Multiple Apps

Count words and characters in a selection

Ease of Use


Version tested with

2000, 2003 

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Count of individual words and individual characters (both with an without blanks) is displayed for any selection 


Knowing how many individual words or characters are contained in a selection is often valuable. This procedure will count and display the number of words, the number of characters and the number of non-blank characters. The base procedure is application independent. Demonstrations for Excel and Word are provided. 


instructions for use


Option Explicit '############################################## ' ' Excel Code ' '############################################## Sub xlWordsAndChars() ' '**************************************************************************************** ' Function: calculates word count and char count for xl selection ' Passed Values: None '**************************************************************************************** ' ' Dim N As Long Dim NLines As Long Dim NumChars As Integer Dim NumChars2 As Integer Dim NumWords As Integer Dim strBuffer As String Dim strText As String Dim xlCell As Range N = 0 NLines = 0 For Each xlCell In Selection N = N + 1 strText = xlCell.Text Call WordsAndChars(strText, NumWords, NumChars, NumChars2, False) If NumChars = 0 Then strBuffer = strBuffer & "cell # " & N & " is blank" & vbCrLf NLines = NLines + 1 Else strBuffer = strBuffer & "cell # " & N & vbCrLf & _ vbTab & "# words = " & NumWords & vbCrLf & _ vbTab & "# characters = " & NumChars & vbCrLf & _ vbTab & "# non-blank characters = " & NumChars2 & vbCrLf NLines = NLines + 4 End If If NLines >= 40 Then MsgBox strBuffer, vbInformation & vbOKOnly, "Count of words & chars" NLines = 0 strBuffer = "" End If Next xlCell MsgBox strBuffer, vbInformation & vbOKOnly, "Count of words & chars" End Sub '############################################## ' ' Word Code ' '############################################## Sub wrdWordsAndChars() ' '**************************************************************************************** ' Function counts individual words and characters in the current selection ' Passed Values: none '**************************************************************************************** ' ' Dim NumChars As Integer Dim NumChars2 As Integer Dim NumWords As Integer Dim strText As String ' ' move selection text into string variable ' strText = Selection.Text ' ' call word and char function with display = true ' Call WordsAndChars(strText, NumWords, NumChars, NumChars2, True) End Sub '############################################## ' ' Common Code ' '############################################## Sub WordsAndChars(strText As String, NumWords As Integer, NumChars, NumChars2, _ Optional DisplayResults As Boolean = True) ' '**************************************************************************************** ' Function counts individual words and characters in a text string (strBuffer) ' Limitations: leading and trailing blanks are ignored for word counting but ' are included in character counting ' words are assumed to be separated by a single space. When ' separated by more than one space, the extra space is ignored ' for word counting, but is included for character counting ' Passed Values: ' strText [in, string] text string to be parsed ' NumWords [out, integer] # of words found ' NumChars [out, integer] # of characters found ' NumChars2 [out, integer] # of characters found (excluding blanks) ' DisplayResults [in, boolean, OPTIONAL] boolean flag to indicate if results ' are to be displayed via MsgBox ' '**************************************************************************************** ' ' Dim Words() As String Call ParseText(RemoveExtra(Trim(strText), " ", 1), " ", NumWords, Words, False) NumChars = Len(strText) NumChars2 = Len(Replace(strText, " ", "")) If DisplayResults = True Then MsgBox "Count of words and characters for selection:" & vbCrLf & _ " # words = " & NumWords & vbCrLf & _ " # characters = " & NumChars & vbCrLf & _ " # non-blank characters = " & NumChars2, vbInformation & vbOKOnly End If End Sub Sub ParseText(strBuffer As String, Delim As String, NW As Integer, Words, _ Optional FetchWords As Boolean = True) ' '**************************************************************************************** ' Function parses individual words from a text string (strBuffer) and returns ' # words found (NW) and (optionally) a string array of individual ' words (Words) ' Limitations: parses based on a single delimiter (Delim) ' Words must be dimensioned by the calling procedure to accomodate ' expected # of words ' If in doubt, call ParseText first with FetchWords = False to ' (just) count # of words first; the ReDim Words at NW and call ' ParseText a 2nd time with FetchWords = True ' Passed Values: ' strBuffer [in, string] text string to be parsed ' Delim [in, string] delimiter to be used for parsing ' NW [out, integer] # of words found ' Words [out, string array] array of words found ' FetchWords [in, string, OPTIONAL] boolean flag to indicate if ParseText is ' to fetch both NW and Words or just NW ' HISTORY ' 30Apr'05 MWE added FetchWords arguement ' '**************************************************************************************** ' ' Dim Item As Variant Dim strItems() As String Dim strTemp As String ' ' load text string into temp string ' strTemp = strBuffer ' ' parse with Delim ' strItems = Split(strTemp, Delim) ' ' determine NW and load Words array for return ' NW = 0 For Each Item In strItems NW = NW + 1 If FetchWords = True Then Words(NW) = Item End If Next End Sub Function RemoveExtra(strText As String, _ Optional Char As String = " ", _ Optional Num As Long = 1) As String ' '**************************************************************************************** ' Function removes extra repeated characters from a target string. The revised ' string is returned as the functional value. ' Passed Values: ' strText [in, string] target string to be examined ' Char [in, string, OPTIONAL] target character {default = " "} ' Num [in, long, OPTIONAL] number of allowable repetitions {default = 1} ' ' NOTES: let strOld = "now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party" ' ' note the two blank between "the" and "time" ' ' we set strNew = RemoveExtra(strOld, " ", 1) then ' strNew is now = "now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party" '**************************************************************************************** ' ' Dim OrigLen As Long ' ' ensure acceptable value for Num ' If Num < 0 Then MsgBox "RemoveExtra: value for Num is not valid", "vbCritical + vbOKOnly" Exit Function End If ' ' copy original text string into RemoveExtra ' keep calling Replace with repeated (target) char string of length Num+1 ' replaced by similar string of length Num until result does not change ' RemoveExtra = strText Do Until Len(RemoveExtra) = OrigLen OrigLen = Len(RemoveExtra) RemoveExtra = Replace(RemoveExtra, String(Num + 1, Char), String(Num, Char)) Loop End Function

How to use:

  1. EXCEL:
  2. Copy the above code (xlWordsAndChars + WordsAndChars + ParseText + RemoveExtra).
  3. Open any workbook.
  4. Press Alt + F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor (VBE).
  5. In the left side window, hi-lite the target spreadsheet [it will likely be called VBAProject(name.xls) where name is the name of the spreadsheet] or Personal.xls
  6. Select an existing code module for the target worksheet (or Personal.xls); or from the Insert Menu, choose Insert | Module.
  7. Paste the code into the right-hand code window.
  8. Add user-defined code as appropriate
  9. Close the VBE, save the file if desired.
  10. See ?Test The Code? below
  11. WORD:
  12. Copy the above code (wrdWordsAndChars + WordsAndChars + ParseText + RemoveExtra).
  13. Open a Word document
  14. Press Alt + F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor (VBE).
  15. In the left side window, hi-lite the target document or
  16. Select an existing code module for the target document (or; or from the Insert Menu, choose Insert | Module.
  17. Paste the code into the right-hand code window.
  18. Add user-defined code as appropriate
  19. Close the VBE, save the file if desired.
  20. See ?Test The Code? below

Test the code:

  1. Open the Excel example
  2. Select one of the cells with some text and click on the yellow command button
  3. Select multiple cells (both with and without text) and click on the yellow button
  4. Open the Word example
  5. Select some text and click on the yellow command button

Sample File:

Words& 42.56KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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