lRtn = ERROR_SUCCESS
            lRtn = RegCloseKey(lHKey)       'close the Registry
        End If 'If lRtn = ERROR_SUCCESS
        End If 'If Trim$(sValue) <> ""
        If iSuccessCount > 0 Then
        RegWrite = True                     'OK, changed
        End If 'If iSuccessCount > 0
      On Error Resume Next
      Exit Function
        Select Case Err.Number
        Case Else
             ErrorHandler Err.Number, Err.Description, "RegWrite_basReg"
        End Select
      Resume Exit_RegWrite
    End Function
    Since my projects that use the registry usually use the same location with different keys, I usually have a couple functions for quick read/write access and a constant for the registry location:
    Public Const RegistryLoc = "Software\Microsoft\Office"
    Private Function LoadValue(ByVal vKey As String) As String
    LoadValue = RegRead(RegistryLoc, CStr(vKey), HKCU)
    End Function
    Private Function SetValue(ByVal vKey As String, ByVal vValue As String) As Boolean
    RegWrite RegistryLoc, CStr(vKey), vValue, HKCU
    End Function
    Let me know if you have any questions! Looks confusing, really isn't (though isn't as need as the wscript way).
    Last edited by Aussiebear; 04-15-2023 at 05:44 PM. Reason: Adjusted the code tags

  4. #4
    VBAX Regular andrew93's Avatar
    Aug 2005
    Auckland, New Zealand
    Thanks for the speedy replies!

    I've opted for a code solution given there may be occasions where I'm not in charge of the PC being used and won't have control over the version of windows script host. I saw that thread you linked to but I couldn't work out how it applied to my situation. I think I can see why this doesn't work now so thanks again.

    I extracted what I thought were the pieces I needed but it doesn't seem to be returning any values in either Windows XP or 98. Can you see what I have done wrong?

    Here's a sample of the code where I call the function :
    Public Function GetProcessorInfo()
        Dim KeyPath As String
        KeyPath = _
        GetProcessorInfo = Trim(RegRead(KeyPath, "VendorIdentifier"))
    End Function
    And here is the code that I inserted into a new module (it is a cut down version of your code) :
    Option Explicit
    Public Const ERROR_SUCCESS& = 0
    Public Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001
    Public Const REG_SZ		 As Long = 1
    Const KEY_NOTIFY = &H10&
    Const KEY_QUERY_VALUE = &H1&
    Const READ_CONTROL = &H20000
    Private Declare Function RegCloseKey Lib "advapi32.dll" _
    (ByVal hKey As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function RegOpenKeyEx Lib "advapi32" Alias "RegOpenKeyExA" _
    (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal ulOptions As Long, _
    ByVal samDesired As Long, phkResult As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function RegQueryValueEx Lib "advapi32" Alias "RegQueryValueExA" _
    (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, lpReserved As Long, _
    lpType As Long, ByVal lpData As String, lpcbData As Long) As Long
    Public Function RegRead(sKey As String, sValueName As String, Optional _
    	vntOptionalHKey As Variant) As String
    	Dim lOptionalHKey			 As Long
    	Dim lKeyType				 As Long
    	Dim lHKey					 As Long 'return handle to opened key
    	Dim lpcbData				 As Long 'length of data in returned string
    	Dim sReturnedString		   As String 'returned string value
    	Dim sTemp					 As String 'temp string
    	Dim lRtn					 As Long 'success or not success
    	On Error GoTo Err_RegRead
    	If IsMissing(vntOptionalHKey) Then
    		lOptionalHKey = HKEY_CURRENT_USER 'Use current user
    		lOptionalHKey = vntOptionalHKey 'Use the one supplied
    	End If 'If IsMissing(vntOptionalHKey)
    	lKeyType = REG_SZ 'data type is string
    	lRtn = RegOpenKeyEx(lOptionalHKey, sKey, 0&, KEY_READ, lHKey)
    	If lRtn = ERROR_SUCCESS Then
    		lpcbData = 1024 'get this many characters
    		sReturnedString = Space$(lpcbData) 'setup the buffer
    		lRtn = RegQueryValueEx(lHKey, sValueName, ByVal 0&, lKeyType, _
    		sReturnedString, lpcbData)
    		If lRtn = ERROR_SUCCESS Then
    			sTemp = Left$(sReturnedString, lpcbData - 1)
    		End If 'If lRtn = ERROR_SUCCESS
    		RegCloseKey lHKey
    	End If 'If lRtn = ERROR_SUCCESS
    	RegRead = sTemp
    	On Error Resume Next
    	RegCloseKey lHKey
    	Exit Function
    	'Select Case Err.Number
    	'Case Else
    	'	ErrorHandler Err.Number, Err.Description, "RegRead_basReg"
    	'End Select
    	MsgBox "Cannot read registry value", vbCritical, "Error"
    	Resume Exit_RegRead
    End Function
    Any pointers as to why this doesn't work would be appreciated.

    TIA, Andrew

    P.S. It appears to fail at this line : "lRtn = RegOpenKeyEx(lOptionalHKey, sKey, 0&, KEY_READ, lHKey)" because this returns a value of 2 but to read the key I need it to return a value of 0, so I suspect one of the pass through variables is not correct. Given I have supplied the full key path, but there is some "fiddling" going on with the HKCU (?), then I suspect the true error is with the lOptionalHKey field. Unfortunately I don't know enough about VB to correct this myself.
    Last edited by andrew93; 12-30-2005 at 03:36 PM. Reason: extra info

  5. #5
    Knowledge Base Approver
    The King of Overkill! VBAX Master
    Jul 2004
    Rochester, NY
    Hi Andrew,

    You are close, and you have the correct reasoning. You can change your GetProcessorInfo function to
    Public Function GetProcessorInfo()
        Dim KeyPath As String
        KeyPath = "Hardware\Description\System\CentralProcessor\0"
        GetProcessorInfo = Trim(RegRead(KeyPath, "VendorIdentifier", HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE))
    End Function
    And make sure to add this to the Const section of your regread part:

    Public Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
    I'm sure you can see what the error is, you included the HKLM into the key path, when it should be a separate value.
    Last edited by Aussiebear; 04-15-2023 at 05:45 PM. Reason: Adjusted the code tags

  6. #6
    VBAX Regular andrew93's Avatar
    Aug 2005
    Auckland, New Zealand
    Hi Matt

    Thank you very much for your response. It is all so obvious once it is pointed out. I'm a novice with VB but am learning pretty quickly. Thanks again for your help. Your change works perfectly and I can now use this methodology elsewhere. My script runs on both the XP and Win98 platforms (I suppose I should now test some other platforms....)

    Thanks again

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