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Thread: Copy Data fRange rom Excel and Paste to PowerPoint Table

  1. #1

    Copy Data fRange rom Excel and Paste to PowerPoint Table

    Hello All,

    I have been trying to achieve the subject task using VBA.
    The idea is to copy the actual data from Excel and 'populate' the cells of an existing PP table (in other words not a picture copy and paste).

    I have built the attached VBA module which copy each cell from the Excel range to the table cell.

    It works but it is much too slow and I would like to modify the code to actually copy and paste the entire range in a single shot (like you can do manually).
    I have been failing to make this work.
    Any help appreciated.


    Sub RangeTransferToTable()
    ' Copy each data cell in Excel range to the PowerPoint Slide 2 Shape 4 Table
    Dim oPPP As PowerPoint.Application
    Dim oPPTShape As PowerPoint.Shape
    Dim rng As Excel.Range
    Dim frmt As Variant
    ' Set oPPP to PowerPoint by creating a new instance of PowerPoint.
    ' If PowerPoint is already open, you would instead use the GetObject
    ' method instead.
    Set oPPP = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
    ' Set PowerPoint to be Visible.
    oPPP.Visible = msoTrue
    Set rng = ActiveSheet.Range("E6:I11")

    For rw = 1 To rng.Rows.Count
    For cl = 1 To rng.Columns.Count
    data = rng.Cells(rw, cl).Value

    If Not (IsEmpty(rng.Cells(rw, cl))) Then
    If IsNumeric(rng.Cells(rw, cl)) Then 'Convert numeric value to text using number format
    frmt = rng.Cells(rw, cl).NumberFormat
    data = WorksheetFunction.Text(rng.Cells(rw, cl).Value, frmt)
    End If
    data = rng.Cells(rw, cl).Value
    End If
    With oPPP.ActivePresentation.Slides("Slide2").Shapes(4).Table.Cell(rw, cl)
    .Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = data
    End With
    Next cl
    Next rw

    End Sub

    Edited by geekgirlau 22-May-06. Reason: Insert vba tags

  2. #2
    VBAX Master geekgirlau's Avatar
    Aug 2004
    Melbourne, Australia
    Hi Jean Pierre,

    When you post code, make sure you use the VBA tags to make it easier to read. Just select the code text after you've pasted (or typed) it into your post, then click on the "VBA" button.

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