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Converting between degrees in decimal format and degrees in Deg/Min/Sec format

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Functions for converting between degrees in decimal format, e.g., 89.75, and degrees in Deg/Min/Sec format, e.g., 89/45/0 


Many engineering and scientific applications perform computations requiring conversion between angular representations. One example is the converstion between decimal representations, e.g., 89.75 degrees and the Dec/Min/Sec representation (89/45/0 for this example). The conversions are quite simple conceptually, by often messy to perform. Dec2DegMinSec and DegMinSec2Dec perform these conversions. These functions will work for any VB/VBA application. The demonstration is Excel based. 


instructions for use


Option Explicit Sub DegDMS_Test() ' ' Demonstration: interacts with use to demonstrate use degree <> Deg/Min/Sec ' conversion functions ' Dim Angle As Single Dim Ans As String Dim Deg As Integer Dim I As Integer Dim IRC As Integer Dim Min As Integer Dim Sec As Integer Dim Title As String Title = "Test of decimal <> Deg/Min/Sec conversions" On Error GoTo ErrorHandling GetInitial: Ans = InputBox("enter test #:" & vbCrLf & _ "1 convert degs in decimal to degs in deg/min/sec" & vbCrLf & _ "2 convert degs in deg/min/sec to degs in decimal" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "[enter nothing or click on Cancel to quit]", Title) If Ans = "" Then Exit Sub I = Ans Select Case I Case Is = 1 GetCase1: Ans = InputBox("angle in decimal form, e.g., 89.45", _ "Demo of Dec2DegMinSec") If Ans = "" Then GoTo GetInitial Angle = Ans Call Dec2DegMinSec(Angle, Deg, Min, Sec) MsgBox "input angle in decimal form = " & Angle & vbCrLf & _ "converted to deg / min / sec = " & Deg & " / " & Min & " / " & Sec, _ vbInformation, Title GoTo GetCase1 Case Is = 2 GetCase2: Ans = InputBox("enter angle in deg/min/sec format", _ "Demo of DegMinSec2Dec") If Ans = "" Then GoTo GetInitial IRC = 0 Call DecodeDMS(1, Ans, Deg, Min, Sec, IRC) If IRC <> 1 Then Call DecodeDMS(2, Ans, Deg, Min, Sec, IRC) GoTo GetCase2 End If Angle = DegMinSec2Dec(Deg, Min, Sec) MsgBox "input angle in deg / min / sec = " & Deg & " / " & Min & " / " & Sec & vbCrLf & _ "converted to decimal form = " & Format(Angle, "##0.###"), vbInformation, _ Title GoTo GetCase2 End Select GoTo GetInitial ErrorHandling: MsgBox "error encountered during processing of input. Likely" & vbCrLf & _ "cause is improper format of input", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, Title End Sub Sub Dec2DegMinSec(AngleinDegs, Deg, Min, Sec) ' ' Function converts an angle in degrees to its corresponding ' Deg, Min, Sec ' Passed Values ' AngleinDegs [in, real*] Angle to be converted (in degrees) ' Deg [out, numeric**] ' Min [out, numeric**] ' Sec [out, numeric**] ' * real means single or double ' ** numeric means Integer, Double, Single or Double ' Dim X As Single, Xmin As Single X = Abs(AngleinDegs) Deg = Int(X) Min = Int(60 * (X - Deg) Mod 60) If Min < 0 Then Deg = Deg - 1 Min = Min + 60 End If Xmin = Min Sec = Int(3600 * (X - Deg - Xmin / 60) Mod 60) If Sec < 0 Then Min = Min - 1 Sec = Sec + 60 End If If AngleinDegs < 0 Then Deg = -Deg Min = -Min Sec = -Sec End If End Sub Function DegMinSec2Dec(Deg, Min, Sec) As Single ' ' Function converts an angle in Deg,Min,Sec form to its corresponding ' decimal form ' Passed Values ' Deg [in, numeric**] ' Min [in, numeric**] ' Sec [in, numeric**] ' * real means single or double ' ** numeric means Integer, Double, Single or Double ' DegMinSec2Dec = Deg + Min / 60 + Sec / 3600 End Function Sub DecodeDMS(OpCode, Text As String, Deg, Min, Sec, IRC) ' ' Function decodes a text string containing Deg/Min/Sec info into ' individual Deg, Min, and Sec values ' Passed Values ' OpCode [in, integer/long] defines what function procedure is to perform ' Opcode = 1 normal decode ' Opcode = 2 display "bad text" error message ' by separating decode from error display, calling proc ' has control over what happens if "text is bad" ' Text [in, string] character string to be decoded ' Deg [out, numeric**] ' Min [out, numeric**] ' Sec [out, numeric**] ' IRC [out, numeric**] return code: ' IRC = 1 ==> OK ' IRC = 0 ==> decode was not completed ' ** numeric means Integer, Double, Single or Double ' ' Dim I1 As Integer Dim I2 As Integer Select Case OpCode Case Is = 1 IRC = 0 I1 = InStr(1, Text, "/") If I1 = 0 Then Exit Sub If I1 = 1 Then Deg = 0 Else Deg = Mid(Text, 1, I1 - 1) End If I1 = I1 + 1 I2 = InStr(I1, Text, "/") If I2 = 0 Then Exit Sub If I2 = I1 Then Min = 0 Else Min = Mid(Text, I1, I2 - I1) End If If Abs(Min) > 60 Then Exit Sub If Len(Text) = I2 Then Sec = 0 Else I2 = I2 + 1 Sec = Mid(Text, I2, Len(Text) - I2 + 1) End If If Abs(Sec) > 60 Then Exit Sub IRC = 1 Case Is = 2 MsgBox Text & " is not acceptable. Possible problems:" & vbCrLf & _ " not in the format Deg/Min/Sec" & vbCrLf & _ " min or sec value is outside range [-60 , 60]" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "NOTE: the two slash separators are required, but numeric values" & vbCrLf & _ "are not. Thus:" & vbCrLf & _ " 123// is the same as 123/0/0" & vbCrLf & _ " /50/ is the same as 0/50/0" & vbCrLf & _ " //20 is the same as 0/0/20, etc", _ vbCritical & vbOKOnly IRC = -1 End Select End Sub

How to use:

  1. Copy the above code.
  2. Open any workbook.
  3. Press Alt + F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor (VBE).
  4. In the left side window, hi-lite the target spreadsheet [it will likely be called VBAProject(filename.xls) where filename is the name of the spreadsheet]
  5. Select an existing code module for the target worksheet; or from the Insert Menu, choose Insert | Module.
  6. Paste the code into the right-hand code window.
  7. Close the VBE, save the file if desired.
  8. See ?Test The Code? below

Test the code:

  1. Open the example
  2. The example contains a testing procedure, and the conversion functions. The test procedure prompts for what the user wants to test, then prompts for test values and finally displays results. After each cycle, the procedure cycles back and reprompts for previous input. Entering nothing or clicking on Cancel ?backs up? the test procedure one level.
  3. NOTE: these procedures will ultimately be called by some parent procedure or application. Thus final testing will depend on how the procs are to be used.

Sample File: 28.01KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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