Quote Originally Posted by jumpmanjones
what is the best book to use to learn VBA, that is easy to understand and goes in depth into all the tools of VBA and has many different examples?
There is no "best" book.

Which book to start with depends on which Office app interests you most and what is your programming background.

VBA is actually made up of a subset of VB and, for each app. an application dependent object model.

If you seriously want to learn VBA, learn VB first.

Best VB book is likely Gary Cornell's Visual Basic 6 from the Ground Up.

If Word is the app of interest, see http://www.standards.com/index.html?WordVBABooks.

A number of the books listed will also help for more general VBA that may be used with Excel and Access, in particular the book by Ken Getz.

For Excel, start with books by John Walkenbach.

For Outlook, start with Sue Mosher's book.