
Adjust range to exclude irrelevant cells

Ease of Use


Version tested with

2000, 2003 

Submitted by:

Ken Puls


This macro only considers cells that hold either text, values or formulas for evaluation. Since all the other cells are removed from the range, it can drastically speed up For Next loops since irrelevant cells are not evaluated. 


One large issue when working with code that uses a For Next loop on all cells in a user selected area (For Each cell in Selection) is that many irrelevant cells can be included in the range. In the worst case, a user can select the entire worksheet, meaning that almost 1.7 million cells need to be evaluated. This code takes advantage of Excel's SpecialCells method to thin down the range to only include cells of a certain type (ie Text, Numbers, or Formulas), making the range as small as possible. When this new and smaller range is passed back to your procedure, it could dramatically speed up your loop. 


instructions for use


Option Explicit Function TrimRange(rng As Range, Optional ReqType As Variant) Dim CellType As Long, SpcCells As Long 'Assign "Text" if optional parameter was not supplied If IsMissing(ReqType) Then ReqType = 1 'Assign required variables based on optional parameter Select Case ReqType Case Is = 1, "Text" CellType = 2 'Constants SpcCells = 2 'Text Case Is = 2, "Values" CellType = 2 'Constants SpcCells = 1 'Values Case Is = 3, "Formulas" CellType = -4123 'Formulas SpcCells = 3 'Text and Values 'Change 3 to 1 for value formulas only, or 'change 3 to 2 for text formulas only End Select 'Limit the range to only selected cells holding desired info On Error Resume Next Select Case rng.Count Case Is = 1 Set TrimRange = rng Case Else Set TrimRange = rng.SpecialCells(CellType, SpcCells) End Select 'If no cells meet criteria then assign top left cell of supplied 'range to avoid error on return to calling procedure If Err.Number <> 0 Then Set TrimRange = rng.Range("A1") End If On Error GoTo 0 End Function Sub TestTrimRange() 'Test the TrimRange function Dim selRange As Range 'Set range to trim Set selRange = TrimRange(Selection, 1) 'Select trimmed range for display purposes 'Normally, you would start your loop here, such as: 'For Each cell in selRange... selRange.Select End Sub

How to use:

  1. Copy above code.
  2. In Excel press Alt + F11 to enter the VBE.
  3. Press Ctrl + R to show the Project Explorer.
  4. Right-click desired file on left (in bold).
  5. Choose Insert -> Module.
  6. Paste code into the right pane.
  7. If you want to restore to the application's default font, remove the ' from the line noted in the middle of the code.
  8. Press Alt + Q to close the VBE.
  9. Save workbook before any other changes.

Test the code:

  1. Place a variety of data on your worksheet. (Numbers, text, and formulas that have both numeric and text results.)
  2. Highlight a range of cells.
  3. Press Alt + F8 to display the Macro dialog box.
  4. Choose TestTrimRange and click Okay.
  5. Verify that only cells holding Text have been selected (and not formulas that show Text results).
  6. To modify this to show other results, change the "1" in the line in TestTrimRange that reads: Set selRange = TrimRange(Selection, 1):
  7. 1 or "Text" (with the quotes), or just leaving off the ",1" will select text only
  8. 2 or "Values" (with the quotes) will select numbers only
  9. 3 or "Formulas" (with the quotes) will select formulas only (showing text or numbers)

Sample File:

TrimRange.zip 16.63KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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