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  1. [SOLVED:] VBA Code to populate to end of data (4 replies)
  2. [SOLVED:] vba function to return random sign (2 replies)
  4. [SOLVED:] Sum Based On condition! (6 replies)
  5. Put Data On One Row in Excel With Many Forms (4 replies)
  6. Fill in InputBox using VBA (6 replies)
  7. [SOLVED:] VBA Coding to Repalce a List of Words with one word. (9 replies)
  8. Interpolation and calculation from table (6 replies)
  9. [SOLVED:] Worksheet focus change issues with userform(s) (13 replies)
  10. [SOLVED:] Calculating Min,Max,Quartile in dynamic ranges (22 replies)
  11. VBA: extract systematiically 5 rows and save them in a new excell file as .txt (4 replies)
  12. Object variable or With block variable not set error (1 replies)
  13. [SOLVED:] Check & Copy Data (5 replies)
  14. VBA Index/Multiple Match criteria (1 replies)
  15. [SOLVED:] Select Case nested in If Else... where's the break? (4 replies)
  16. [SOLVED:] Average times as long as between 2 dates (5 replies)
  17. [SOLVED:] Close a command button after it has been clicked (6 replies)
  18. [SOLVED:] Export embedded Word document and set data (2 replies)
  19. loop the wookbook with HPageBreaks and VPageBreaks. (0 replies)
  20. Calculate multiple sums depending on cells (8 replies)
  21. [SOLVED:] macro to repeat a value times in a column (6 replies)
  22. Sorting GPS Marks (18 replies)
  23. Excel 2010 Protect Existing Row, Allow New Rows (1 replies)
  24. Request Help for this Simple Macro (2 replies)
  25. How to paste a range of cells from excel to text field of a web page (1 replies)
  26. [SOLVED:] Find strings and delete (3 replies)
  27. Mass Pivot Table Changes (1 replies)
  28. Email Automation (1 replies)
  29. [SOLVED:] Need help with macro that clears out several different worksheets (39 replies)
  30. [SOLVED:] Delete Duplicate data on sheet2 and delete the row (2 replies)
  31. [SOLVED:] Loop Only Works on Active Sheet (4 replies)
  32. [SOLVED:] VBA Generate sheets with unique values (23 replies)
  33. Tips And Tricks (7 replies)
  34. Using inputbox to locate a range, and using 2 different locations to insert amounts (2 replies)
  35. Deleting repeated cells in two column table (text) (1 replies)
  36. help conditional formula if cell (1 replies)
  37. [SOLVED:] SetFocus on TextBoxes (3 replies)
  38. [SOLVED:] Insert blank row based on values in specified column (8 replies)
  39. [SOLVED:] VBA Code to parse boolean equations (27 replies)
  40. [SOLVED:] excel 2010 stops working when opening a userform (9 replies)
  41. [SOLVED:] VBA Format to Sheet Array (10 replies)
  42. Indexed Database Table in Excel for Lookup (7 replies)
  43. Need to link drop down list from range in xlsm (Add-In) (2 replies)
  44. [SOLVED:] Adding Values in a Userform (2 replies)
  45. [SOLVED:] Replace formula (8 replies)
  46. Can this be done with macro (7 replies)
  47. Object Variable or With Block variable not set (3 replies)
  48. Update Pivot Table filter by a value in another cell (1 replies)
  49. [SOLVED:] Dir function not working (8 replies)
  50. [SOLVED:] Deactivate Event Causing Error (12 replies)
  51. [SOLVED:] How to identify my version of VBA (2 replies)
  52. Getting "Subscript out of range" error (11 replies)
  53. Macro for adding variably named PDF in email from excel - (2 replies)
  54. Copy used cells and paste to master spreadsheet (3 replies)
  55. [SOLVED:] Multiply cell values using worksheet change event (12 replies)
  56. [SOLVED:] Userform listbox to range (3 replies)
  57. [SOLVED:] Set Range as a single cell relative to active cell (3 replies)
  58. Search column - move/copy entire row into another sheet. (3 replies)
  59. MAX MIN AVERAGE for situation (1 replies)
  60. Add New line above inlineshapes. (3 replies)
  61. Compare two columns to sheet3 based on condition (1 replies)
  62. [SOLVED:] Lotus Notes adding signature and attaching saved PDF (0 replies)
  63. [SOLVED:] Formulas to values with offset based on date > today (13 replies)
  64. whenever auto insert row than auto enter a formula in specific cell (6 replies)
  65. Set range and calculate sum problem (5 replies)
  66. typed and moving (9 replies)
  67. Macro not running properly on other systems (1 replies)
  68. Comma delimiters - Batch conversion of .csv to .xlsx (1 replies)
  69. [SOLVED:] Need to copy paste different cells to another file (files are same image) (5 replies)
  70. [SOLVED:] Export multiple worksheets into one csv file (27 replies)
  71. Adapt VBA Code With Adjusment Range (3 replies)
  72. [SOLVED:] vba textbox data valdiation (10 replies)
  73. [SOLVED:] Inquiry: VBA Code in Excel (3 replies)
  74. [SOLVED:] VBA Print function - want quotation marks in my text file (4 replies)
  75. [SOLVED:] Pivot Table Subtotals (1 replies)
  76. Sleeper: Open attached file from email in Lotus Notes in Excel (0 replies)
  77. [SOLVED:] Per hour result (5 replies)
  78. Sleeper: How to make Excel Start itself with a VBA Macro (5 replies)
  79. [SOLVED:] Passing Variables through VBA Excel - VBA Access (8 replies)
  80. Pivot table empty (0 replies)
  81. [SOLVED:] Ignoring comma when creating validation lists (13 replies)
  82. How to enter data in a specific cell (c8 in all sheets ) when data is on 1st sheet (9 replies)
  83. [SOLVED:] Tab order with VBA (21 replies)
  84. [SOLVED:] ComboBox: Possible to change Popout direction? (4 replies)
  85. [SOLVED:] check if listbox selected (4 replies)
  86. [SOLVED:] Pivot "For Each" Filtering Loop Failing (1 replies)
  87. Cells Clearcontents (1 replies)
  88. Insert blank rows based upon cell value with criteria (1 replies)
  89. Logic (7 replies)
  90. [SOLVED:] vba script to convert worksheets to pdf (8 replies)
  91. [SOLVED:] Identify value and automatically puts in another spreadsheet (1 replies)
  92. Macro to repeat merge, Filter, copy & paste to other sheet. (0 replies)
  93. Cut and Paste Rows from multiple Worksheets on to one summary sheet based on 1 condit (2 replies)
  94. enable and disable cells based on other cell value (0 replies)
  95. VBA concenate problem (9 replies)
  96. [SOLVED:] Sum the column (6 replies)
  97. Relative address rather than absolute address in VBA code (macro) (4 replies)
  98. CountIf with date (1 replies)
  99. Help Organising Data (2 replies)
  100. What to do when Text is found in a row? (1 replies)
  101. Search & Replace (2 replies)
  102. List Conditional Formatting on Separate Sheet (4 replies)
  103. VBA to Self Destruct File (16 replies)
  104. Find duplicates in each column, then delete rows containing only Subsequent duplicate (13 replies)
  105. [SOLVED:] Multiplied of 2 column (1 replies)
  106. [SOLVED:] Transposing in VBA (10 replies)
  107. [SOLVED:] Paste data to another sheet and do sum and Multiply. (7 replies)
  108. Best approach to filter on a value, but showing all lines concerned by same object? (2 replies)
  109. [SOLVED:] Help transforming dates and rounding numbers using VBA (9 replies)
  110. Excel Macro help with Outlook email (11 replies)
  111. [SOLVED:] VBA Black Scholes w/Greeks and Conditional Formula (5 replies)
  112. [SOLVED:] Duplicate Master from Brettdj (10 replies)
  113. VBA: Change conditionally highlighted rows from current date to 24 hours (1 replies)
  114. [SOLVED:] Plz help, Macro needed for If the file opened from folder, do this (6 replies)
  115. Opening multiple files and applying a macro to all of them (0 replies)
  116. My code works for a single row, but how do I make it work for all rows? (2 replies)
  117. Offset command for specific row display (3 replies)
  118. [SOLVED:] copy entire row to another sheet if cloumn A contains numeric data on Cloumn A (5 replies)
  119. combobox to populate listbox (7 replies)
  120. Generate path of a file in column and send email as attachment based on a cell value (5 replies)
  121. [SOLVED:] Count filled Cell where having number Only (6 replies)
  122. Copying a (variable) range from multiple worksheets to a summary worksheet (4 replies)
  123. Scrolling down flowchart (3 replies)
  124. Macro to find a word and select a range based in their position (2 replies)
  125. Copy my files + Date (3 replies)
  126. VBA- Skipping word in column of data and displaying result in other sheet (26 replies)
  127. Macro for copying specific values from one excel file to another (0 replies)
  128. VBA merge without creating new sheet (11 replies)
  129. [SOLVED:] vba macro code for filtering from the given numbers. (3 replies)
  130. [SOLVED:] Proper syntax to sort columns (only identified in variable) (8 replies)
  131. Using datevalue with different languages (3 replies)
  132. [SOLVED:] delete all sheets and charts except "Input" (4 replies)
  133. [SOLVED:] dayly data to weekly data (4 replies)
  134. [SOLVED:] TextBox Editor (2 replies)
  135. [SOLVED:] VBA Separate monthly data into weekly data (5 replies)
  136. Search for a string with " char. (3 replies)
  137. Error code 438 (10 replies)
  138. [SOLVED:] Loop Data validation list item and generate PDF for each (14 replies)
  139. VBA getElementsByTagName Issues (7 replies)
  140. Excel dashboard based on Outlook data with events (4 replies)
  141. [SOLVED:] R1C1 and using variable in array formula (4 replies)
  142. Can Excel run this big SQL? (23 replies)
  143. Sending email from Excel (1 replies)
  144. [SOLVED:] Why is this loop not working? (4 replies)
  145. Navigate Webiste and click on link/button using vba (4 replies)
  146. Running Macro when Data Valaudation Cell Changes (3 replies)
  147. Pasting into cell changes format - can this be stopped? (4 replies)
  148. VBA To Send Warning When The User Hasnt Worked In The Workbook For X Minutes (20 replies)
  149. What's the best approach: Need multiple queries displayed on Excel on the same page (8 replies)
  150. [SOLVED:] Mismatch error (9 replies)
  151. Simple Link to Access code (1 replies)
  152. [SOLVED:] selecting the newest date (4 replies)
  153. [SOLVED:] update pivot dynamically based on range in separate worksheet (9 replies)
  154. [SOLVED:] Chart title not updating (5 replies)
  155. [SOLVED:] On Error Close Worksheet (6 replies)
  156. SumIf Dynamic Range (7 replies)
  157. [SOLVED:] Force user to save as new file and NOT overwrite MASTER file (4 replies)
  158. [SOLVED:] Match numbers and highlight (2 replies)
  159. Run Access Macros in Excel (1 replies)
  160. Import Table With No ID From Internet (1 replies)
  161. Count Number of Targets Reached (2 replies)
  162. [SOLVED:] Working With Specific Named Ranges (8 replies)
  163. User form, VBA and timediff (4 replies)
  164. Listing folder names in a column (11 replies)
  165. [SOLVED:] Excel data import once only and save as new file (2 replies)
  166. I need good examples how to traverse xml file (0 replies)
  167. Run macro from an already open workbook (6 replies)
  168. help with uniquevalue function (1 replies)
  169. Clear contents (8 replies)
  170. Displaying an SQL Select Statement Help (2 replies)
  171. VBA runtime crash - Listrows.add (2 replies)
  172. Create Time Log Based on Workbook.Activate/Deactivate events (11 replies)
  173. Dumb question - onLoad? (9 replies)
  174. Excel weird behavior when connecting through ADODB (4 replies)
  175. [SOLVED:] Set a variable based on another variable (3 replies)
  176. [SOLVED:] VBA Create Unique Distinct List From Three columns (3 replies)
  177. [SOLVED:] Need code to merge PDF files in a folder using adobe acrobat X (48 replies)
  178. Help please (2 replies)
  179. Sending emails with attachments from excel (1 replies)
  180. Display a simple Access Database onClick (6 replies)
  181. want to compel user to enter data to both col B and then col C if data is in col A (3 replies)
  182. [SOLVED:] Vlookup: Wildcard in Reverse (7 replies)
  183. Help with ActiveX installs (date picker)? (1 replies)
  184. [SOLVED:] Compare/match name list in sheet with sheet names and delete extra names from list (20 replies)
  185. [SOLVED:] vba macro code for counting total days above 32 degrees, 33, 34, and goes on.. (11 replies)
  186. Generate number when userform information is submitted (3 replies)
  188. Copy data to other sheet (4 replies)
  189. Saving A Excel Macros File (4 replies)
  190. [SOLVED:] Data connections have been disabled (4 replies)
  191. Excel Crashes and macro runs slow (14 replies)
  192. [SOLVED:] manipulating bmp files (11 replies)
  193. [SOLVED:] IF / AND within VLOOKUP formula (3 replies)
  194. [SOLVED:] SUMIF formula (4 replies)
  195. (Help) Moving row with the macro (7 replies)
  196. Can not run SQL update statement (1 replies)
  197. [SOLVED:] Macro running but populaing wrong cells (5 replies)
  198. Window 8 PutInClipboard error (6 replies)
  199. VBA Code to select value from Popup dropdown (2 replies)
  200. VBA Multiplication Formula (2 replies)
  201. [SOLVED:] Look for specific date (5 replies)
  202. consolidate data from multiple excel files into single file (1 replies)
  203. [SOLVED:] Copy data to other sheet (3 replies)
  204. checking for duplicates and deleting duplicates (2 replies)
  205. VBA and SQL - help with update statement (1 replies)
  206. Prompt for narrative on saving spreadsheet (7 replies)
  207. copy paste macro (4 replies)
  208. need help to copy rows to a new sheet depend on a cell value (5 replies)
  209. help to Write a code to put value copy two tyms and columb values to row (2 replies)
  210. [SOLVED:] select the first value from data validation list (20 replies)
  211. Clear contents in multiple range and multiple sheets (2 replies)
  212. [SOLVED:] Vlookup and Type mismatch error (7 replies)
  213. A Data Cleaning Macro - Clean, Trim and CHAR(160) (49 replies)
  214. To pull text files (attachments) from Outlook and format them in Excel (0 replies)
  215. Randomly Assign Number Without Repeating The Same Number Twice (17 replies)
  216. Help: Dynamically Formatting Line Graph (1 replies)
  217. Help: Dynamically Formatting Line Graph (0 replies)
  218. [SOLVED:] Copy from one workbook then paste into one other (4 replies)
  219. sending mails from outlook using html tables with excel cell reference (0 replies)
  221. [SOLVED:] a better approach (10 replies)
  222. [SOLVED:] VBA Change Cell Formats (1 replies)
  223. Search a Column for a specific Value and Place in Another sheet (3 replies)
  224. Download Files in Excel Using VBA (0 replies)
  225. Clear contents (3 replies)
  226. Number format (3 replies)
  227. [SOLVED:] Shorten vba if Statements (4 replies)
  228. VBA Insert Formula At The End Of Row (5 replies)
  229. [SOLVED:] VBA Round To 2 Decimal Places (2 replies)
  230. Rotating employees and where to working (27 replies)
  231. [SOLVED:] VBA Not InStr (12 replies)
  232. [SOLVED:] VBA text file write not working on close and open (6 replies)
  233. Excel VBA to copy and move files (1 replies)
  234. Application.OnTime not getting canceled (2 replies)
  235. Substract hours when inicial time is before midnight and end time is after (2 replies)
  236. VBA importing data from .txt (5 replies)
  237. Copying Data from One Sheet to Different Sheets (1 replies)
  238. [SOLVED:] array formula that will index a horizontal array (2 replies)
  239. ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs on Mac OS X (0 replies)
  240. [SOLVED:] Opening files on network drive (1 replies)
  241. several handlers with same piece of code (2 replies)
  242. Compare Date from a Column Cells in alternate Columns Cells (0 replies)
  243. [SOLVED:] VBA Insert Formula On Multiple Sheets (8 replies)
  244. Solution to find overlapping rectangles given co-ordinates (6 replies)
  245. VBA Finding String on Webpage (0 replies)
  246. [SOLVED:] Most efficient way to move a selected range up or down (5 replies)
  247. Help needed for creating Dynamic Oracle Query using Excel VBA and Forms (8 replies)
  248. [SOLVED:] lookup formula with multiple criteria (2 replies)
  249. returning value of data validation (6 replies)
  250. Cell Colouring in VBA (9 replies)