
Difference Between Ranges

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Will compare two ranges of the same shape and output a list of all the differences and their locations. 


Occasionally you might want to compare two worksheets or ranges thereof to quickly see what is different between the two. This procedure will show you how to perform a comparison and view the results. 


instructions for use


Option Explicit Private Type Cell Value As String Address As String End Type Private Enum abOutputColumns abRange1Address = 1 abRange1Value abRange2Address abRange2Value End Enum Public Sub OutputDifferences() On Error GoTo Err_Hnd Const strProcedureName_c As String = "AnalyzeDifferences" Const strTitleSelectRange_c As String = "Select Range" Const strTitleError_c As String = "Error: " Const lngErrRngMismatch_c As Long = vbObjectError + 513 Const lngErrCncl_c As Long = vbObjectError + 777 Const lngErrIntrpt_c As Long = 18 Const strErrRngMismatch_c As String = "The ranges you have selected are not equivilant. Selected ranges must have the same number of rows and the same number of columns." Const strErrCncl_c As String = "Procedure cancelled." Const lngMatch_c As Long = 0 Const lngLwrBnd_c As Long = 1 Const strFrcTxt_c As String = "'" Const lngIncrement_c As Long = lngLwrBnd_c Const strBang_c As String = "!" Dim rng1 As Excel.Range Dim rng2 As Excel.Range Dim wbOutput As Excel.Workbook Dim wsOutput As Excel.Worksheet Dim lngRow As Long Dim lngClmn As Long Dim lngUprBndRow As Long Dim lngUprBndClmn As Long Dim lngOutputRow As Long Dim strWs1Name As String Dim strWs2Name As String Dim eCompareType As VbCompareMethod Dim tVal1 As Cell Dim tVal2 As Cell ''----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''Select Ranges to Compare:---------------------------------------------------------- ''----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Set rng1 = GetRange("Please use mouse to select First Range:", strTitleSelectRange_c) If rng1 Is Nothing Then VBA.Err.Raise lngErrCncl_c, strProcedureName_c, strErrCncl_c End If Set rng2 = GetRange("Please use mouse to select the Second Range:", strTitleSelectRange_c) If rng2 Is Nothing Then VBA.Err.Raise lngErrCncl_c, strProcedureName_c, strErrCncl_c End If lngUprBndRow = rng1.Rows.Count If lngUprBndRow <> rng2.Rows.Count Then VBA.Err.Raise lngErrRngMismatch_c, strProcedureName_c, strErrRngMismatch_c Else lngUprBndClmn = rng1.Columns.Count If lngUprBndClmn <> rng2.Columns.Count Then VBA.Err.Raise lngErrRngMismatch_c, strProcedureName_c, strErrRngMismatch_c End If End If ''----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''Prompt User regarding case sensitivity:-------------------------------------------- ''----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Select Case VBA.MsgBox("Do you want a case-sensitive comparison?", vbYesNoCancel + vbQuestion + vbSystemModal + vbDefaultButton2 + vbMsgBoxSetForeground, "Decide Comparison Type") Case VbMsgBoxResult.vbCancel VBA.Err.Raise lngErrCncl_c, strProcedureName_c, strErrCncl_c Case VbMsgBoxResult.vbYes eCompareType = vbBinaryCompare Case VbMsgBoxResult.vbNo eCompareType = vbTextCompare End Select ''=================================================================================== ''----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'All dialogs have concluded, disable interface for quicker execution:---------------- ''----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ToggleInterface False ''=================================================================================== ''----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''Create Output worksheet:----------------------------------------------------------- ''----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Set wbOutput = Excel.Application.Workbooks.Add Set wsOutput = GetOutputSheet(wbOutput) ''=================================================================================== ''----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''Create Output worksheet:----------------------------------------------------------- ''----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- strWs1Name = rng1.Parent.Name & strBang_c strWs2Name = rng2.Parent.Name & strBang_c lngOutputRow = lngIncrement_c ''=================================================================================== For lngRow = lngLwrBnd_c To lngUprBndRow For lngClmn = lngLwrBnd_c To lngUprBndClmn tVal1.Value = CStr(rng1.Cells(lngRow, lngClmn).Value) tVal1.Address = CStr(rng1.Cells(lngRow, lngClmn).Address) tVal2.Value = CStr(rng2.Cells(lngRow, lngClmn).Value) tVal2.Address = CStr(rng2.Cells(lngRow, lngClmn).Address) If VBA.LenB(tVal1.Value) = VBA.LenB(tVal2.Value) Then 'If the lengths are the same, then values may still be different. If VBA.StrComp(tVal1.Value, tVal2.Value, eCompareType) <> lngMatch_c Then lngOutputRow = lngOutputRow + lngIncrement_c wsOutput.Cells(lngOutputRow, abOutputColumns.abRange1Address).Value = strFrcTxt_c & strWs1Name & tVal1.Address wsOutput.Cells(lngOutputRow, abOutputColumns.abRange1Value).Value = strFrcTxt_c & tVal1.Value wsOutput.Cells(lngOutputRow, abOutputColumns.abRange2Address).Value = strFrcTxt_c & strWs2Name & tVal2.Address wsOutput.Cells(lngOutputRow, abOutputColumns.abRange2Value).Value = strFrcTxt_c & tVal2.Value End If Else 'If the lengths are not the same, then it is a given the values are different. lngOutputRow = lngOutputRow + lngIncrement_c wsOutput.Cells(lngOutputRow, abOutputColumns.abRange1Address).Value = strFrcTxt_c & strWs1Name & tVal1.Address wsOutput.Cells(lngOutputRow, abOutputColumns.abRange1Value).Value = strFrcTxt_c & tVal1.Value wsOutput.Cells(lngOutputRow, abOutputColumns.abRange2Address).Value = strFrcTxt_c & strWs2Name & tVal2.Address wsOutput.Cells(lngOutputRow, abOutputColumns.abRange2Value).Value = strFrcTxt_c & tVal2.Value End If Next Next wsOutput.Columns.AutoFit Exit_Proc: On Error Resume Next ToggleInterface True Exit Sub Err_Hnd: If VBA.Err.Number = lngErrCncl_c Then Resume Exit_Proc ElseIf VBA.Err.Number = lngErrIntrpt_c Then VBA.MsgBox "Operation Cancelled", vbOKOnly + vbMsgBoxSetForeground + vbSystemModal Else VBA.MsgBox VBA.Err.Description, vbCritical + vbMsgBoxHelpButton + vbMsgBoxSetForeground + vbSystemModal, strTitleError_c & VBA.Err.Number, VBA.Err.HelpFile, VBA.Err.HelpContext End If On Error Resume Next If Not wbOutput Is Nothing Then wbOutput.Close False End If GoTo Exit_Proc End Sub Private Function GetRange(Prompt As String, Title As String) As Excel.Range On Error Resume Next Const lngRange_c As Long = 8 Set GetRange = Excel.Application.InputBox(Prompt, Title, Type:=lngRange_c) End Function Private Function GetOutputSheet(TargetWorkbook As Excel.Workbook) As Excel.Worksheet Const lngOne_c As Long = 1 Dim wsOutput As Excel.Worksheet Do Until TargetWorkbook.Worksheets.Count = lngOne_c TargetWorkbook.Worksheets(lngOne_c).Delete Loop Set wsOutput = TargetWorkbook.Worksheets(lngOne_c) wsOutput.Name = "Mismatched Cells" wsOutput.Cells(lngOne_c, abOutputColumns.abRange1Address) = "Range1 Address" wsOutput.Cells(lngOne_c, abOutputColumns.abRange1Value) = "Range1 Value" wsOutput.Cells(lngOne_c, abOutputColumns.abRange2Address) = "Range2 Address" wsOutput.Cells(lngOne_c, abOutputColumns.abRange2Value) = "Range2 Value" Set GetOutputSheet = wsOutput End Function Private Sub ToggleInterface(InterfaceEnabled As Boolean) Dim oApp As Excel.Application Set oApp = Excel.Application If InterfaceEnabled Then oApp.Cursor = xlDefault Else oApp.Cursor = xlWait End If oApp.DisplayAlerts = InterfaceEnabled oApp.ScreenUpdating = InterfaceEnabled oApp.EnableEvents = InterfaceEnabled If InterfaceEnabled Then oApp.EnableCancelKey = xlInterrupt Else oApp.EnableCancelKey = xlErrorHandler End If End Sub

How to use:

  1. Press Alt F-11 to launch the Visual Basic Editor (VBE).
  2. From the insert menu of the VBE insert a Module (not a Class Module).
  3. Copy/Paste above code paste into module.
  4. From the Debug menu select Compile Project.
  5. Save File
  6. Press Alt-F8 to run macro.

Test the code:

  1. Open Attached file.
  2. Click Analyze button
  3. Select area marked Range 1
  4. Select area marked Range 2

Sample File:

RangeComparisonExample.zip 18.16KB 

Approved by mdmackillop

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