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Thread: Find button to search subform

  1. #1

    Find button to search subform

    Hey All,
    I am trying to make a button in the main form that will search the subform. Here is what I have:
    Private Sub Find_Click()
    Dim strFindRecord As String

    strFindRecord = InputBox("Enter a name to find", "Enter Name")
    DoCmd.GoToControl ("ctlPart_Number")
    DoCmd.FindRecord strFindRecord

    End Sub

    It works if ctlPart_Number is in the main form, but not if it is in the subform. How do I get it to work?

  2. #2
    VBAX Guru
    Mar 2005
    mwork, you need to refer to the Subform in the code.
    Something like
    where Subformname is the actual name of your subform.
    I am not sure that the
    DoCmd.FindRecord strFindRecord
    will work with that or not, you may have to use a Recodset.

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