
Random Number Generators

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This module contains two VBA functions: TriangVB(dMin, dMl, dMax, dPval) which returns a random number from a triangular distribution, and TrigenVB(dMin, dMl, dMax, dPP1, dPP2, dRandNo) which returns a random number from the a distribution believed to correspond to the Trigen distribution used in commercial software. 


These functions are most likely to be used as part of an Excel based Monte-Carlo simulation. TriangVB can be used independently, but TrigenVB calls TriangVB. Both need to be used with a uniform random number generator such as that provided by Excel. Both require as inputs Minimum. MostLikely and Maximum values for the associated Triangular Distribution, plus a uniform [0,1] random number. In addition Trigen requires two further values representing the likely weights to the left and right of the original distribution. 


instructions for use


Option Explicit ' ' Module Description - Triangular Routines ' ' Provides Three double precision VBA (believed generally VB capable) ' routines dealing with the Triangular Distribution. Main use ' is expected to be in Monte Carlo Simulation ' ' TrigenVB(dMin,dMl,dMax,dP1,dP2,RandNo) ' TrigenSizeVB(dMin,dMl,dMax,dP1,dP2,dLower,dUpper) ' TriangVB(dMin, dMl, dMax, dPVal) ' ' Coded by UlricTheRed 21/10/2009 ' Function TrigenVB(dMin, dMl, dMax, dPP1, dPP2, dRandNo) ' ' Returns a random number from the Trigen Distribution ' used in @Risk (?and elsewhere) ' Does this by calling the TrigenSize Subroutine which ' calculates the dLower and dUpper bounds of a new triangle ' with the same most likely value as the original distribution ' but dPP1 of the weight to the left of dMin, and dPP2 of the ' weight to the left of dMax. ' ' Dim dLower, dUpper As Double ' Variables to hold "true" Upper and Lower limits _ ' of triangular Distribution Call TrigenSize(dMin, dMl, dMax, dPP1, dPP2, dLower, dUpper) TrigenVB = TriangVB(dLower, dMl, dUpper, dRandNo) End Function Sub TrigenSize(dMin, dMl, dMax, dPP1, dPP2, dLower, dUpper) Dim dA, dB, dC, dP1, dP2, dL, dU, dM, dQ, dR, dN, dSign As Double Dim dBracket1, dSqrtBracket1, dBracket2, dF1n, dF2n, dF1nDash, dF2nDash As Double Dim dNplusQ, dOneMinusP1, dCorr, dH, dH1, dH2 As Double Dim iKtr As Integer Const sOne As Single = 1# ' ' Calculates the lower and upper bounds of a new triangle ' with the same most likely value as the original distribution ' but pp1 of the weight to the left of dMin, and pp2 of the ' weight to the left of dMax. dA = dMin dB = dMax dC = dMl dP1 = dPP1 / 100# dP2 = sOne - (dPP2 / 100) dSign = sOne dR = dB - dA dQ = dC - dA 'If ((p1 + p2) = 0) Then GoTo endhere 'SImple Data Checks If ((dA > dC) Or (dC > dB)) Then MsgBox ("Check Your Entry data it is inconsistent!") GoTo endhere End If ' ' If p1 = 0 then m becomes the origin ' If (dP1 = 0) Then dM = 0# If (dP2 = 0) Then dN = dR GoTo closeenough End If dBracket1 = (2 * dR - dQ * dP2) dN = (dBracket1 + Sqr(dBracket1 * dBracket1 - 4# * (sOne - dP2) * dR * dR)) / (2# * (sOne - dP2)) GoTo closeenough End If ' ' If p2 = 0 then n=r ' If (dP2 = 0) Then dN = dR dBracket1 = dP1 * (dQ + dR) dM = (dBracket1 + Sqr((dBracket1 * dBracket1) + 4 * (sOne - dP1) * dQ * dP1 * dR)) / (2# * (sOne - dP1)) GoTo closeenough End If ' ' 'Carry out transformation - move dMin estimate to origin 'i.e X=x-a ' ' Generate an initial guess fo n before using ' Newton-Raphson iterative technique as in detailed description ' dN = dR * (sOne + 4 * dP2) ' ' Begin Iteration ' For iKtr = 1 To 50 Step 1 dNplusQ = dN + dQ dOneMinusP1 = sOne - dP1 dBracket1 = dP1 * dP1 * dNplusQ * dNplusQ + 4 * dOneMinusP1 * dP1 * dN * dQ If (dBracket1 < 0) Then MsgBox ("Too Much Weight in the Tails") dM = 0 dN = dR GoTo closeenough End If dSqrtBracket1 = Sqr(dBracket1) dF2n = ((dP1 * dNplusQ) + dSign * dSqrtBracket1) / (2# * dOneMinusP1) dBracket2 = (2 * dR + dP2 * dF2n - dP2 * dQ) dF1n = dN * dN * (sOne - dP2) - dN * dBracket2 + (dR * dR + dP2 * dQ * dF2n) dF2nDash = (dP1 + (0.5 * dSign * (2 * dP1 * dP1 * (dN + dQ) + 4# * dOneMinusP1 * dP1 * dQ) / dSqrtBracket1)) / (2# * dOneMinusP1) dF1nDash = (2 * dN * (sOne - dP2)) - (dN * dP2 * dF2nDash) - (dBracket2) + (dP2 * dQ * dF2nDash) dCorr = dF1n / dF1nDash dN = dN - dCorr dM = dF2n ' ' If correction is small enough stop iterating ' If (Abs(dCorr / dN) < 0.00000001) Then GoTo closeenough Next iKtr ' ' If we get here iteration hasn't converged ' MsgBox ("No convergence") closeenough: dU = dN + dA dL = -dM + dA ' ' Return to original co-ordinates ' dH = 2 / (dU - dL) dH1 = dH * (dA - dL) / (dC - dL) dH2 = dH * (dU - dB) / (dU - dC) If (dH1 < 0 Or dH2 < 0) Then MsgBox ("Too Much Weight in the Tails") dU = dB dL = dA End If dLower = dL dUpper = dU endhere: End Sub Function TriangVB(dMin, dMl, dMax, dPval) As Double Dim dA, dB, dC, dP, dBminA, dCminA, dBminC, dPminl As Double ' ' This function returns thd Inverse CDF - i.e ' the "x" value associated with a cumulative ' distribution probability of p. If p is ' chosen at random from a uniform [0,1] ' then it returns a random number from the Triangular Distribution ' dA = dMin dB = dMax dC = dMl dP = dPval ' ' Check i/p in order ' If ((dB < dC) Or (dC < dA) Or (dP > 1#) Or (dP < 0#)) Then MsgBox ("Error1 in i/p data") TriangVB = 0# GoTo endroutine End If dCminA = dC - dA dBminA = dB - dA dBminC = dB - dC dPminl = dCminA / dBminA ' ' Now check which side of b we fall into ' pml is the Cumulative Probability at ml ' value (knowing overall area =1) ' If (dP = 0) Then TriangVB = dA ElseIf (dP = 1#) Then TriangVB = dB ElseIf (dP < dPminl) Then TriangVB = dA + ((dP * dBminA * dCminA) ^ 0.5) Else TriangVB = dB - (((1# - dP) * dBminA * dBminC) ^ 0.5) End If endroutine: End Function

How to use:

  1. Once entered as a module the two functions can be called from Excel just as any other Excel function.

Test the code:

  1. Run the fuctions in an Excel Spreadsheet and see if the answers look sensible

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Approved by Jacob Hilderbrand

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