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Thread: Difference Between Object Library's

  1. #1
    VBAX Regular Jack58's Avatar
    May 2004

    Difference Between Object Library's

    I have a complex Access 2000 database that basically takes information from text files and converts the information into a Microsoft Word document.

    The problem is this, in my Module I have the code written to format the document in Microsoft Word. The computer at work only has Microsoft Word Object Library 9.0. The database will not format the document as I need it to, however when I run the database with Microsoft Word Object Library 10, I get the results I am looking for.

    I have tryed just about everything to make this work on the computer with the 9.0 Object Library, with no luck.

    The Database is larger that what I am allowed to post on this site, so if anyone could help me, I would be more than happy to send a copy of the database to them to review.

    Sure hope someone can help me with this complex problem (the boss is driving me nuts!!).

    Thanks in advance.

    Jack J.

    I have attached the code of the database below in hoping that someone might have a better idea of what I am attempting to do here,

    Option Compare Database
    Option Explicit

    ' Define a couple of constants that define the location of the files to work with
    Public Const strDivs As String = "X:\Purchasing\Unfilled Report\DivSum.txt"
    Public Const strReport As String = "X:\Purchasing\Unfilled Report\Report.txt"
    'Public Const strDivs As String = "C:\Divisions\DivSum.txt"
    'Public Const strReport As String = "C:\Divisions\Report.txt"
    Public Const strPrint As String = "C:\Divisions\PrintOut.txt"
    Public Const strTemp As String = "C:\Divisions\temp.txt"
    Public Const strRootPath As String = "C:\Divisions\"

    Public Sub CheckDivisions(dblDivPerMark As Double, dblBuyPerMark As Double)

    ' Open the Progress form
    DoCmd.OpenForm "frmProgressBar"

    ' Define our variables
    Dim hDivs As Long
    Dim hReport As Long
    Dim hPrint As Long
    Dim hTemp As Long
    Dim strLine As String
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim j As Integer
    Dim strDivision As String
    Dim strBuyer As String
    Dim dblPercent As Double
    Dim strFile As String
    Dim objWord As Word.Application
    Dim Test As String

    ' First we will open the Reports.txt file and read through it. We will create some folders and files
    ' based on this report in order to speed up later checking
    hReport = FreeFile
    Open strReport For Input Access Read Shared As hReport

    ' Add indicator to Progress Bar form
    Forms![frmProgressBar]![ProgressBar] = Forms![frmProgressBar]![ProgressBar] & "*"

    ' Clear all the temp directories
    For i = 1 To 99
    ' If the directory exists, loop through and delete all files
    If Dir(strRootPath & CStr(Format(i, "00")), vbDirectory) = CStr(Format(i, "00")) Then
    strFile = Dir(strRootPath & CStr(Format(i, "00")) & "\" & "*.*")
    Do Until strFile = ""
    Kill strRootPath & CStr(Format(i, "00")) & "\" & strFile
    strFile = Dir
    ' Delete directory
    RmDir (strRootPath & CStr(Format(i, "00")))
    End If
    Next i

    ' Loop through the Report.txt file
    Do Until InStr(1, strLine, "END OF REPORT") > 0
    ' Add indicator to Progress Bar form
    Forms![frmProgressBar]![ProgressBar] = Forms![frmProgressBar]![ProgressBar] & "*"
    ' Delete the temp file if it exists
    If Dir(strTemp) = "temp.txt" Then Kill (strTemp)
    ' Open the temp file for storage
    hTemp = FreeFile
    Open strTemp For Output Access Write As hTemp
    ' Read and capture the first 3 lines which contain the header info
    j = 0
    For i = 0 To 2
    If Left(strLine, 7) = "1REPORT" Then
    If j <> 0 Then Line Input #hReport, strLine
    Line Input #hReport, strLine
    End If
    Print #hTemp, strLine
    j = j + 1
    Next i
    ' Capture the division and the buyer numbers
    strDivision = Mid(strLine, 14, 2)
    strBuyer = Mid(strLine, 101, 2)
    ' Loop through the pages until the end of the buyer
    Do Until InStr(1, strLine, "%LIN SHIP ADJUSTED") > 0 Or InStr(1, strLine, "END OF REPORT") > 0
    Line Input #hReport, strLine
    Print #hTemp, strLine
    ' Capture the value of the line ship adjusted
    If InStr(1, strLine, "END OF REPORT") = 0 Then
    dblPercent = CDbl(Mid(strLine, 58, 6))
    dblPercent = 100
    End If
    ' Close the temp file
    Close hTemp
    ' If line ship adjusted is under limit then save file, otherwise ignore it
    If dblPercent < dblBuyPerMark Then
    ' Check for the directory and make it
    If Dir(strRootPath & strDivision, vbDirectory) <> strDivision Then MkDir strRootPath & strDivision
    ' Copy the temp file to the directory
    FileCopy strTemp, strRootPath & strDivision & "\" & strBuyer & "-" & CStr(dblPercent) & ".txt"
    End If
    ' Skip the extra line
    If InStr(1, strLine, "END OF REPORT") = 0 Then Line Input #hReport, strLine

    ' Close the Report.txt file
    Close hReport

    ' Check to see if the PrintOut.txt file exists and delete it
    If Dir(strPrint) = "PrintOut.txt" Then Call Kill(strPrint)

    ' Open the DivSum.txt and the PrintOut.txt files
    hDivs = FreeFile
    Open strDivs For Input Access Read Shared As hDivs
    hPrint = FreeFile
    Open strPrint For Output Access Write As hPrint

    ' Loop through the divsum.txt file and find divisions under limit
    Do Until EOF(hDivs)
    ' Add indicator to Progress Bar form
    Forms![frmProgressBar]![ProgressBar] = Forms![frmProgressBar]![ProgressBar] & "*"
    ' Read a line
    Line Input #hDivs, strLine
    ' If the line begins with a 0, capture the division number and prepare to check the percentages
    If Left(strLine, 1) = "0" Then
    ' Capture the division number
    strDivision = Mid(strLine, 13, 2)
    ' Skip 5 lines to get to the percentages
    For i = 1 To 5
    Line Input #hDivs, strLine
    Next i
    ' Capture the value of the line ship adjusted
    dblPercent = CDbl(Mid(strLine, 75, 6))
    ' If line ship adjusted is under limit then copy all files in the division directory to the
    ' PrintOut.txt file
    If dblPercent < dblDivPerMark Then
    ' Open each file in the division dirctory and copy it to the PrintOut.txt file
    strFile = Dir(strRootPath & strDivision & "\" & "*.*")
    Do Until strFile = ""
    hTemp = FreeFile
    ' Open the file
    Open strRootPath & strDivision & "\" & strFile For Input Access Read Shared As hTemp
    ' Loop through the file and print each line to the PrintOut.doc file
    Do Until EOF(hTemp)
    Line Input #hTemp, strLine
    Print #hPrint, strLine
    Close hTemp
    strFile = Dir
    End If
    End If

    ' Close any open files
    Close hPrint
    Close hDivs

    ' Add indicator to Progress Bar form
    Forms![frmProgressBar]![ProgressBar] = Forms![frmProgressBar]![ProgressBar] & "*"

    ' Check for and delete any PrintOut.doc file remaining
    If Dir(strRootPath & "PrintOut.doc") = "PrintOut.doc" Then Call Kill(strRootPath & "PrintOut.doc")

    ' Open the PrintOut.doc file in Word, add page breaks, and save the file as PrintOut.doc"
    Set objWord = New Word.Application

    objWord.Documents.Open strPrint
    objWord.Selection.Find.Execute "1REPORT", , , , , , , , , "^m", wdReplaceAll
    With objWord.ActiveDocument.PageSetup
    .Orientation = wdOrientLandscape
    .TopMargin = InchesToPoints(0.5)
    .BottomMargin = InchesToPoints(0.5)
    .LeftMargin = InchesToPoints(0.2)
    .RightMargin = InchesToPoints(0.2)
    End With
    objWord.Selection.Font.Name = "Courier"
    objWord.Selection.Font.Size = 9#

    ' Add indicator to Progress Bar form
    Forms![frmProgressBar]![ProgressBar] = "*"
    j = 0
    For i = 1 To 10000
    objWord.Selection.HomeKey unit:=wdLine
    objWord.Selection.MoveRight unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend
    If objWord.Selection = "0" Then
    objWord.Selection.TypeText Chr(32)
    objWord.Selection.HomeKey unit:=wdLine
    objWord.Selection.TypeText Chr(13)
    objWord.Selection.MoveDown unit:=wdLine, Count:=1
    j = 0
    GoTo NextI
    End If
    If i <> "0" Then
    objWord.Selection.MoveDown unit:=wdLine, Count:=1
    objWord.Selection.HomeKey unit:=wdLine
    j = j + 1
    End If
    If j = 100 Then Exit For
    If i Mod 50 = 0 Then
    ' Add indicator to Progress Bar form
    Forms![frmProgressBar]![ProgressBar] = Forms![frmProgressBar]![ProgressBar] & "*"
    End If
    Next i

    With objWord.Selection.ParagraphFormat
    .SpaceBeforeAuto = False
    .SpaceAfterAuto = False
    .LineSpacingRule = wdLineSpaceExactly
    .LineSpacing = 8
    .CharacterUnitLeftIndent = 0
    .CharacterUnitRightIndent = 0
    .CharacterUnitFirstLineIndent = 0
    .LineUnitBefore = 0
    .LineUnitAfter = 0
    objWord.ActiveDocument.SaveAs strRootPath & "PrintOut.doc", wdFormatDocument

    End With
    objWord.Selection.HomeKey unit:=wdLine

    Set objWord = Nothing

    ' Preview the PrintOut.doc file
    'strLine = MsgBox("Do you wish to preview the report?", vbYesNo, "Preview?")
    ' If strLine = vbYes Then strFile = Shell("C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\winword.exe " & strRootPath & "Printout.Doc")

    ' Close Progress Bar form
    DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmProgressBar"

    End Sub

  2. #2
    VBAX Tutor SJ McAbney's Avatar
    May 2004
    I never use Word but what is the Word document saved with: Word 2000 or 2002. I'd have to say it was 2002 as Word 10.0 is Word 2002.

    I'll assume you've looked at the references. If the data base is not compiled (to .mde) then I suppose you could run code to set the appropriate Word reference as it should work.

    i.e. (i can't remember the exact reference properties)

    Dim ref As Reference
    For Each ref In References
    If ref.Name = "Word Then
    ref.Add "C:\Windows\........"
    End If
    Set ref = Nothing[/vba]

  3. #3
    VBAX Regular Jack58's Avatar
    May 2004
    I am using Word 2000. In the code reference above, where would I place the code?, in the Module I have posted above?

    I am not to familiar with using References, so how can I tell if the database is compiled (to .mde)?

    Thanks for responding, and look foward to hearing back from you shortly.

    Jack J.

  4. #4
    Licensed Coder
    VBAX Expert mark007's Avatar
    May 2004
    Leeds, UK
    What is not formatting correctly? Are you using a feature in word 2002 (10) that is not available in word 2000 (9) ?

    Otherwise binding to the 9.0 reference should work fine. Would be odd if you have both available but only word 2000 installed though...

    The alternative is to convert to late binding which might do the trick. What you have descibed so far doesn't make me think this is the way to go quite yet though.

    "Computers are useless. They can only give you answers." - Pablo Picasso
    Mark Rowlinson FIA | The Code Net

  5. #5
    VBAX Regular Jack58's Avatar
    May 2004
    The Document in word is not being formated correctly. As far as I know I am not using any feature that Word 2000 does not have.

    I currently only have 9.0 reference only on the computer where the database is. When I run the database on a computer with a later version of the Object library I do not have a problem at all.

    I am not aware of how "late binding", and would be galdly open to try using it.

    I would be glad to contact you directly or have you contact me directly if you like to see how the database is not doing the formatting in word I need it to do.

    Thanks, hope to be hearing back from you shortly.


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