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  1. Slide location
  2. Calling up JPEGs into shockwave object using VB
  3. Convert embed charts in PPT to enhanced metafiles
  4. Re-positioning a table on a slide
  5. Solved: Embedded data table in chart query with formatting
  6. VBA and hyperlinks in table cells
  7. Disable row in 2003 Chart
  8. Combining slides that have VBA Code (PP2010)
  9. Running procedures stored in variables
  10. Solved: paste excel range in powerpoint slide
  11. The Wondrous World Wherein Shapes Change Shapes
  12. 'activate' Outlook after PPT file is closed?
  13. Solved: VBA runtime error 438
  14. Visio Sheets to Powerpoint help
  15. How to make arrow key press goto a powerpoint slide
  16. Embedded excel object .TickLabelSpacing edit
  17. Button on slide
  18. Solved: Change and restore fill-style
  19. Updating OLE linked Objects from Excel
  20. "Smart" bullet point behavior
  21. Non-functioning function
  22. GetRGB Problem
  23. Button to Launch Macro in Normal View?
  24. Running macros invisibly in the background
  25. More on "invisibility"
  26. Expanding one picture on two slides
  27. slicer in powerpoint
  28. Y-axes formatting stacked chart
  29. Plzzzzz?
  30. How to enable PowerPoint Macros?
  31. Saving as ( PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Slide Show )??
  32. Solved: Change Y Axis Label Position
  33. Create a shape with a predefined format?
  34. How to finad a shape by location?
  35. ComboBox Additem Duplicates
  36. Solved: How do I replace text in a table?
  37. ComboBox Bold Items
  38. Powerpoint underline style
  39. Sound doesn't play
  40. WebBrowser Add-In and (Timer)User Inactive Detection
  41. Problem with OR condition
  42. Major problem with Macros -Powerpoint update?
  43. Help with "msoColorTypeMixed" in PowerPoint ...
  44. Select all images on slide, center, animate
  45. Text formatting all selected text regardless of textbox or table
  46. Macro for multichoice question
  47. Adding multiple images to a single slide with a VBA Macro
  48. duplicating text on slides
  49. Editable excel data and chart within PPT slide show mode
  50. Solved: Random slides except 1st and last
  51. True Type Font
  52. Power Point
  53. Access Breaklink in PPTx
  54. Powerpoint music
  55. How to inserte progress DOTS in powerpoint 2012
  56. Powerpoint VBA Form to display all user defined templates as a Thumbnails
  57. Office 2003 To office 2007 macros (FileSearch)
  58. Convert linked charts to embedded
  59. How to identify on-screen objects?
  60. Debugging VBA?
  61. Update dates automatically in PowerPoint?
  62. How to change colour of text in the right line for different slide?
  63. Solved: Add Textbox to an array of slides
  64. Displaying Hindi and Tamil language Alphabet in Articulate Presenter
  65. Setting Font size in a Chart
  66. Application.Caller for PPT
  67. Macro for inserting multiple images
  68. Shape sizing problems
  69. VBA to change PowerPoint link sources to the Excel file that opened it
  70. [Insane] Scaleheight & scalewidth
  71. Solved: Determine Effect's timeline/sequence?
  72. Formatting issues when printing all slides
  73. [SOLVED:] Determine selected item in GroupItems
  74. Solved: LoadPicture Function in Powerpoint Userform
  75. Extract Powerpoint text of slides with certain title
  76. How to reference a textbox
  77. Auto populate powerpoint text boxes
  78. Auto-populate from Droplist to textbox/shape on every page
  79. adding interaction to image of mobile phone to provide tutorial for that mobile.
  80. Multiple images in multiple slides
  81. newbie help
  82. [SOLVED:] InsertSlideNumber results in <3> on long notes pages
  83. Manipulating embedded msoChart in PowerPoint
  84. Chart Selected Series Index
  85. PowerPoint VBA Cell Shading
  86. Quick way to apply size and position to Object?
  87. Adding a Set of Images to a Template.
  88. Update Chart Data
  89. Inserting Excel Worksheet
  90. Solved: locking slide transition until specific area is clicked
  91. VBA/Powerpoint Help Needed... auto populating a text box!
  92. Insert specific Powerpoint slide from Master
  93. Solved: Is it possible to disable mouse or keyboard control keys during each effect animation
  94. Want to use macros as add-ins, but keeps adding more buttons every time I open Ppt!
  95. Power Point/ VBA action button to go to particular slide in presentation
  96. [SOLVED:] Using VBA to Change Text Outline Color
  97. How to paste & then resize an image
  98. Macro for Trivial Pursuit
  99. Solved: Adding text to Shape from Master
  100. Find & Highlight
  101. 64-bit + legacy compatibility
  102. Add triggered animation to video
  103. msoAnimEffectMediaPlayFromBookmark
  104. PPT 2007 - VBA to scroll a webpage
  105. loop four slides on enter keypress then go to 5th slide on end keypress
  106. Help Finding Image of any possible "type" on slide
  107. Insert Shape at location on mouse click - how to?
  108. Linking/importing slides from minor to major presenation
  109. Help to run commands like find and replace/spell check using add-ins
  110. Can't regain control of PP after form unloads
  111. Growing numbers animation
  112. Solved: Connecting Excel to PowerPoint
  113. Make random slides code run as slide show starts
  114. User selected chart-series index?
  115. Solved: VBA to format selected object (border)
  116. PPT Quiz
  117. Need Help
  119. Figuring out percentages at the end of a quiz.
  120. Resetting text box when i close the quiz.
  121. Change font of a Non-English TextBox
  122. Bizarre Chart Scaling Error
  123. Manual Links in PowerPoint 2007 updates automatically
  124. PowerPoint slide - random pictures
  125. Macro - How to press keystrokes / key combinations?
  126. Add up values of different optionbutton groups
  127. copy ppt slide into new ppt via vba and button
  128. table cell colour
  129. Altering tables in slideshow
  130. Need help regarding the connectors
  131. vba codes needed for ppt
  132. [SOLVED:] VBA wont start unless editor is opened first.
  133. Add chevron to a slide
  134. if you want to delete a certain slide ->msg box
  135. slide won't transition
  136. Automatic Formatting Not Working??
  137. Solved: hyperlinkable.. object, when not in slide show mode
  138. Textframe2 autowrap & AutoSize
  139. Sorting lines in a graph's data table
  140. Solved: call and manipulate save as dialogue in ppt
  141. Deteriorating performance
  142. Automate the fly-inanimation to a text box
  143. Powerpoint Slide Size Help
  144. Help changing just selected text to specific color
  145. Help with changing shape fill to custom colors
  146. Not update Excel.sheet.12 in Powerpoint VBA
  147. Solved: Long text spread over multiple shapes/slides
  148. Trigger an event on PowerPoint VBA on file open
  149. Creating an AutoText function in PowerPoint
  150. Group drawing in powerpoint with macro?
  151. save as ppsm
  152. how to upload ppsm file?
  153. Display Date Difference
  154. Powerpoint - find and replace tabs in a string
  155. Adjusting Bullets
  156. Song duration => countdown
  157. Make song stop after specific time
  158. special .. something like tag cloud in ppt-Is it possible?
  159. Excel-tables stored as pics, how to edit all of them
  160. PowerPoint Menu Buttons
  161. Macro to Save PPS files as PPT
  162. PPT VBA - Assign text box value to variable
  163. Solved: VBA to group few datalabel formatting options into a macro
  164. Search engine in Power Point
  165. How to break links to excel chart
  166. How to break links to excel chart
  167. Powerpoint 2010 VBA how to rotate a "down arrow" a random number of degrees
  168. VBA help to clear text box on exit from slide
  169. Import files with file names listed in excel to powerpoint automatically
  170. PowerPoint 2010 Problem with Create video
  171. Solved: VBA to position a chart on ppt
  172. Extract webdata to PowerPoint
  173. Userform to work with all slides
  174. VBA to paste excel charts to ppt in editable format.
  175. VBA script to export visio images onto powerpoint
  176. Open slide show at a specific slide
  177. Copy Chart Data into New Excel Wkbk
  178. Macro code for reading evalutaion project
  179. Solved: Retain Excel Format when pasting to PowerPoint
  180. Can't open my presentation
  181. VBA to create, print and save as jpg test results
  182. PowerPoint ChartData Reverting back to old values
  183. Solved: How to create a presentation from a form
  184. Solved: need help with: set object = ...pastespecial
  185. Solved: paste special cells from excel
  186. Change fill colour of current cell in table
  187. Sub - Optional arguments
  188. Solved: Read custom prompt text from a text placeholder
  189. save PPT to PDF
  190. [PowerPoint 2010] Macro to duplicate and cut/paste text to new slide
  191. Need help
  192. VBA to select shapes/images and save as image
  193. Adding a formatted rectangle on selected slide
  194. Solved: Split bullets in textframe
  195. Backup power point
  196. [SOLVED:] Fixing yellow diamond in autoshape
  197. Pastespecial sub broken
  198. Powerpoint Table Indent
  199. Quiting PowerPoint from an Excel Macro
  200. Pasting images in PPT does not work properly ("red x")
  201. [SOLVED:] Restricted randomization of slide order
  202. Change Command/Controll OnAction for SlideLayoutGallery
  204. [SOLVED:] Autoshape Position exchange
  206. [SOLVED:] Hide slides from edit view w/o macros enabled
  207. Text Alignment: Justify to Left
  208. Automating "Keep Source Formatting & Embed Workbook (K)" Paste Option
  209. Close PowerPoint with slide show end
  210. Adjust Print Settings
  211. Automation to pull in slides from directories
  212. Macro on toolbar only allowed to run once
  213. How to prompt user to input slide number(s) then copy slides to new presentation
  214. Select shapes by name based on named range
  215. Powerpoint Dashboard
  216. Toggle "Advance Slide" Transition between manual operation and using timings
  217. Help inserting picture into slide
  218. Save file in destinated folder using VBA
  219. Powerpoint progress bar with cool style
  220. DVD format transfer
  221. [SOLVED:] Send Email When Particular Slide Is Shown
  222. .Addpicture adds the picture to a placeholder rather as a new shape
  223. Default file in FileDialog?
  224. [SOLVED:] How to import mulitple files into one Power Point presentation.
  225. How to set an application invisible when one silde start?
  226. Formatted text from text frame
  227. Deleting a specific text box
  228. [SOLVED:] Toolbar for add-ins created
  229. How can you name a slide and then refer to it by name in a hyperlink?
  230. [SOLVED:] Automatically go back to a previous slide instead of forwards?
  231. View Slides With And In Userform
  232. powerpoint game life tracker
  233. Import JPG Into Content Placeholder
  234. ReDim Preserve Powerpoint VBA
  235. Resize Shape from Excel before pasting it in PP
  236. Promote/demote paragraphs in table
  237. for and Slides
  238. Automatically deleting final (empty) paragraph from textboxes
  239. Automated Slide Fill During Presentation
  240. General question from a beginner
  241. Copy and Paste Shape on same Position as Source
  242. On double click re size image to size of slide
  243. VBA to change the file password and save for a .ppsm file ?
  244. Powerpoint : Display slide progress percentage
  245. Is it possible to add a watermark to a powerpoint and block it so it can't be erased
  246. PPT SlideShow fill
  247. Use Access VBA to create an action button in Powerpoint??!
  248. Powerpoint macro custom keyboard shortcut for slide advance
  249. Add in distribution
  250. How to add a toolbar like this?