
Reverse display of items in a listbox

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This procedure takes items in a listbox and displays them in reverse order. Multicolumn listboxes are supported. 


By attaching this code to a checkbox or some other event, you can reverse the order items in a listbox are displayed while retaining values in all columns of a multicolumn listbox. This can be useful if, for example, you are displaying dates and want the newest date to appear at the top of the list some times, while other times you want the oldest date. The attached example contains a three column listbox with 10 rows of sample data. 


instructions for use


Public Sub lBoxReverseOrder() 'Start copying code here Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim aryContents() As String Dim iListCnt Dim iColCount With myLbox '<==set to your listbox here 'get total # of items in listbox iListCnt = .ListCount - 1 'get the # of columns in listbox iColCount = .ColumnCount 'exit sub if there is not enough data to sort If .ListCount < 2 Then Exit Sub End If 'prepare array variable to hold listbox contents ReDim aryContents(iListCnt, iColCount) 'loop through each column of listbox to add items to array For i = 0 To iColCount - 1 For j = 0 To iListCnt aryContents(j, i) = .List(iListCnt - j, i) Next j Next i 'set listbox contents to array .List = aryContents End With 'stop copying code here End Sub

How to use:

  1. Copy the code above where indicated
  2. Select the event you would like this to be attached to (e.g., a checkbox change event), and paste
  3. Close VBE and save, if desired

Test the code:

  1. Open the userform containing your listbox
  2. Take a screenshot of the active dialog by pressing Alt + PrintScreen
  3. Open a blank Word document
  4. Press CTRL + V to paste the screenshot into the Word document
  5. Trigger the event that calls the code to reverse the order of items in the listbox
  6. Compare the reversed results with the screenshot

Sample File:

ReverseLboxOrder.zip 14.15KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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