
Listing a file directory tree in MS Word

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List all folders, sub folders and files from a selected directory. 


This is used to show the file structure of folders. It is used to compare what files and folders exist within a directory. Currently, it is used to help rename and restructure folders to make things easier to find. 


instructions for use


'main procedure Sub Get_Folder_Structure() Dim search_Folder As String 'add new document Documents.Add searchFolder = Select_Folder_From_Prompt() Selection.TypeText (searchFolder) Selection.TypeParagraph If search_Folder <> "EMPTY" Then Call List_subfolder_structure(search_Folder, 1) End If End Sub 'File selecting function to pick folder Function Select_Folder_From_Prompt() _ As String Dim fd As FileDialog Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker) With fd .Title = "Select a folder" .AllowMultiSelect = bMultiSelect .InitialFileName = CONST_MODEL_DIRECTORY .Filters.Clear 'Use the Show method to display the File Picker dialog box and return the user's action. 'The user pressed the action button. If .Show = -1 Then Select_Folder_From_Prompt = .SelectedItems(1) & "\" Else Select_Folder_From_Prompt = "EMPTY" End If End With End Function 'Recursive function that looks at folder structure Function List_subfolder_structure(FolderPath As String, number_of_levels As Integer) Dim number_of_files As Integer Dim file_count As Integer Dim file_name As String Dim level_count As Integer Dim file_Path As String 'list the names of all files in the specified directory number_of_files = 0 level_count = 0 file_name = Dir(FolderPath & "*.*", vbDirectory) Dim fileType As String 'File loop Do While ((file_name) <> "") ' See if we should skip this file. If ((file_name <> ".") And (file_name <> "..")) Then 'reset level counters level_count = 0 'Level loop Do While (number_of_levels > level_count) Selection.TypeText text:=vbTab level_count = level_count + 1 Loop 'Level loop Selection.TypeText (file_name) Selection.TypeParagraph fileType = getFileType(FolderPath & file_name) If (fileType = "Folder") Then number_of_levels = number_of_levels + 1 file_Path = FolderPath & file_name & "\" Call List_subfolder_structure(file_Path, number_of_levels) 'reset levels number_of_levels = number_of_levels - 1 End If End If number_of_files = number_of_files + 1 file_name = Dir(FolderPath & "*.*", vbDirectory) 'Resetting file loop Do While (file_count < number_of_files And file_name <> "") file_name = Dir ' Get the next file by resetting file_count = file_count + 1 Loop 'Resetting file loop 'reset file counter file_count = 0 Loop 'File loop End Function 'Determine if file is a folder Function getFileType(file As String) As String 'The GetAttr will return one or a combination of the following values: ' VB Constant Value Explanation ' vbNormal 0 Normal ' vbReadOnly 1 Read-only ' vbHidden 2 Hidden ' vbSystem 4 System file ' vbDirectory 16 Directory or folder ' vbArchive 32 File has been changed since last backup ' vbAlias 64 File name is an alias 'and the bits to get just the vbDirectory flag fileAttribute = (GetAttr(file) And vbDirectory) If fileAttribute = vbDirectory Then getFileType = "Folder" Else getFileType = "File" End If End Function

How to use:

  1. Open Microsoft Word
  2. Press Alt + F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor (VBE)
  3. Copy all the functions into the macro module
  4. Save the macro
  5. Close VBE
  6. Press Alt + F8 and run Get_Folder_Structure macro
  7. When running the macro, select a folder from the prompt box

Test the code:

  1. Open the sample file
  2. Click the button to run the code
  3. Select the folder from the prompt to list the directory structure

Sample File:

Sample get folder structure.zip 19.62KB 

Approved by Jacob Hilderbrand

This entry has been viewed 232 times.

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