
Function to Produce a Valid Worksheet Name from a String

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This function accepts any string and returns a string that is correctly formatted for use as worksheet name. 


It is sometimes desireable to name a worksheet from a user-input value (i.e. from a textbox, etc.) - especially when the worksheet is added programmatically. However, such user input (i.e. text) may contain characters that are invalid for use in a worksheet name. This simple function reduces any string into one that can be properly used as a worksheet name without generating an error. 


instructions for use


Function CleanWorksheetName(ByRef strName As String) As String Dim varBadChars As Variant Dim varChar As Variant varBadChars = Array(":", "/", "\", "?", "*", "[", "]") 'correct string for forbidden characters For Each varChar In varBadChars Select Case varChar Case ":" strName = Replace(strName, varChar, vbNullString) Case "/" strName = Replace(strName, varChar, "-") Case "\" strName = Replace(strName, varChar, "-") Case "?" strName = Replace(strName, varChar, vbNullString) Case "*" strName = Replace(strName, varChar, vbNullString) Case "[" strName = Replace(strName, varChar, "(") Case "]" strName = Replace(strName, varChar, ")") End Select Next varChar 'correct string for worksheet length requirement strName = Left(strName, 31) CleanWorksheetName = strName End Function

How to use:

  1. Download and open the example file. ---OR---
  2. Copy above code.
  3. In the Office Application, press Alt + F11 to enter the VBE.
  4. Press Ctrl + R to show the Project Explorer.
  5. Right-click desired file on left (in bold).
  6. Choose Insert -> Module.
  7. Paste code into the right pane.
  8. Press Alt + Q to close the VBE.
  9. Save workbook before any other changes.

Test the code:

  1. If you opened the example file, open the macro window (button on the developer tab for 2007, Tools=>Macros for 2003 and earlier), choose "Test" and click "Run." Enter \/\/\/\/?[\/?[vbaexpress]?\/]?\/\/\/\/ in the inputbox and click OK - the result should be the same as described on the last step. ---OR---
  2. If you didn't open the example file, do the following:
  3. Open the VBE again.
  4. Add a new procedure (Insert => Procedure => (name = "Test") => Sub => Public => OK).
  5. In the new procedure (i.e. sub) add a call to the function with the string of your choice - try the example code for this below, as shown on the next step.
  6. MsgBox = CleanWorksheetName("\/\/\/\/?[\/?[vbaexpress]?\/]?\/\/\/\/")
  7. Press F5 to run the procedure.
  8. If you used the example code above, you should see a message box with a valid form of the worksheet name, no longer than 31 characters: --------(--(vbaexpress)--)-----

Sample File:

Example.zip 11.76KB 

Approved by Jacob Hilderbrand

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