Open Document in Full-Screen Mode
Ease of Use
Version tested with
Submitted by:
Anne Troy
Opens the document in full-screen mode.
When you want a specific document to open in full-screen mode, you put this macro in the document_open event, and voila!
instructions for use
Private Sub Document_Open()
ActiveWindow.View.FullScreen = Not ActiveWindow.View.FullScreen
End Sub
How to use:
- Copy the code above.
- Open the document.
- Hit Alt+F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor (VBE).
- On the left, double-click the document you opened.
- Underneath it, double-click "ThisDocument".
- Paste the code into the window that appears at right.
- Hit the Save diskette on the toolbar and close the VBE.
Test the code:
- Save and close the document.
- Open it again; it should open full-screen.
Sample File:
fullscreen.zip 4.04KB
Approved by mdmackillop
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