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  1. [SOLVED:] delete all styles but to keep the font, bold etc. format
  2. selection list in word linked to excel
  3. VBA code as a Reference Field Code
  4. Solved: Help with Search and Replace faulty code
  5. Writing/Reading integer from text file
  6. Automatic caption field codes
  7. Run-time error 424: Object Required
  8. HTML format Macro Code for Mail Merge with attachments
  9. Create Tables With Multiple Checkboxes
  10. Open text file from Word VBA using Shell Command in Win 7
  11. Unable to read Word Document file
  12. Word 2010 VBA Macro to Account for Holidays
  13. table of content
  14. First word in paragraph
  15. Can't save Word doc
  16. Neuf 2013 Converse toile chaussures d'été
  17. Placing image in upperright corner with VBA
  18. Macro for applying MS Word styles to tables
  19. Problems with merge fields
  20. Odd file locking behaviour
  21. Solved: error applying format in some table collumns because it contains merged cells
  22. How do you reset the results and values from the first run of a macro?
  23. Event manager
  24. Remove empty lines at the top of every page
  25. Help with insert zero-width spaces between last two characters of each paragraph
  26. how to delete lines in word that do not have a certain character
  27. Coordinating macro with external application
  28. Solved: Elapsed Time - 24-hour clock - spanning midnite
  29. Word Macro to transfer data to excel
  30. VBA to Save file based on Content Controls
  31. Word Macro causing overflow
  32. Excel range to Word table
  33. customized alphabetic number (A-Z, AA, AB, AC... ) HELP!!!
  34. Single Userform Listbox to Populate Multiple Word Bookmarks
  35. Help creating a date Macro
  36. VBA Compare Cells in a Table and Highlight Word Differences
  37. Code to have SaveFile load userform for new documents only
  38. Capture styles from template
  39. VBA code to search an Excel file from Word
  40. [SOLVED:] word 2007 save as macro
  41. Display total editing time of a MS Word doc either in the document itself or in QAT
  42. how to use loop for this
  43. Is it possible to paste Headers and footers as plain text in a new document?
  44. Word 2013 Spelling Context Menu/AutoCorrect command
  45. Bug in "find a deadlink" macro
  46. Runtime Error 5692 when using wildcard find
  47. How to capture part of a string with double quotation marks
  48. Count Function...in a table
  49. Custom Toolbars & Online Documents
  50. How to vertically align the text in a textframe in Word 2003.
  51. Count number of words in a table cell
  52. [SLEEPER:] Pasting in Word document is slowing down as the number of paste operations increases.
  53. Append a field at end of each sentence, list item and table line
  54. Word template issue using excel and VBA
  55. VBA check if IE 10 is running / Open
  56. Sending an eMail from Word
  57. How to place dropdown list next to text
  58. VBA for saving multi page dcument with different file names
  59. VBA code for inserting a future date
  60. Macro that opens a Userform and then automatically add the info into the text
  61. VBA code to change revisions/markup to highlight in a table
  62. VBA code to Save Word file as Cell Contents of an Excel Sheet
  63. need help on word macro
  64. VBA & Mailmerge
  65. [SOLVED:] Send a word document as Attachment and Include Subject from the Document
  66. Multiple choice exam template help
  67. Macro works well on single file but not on all files in a single directory
  68. Keeping a userform from blocking the selection.
  69. Word and excel: Late binding
  70. Find and Replace macro problem
  71. Find and Replace macro problem
  72. [SOLVED:] Select sentence by searchgin for keyword and add comment
  73. making certain form field's required to be filled in
  74. Automatic hyperlinks in individual lines
  75. Find sentence in word from colomn A in excel file and add a comment from colomn B
  76. Help with function to generate a list
  77. finding numbered level 1 parqagraphs
  78. Is it possible to apply the Find and Replace exclusively onthe inserted file?
  79. VBA Word Help
  80. [SOLVED:] Placing Wingding in Word 2007 form based on query results to access db
  81. [SOLVED:] Mailmerge sql query string output to a variable
  82. List printers in userform Word 2010
  83. Mail merge with unique excel file attachments and cc to different recipients
  84. Fill Word table using data from UserForm
  85. Intermittent Error: 4605 when pasting Excel range into Word as nested table
  86. [SOLVED:] Make Code Compatible with Office 64
  87. Check if selection is Bold
  88. How to drow Chart in Word using VBA Code
  89. Word vba code to select second page of TOC
  90. Word 2003 Macro to save document to 2 locations
  91. Word 2010 How to allow only form fields and styles to be editable?
  92. Printer access
  93. [SOLVED:] Handle Error When No Footnote
  94. ClearFormatting command error with footnotes
  95. [SOLVED:] wdReplaceAll seems to corrupt my Range
  96. [SOLVED:] If then else if's won't go past the seventh one??
  97. Form field drop downs with yes or no that controls a macro
  98. Code to take a multi-page document and save each page separately..
  99. Microsoft Word macro to automatically resize image after pasting
  100. [SOLVED:] Code execution stops when new form is displayed
  101. Sort Footnotes
  102. Check box help
  103. Hyperlinks copy-paste in Word Macros
  104. [SOLVED:] Change Font in a table Cell
  105. Find and replace text using a data file and "Save As"
  106. Deploy Template to Shared folder becomes Locked
  107. Finding the next specific coloured highlight in end & footnotes
  108. How to save a duplicate of a document and name the file?
  109. MsgBox with custom buttons or list of options?
  110. Format Currency
  111. delete all blank pages in the word document using VBA or VB 6.0
  112. Hide all non-green text
  113. [SOLVED:] Saving Word file with Specific File Name from Content Control to PDF
  114. [SOLVED:] Delete Line Containing Bookmark
  115. [SOLVED:] Find and Replace Colors
  116. Get all properties of a style - use strings stored in an array as property name
  117. [SOLVED:] Macro that automatically replace theserForm info into the text.
  118. how to use Word find and Replace to search inside a string
  119. [SOLVED:] Convert footnotes to inline citations in Word while retaining footnote number as text
  120. [SOLVED:] To Exist or Not to Exist (The case of existing Header/Footers)
  121. Datagrid for win7 office 2003
  122. [SOLVED:] Word Textboxes - Values from Excel wb - Return dates as 0
  123. [SOLVED:] Application.OnTime with arguments (totally stumped)
  124. Order of items in a listbox
  125. [SOLVED:] Replace text found after text
  126. [SOLVED:] Iterate through one loop while in another
  127. [SOLVED:] Transfer text from a textbox in Word Header to Excel
  128. Intercept highlight command
  129. hide text in front of content control when it is blank
  130. VBA Event to stop the server on a Word page, process and resume
  131. Relative path between two word documents and text
  132. Import most recent records from access db to word
  133. Extract text from certain cell in table
  134. Create Outlook Task from VBA in Word
  135. [SOLVED:] How to run code on loading global template?
  136. [SOLVED:] Simply add three blank lines every time string shows up in doc
  137. Help creating a meeting minutes template
  138. [SOLVED:] How to check type of first character in a line
  139. [SOLVED:] Document could not be registered / Could not open Macro storage
  140. MS Word - protection (VBA)
  141. Character style to part of paragraph
  142. Arrange answers below the question from a different location in the document
  143. [SOLVED:] Inserting N number of Word Tables 1 after the other with VBA
  144. [SOLVED:] converting mailmerged text to wingdings
  145. [SOLVED:] Force an update to the filename & path
  146. [SOLVED:] Cycle a userform through the images in a document (or an array of values)
  147. [SOLVED:] Page Break vs Section Break is one better than the other?
  148. [SOLVED:] Template code not working in new documents
  149. [SOLVED:] Set up pre-save name in Word 2010
  150. Delete section containing given string
  151. Find string between "markers"
  152. [SOLVED:] SaveAs Filter
  153. Multi-Column Dropdown on Word 2010 ribbon?
  154. Displaying Printer Properties Window
  155. Apply Style all Heading 2 first sentence Before Period
  156. Make macros in Word
  157. How to get handle to new document instance
  158. Linking Attendence List in Word to Excel
  160. How to Toggle All Checkboxes in a VBA Userform in Word
  161. [SOLVED:] HELP - Adding InlineShapes Doesn't work on 1 PC. It Works on ALL Other PCs
  162. [SOLVED:] Adding Numbers & Move Content To New Line
  163. Changeing path where docs are going too. Word 2010
  164. Delete colums in a table using a macro if 2 column is empty
  165. Ensure numbering in multilevel lists remain setwhen working from a template
  166. Which StoryRange is the cursor in
  168. KeyBindings not working
  169. Word Macro to Open PDF
  170. Transforming paragraphs in Word with a macro
  171. Make macros and custom tab available to Word 2010 users
  172. [SOLVED:] Can this be done? User form stop blocking document
  173. Remove string enclosed with < and > as well as the < and the >
  174. What continuous section contains my keyword?
  175. [SOLVED:] Closing Excel After using it from Word
  176. Finding ill converted Word Perfect Characters
  177. [SOLVED:] VBA Macro To Insert Border For All Images
  179. Want to use same CommandButton name more than once (ambiguos)
  180. Oh what to do...when the network people block the ribbon from loading?
  181. [SOLVED:] Add Hebrew calendar dates to Gregorian calendar dates in Word text
  182. [SOLVED:] Baffling Scope Issue
  183. First page header image in right corner ánd behind text
  184. Help with old Header change code batch of files
  185. Trouble positioning image in header
  186. Wrap image behind text
  187. Hi and Thanks for having me.
  188. [SOLVED:] Word 2007 - Mail Merge Help!
  189. Automating reports: Using Fields, Ranges, Smart Tags
  190. Problem finding/not-finding the Default Paragraph Font
  191. Get the Reference Number above Header
  193. Help with Mail Merge
  194. Merge into one word document
  195. [SOLVED:] Count words / paragraphs in colored text
  196. How to List Contents Of A Folder In A ComboBox
  197. [SOLVED:] Run generic search/replace macro on selected text form fields?
  198. [SOLVED:] File SaveAs executing twice
  199. Need help with If Then in my macro!
  200. Command line, run a macro within an/any existing document?
  201. [SOLVED:] Search documents in directory for text string, copy results to new document.
  202. VBA regular expression pattern match
  203. [SOLVED:] Create Document Based on Template and Make it the Active Document
  204. Simple start of word list at #1
  205. [SOLVED:] Macro not running on a protected document
  206. how to Replace the Text in Word document
  207. Macro Document separation
  208. [SOLVED:] Auto name & Save document with unique name
  209. [SOLVED:] conditional formatting of filling/shading of a cell based on 5 numerical rulesWord'07
  210. [SOLVED:] Find and Replace in Word macro always starts with 2nd instance of string?
  211. Add New Rows to Table with Control Content Copied from First Three Rows of Table
  212. Number of messages recorded in the file
  213. Word 97-2003 Document opens requesting a password...
  214. Bullet Format/Color
  215. Using Retry/Cancel buttons in a mesage box
  216. Reverse String (preserve formatting)
  217. Color words ending with a special characer
  218. Can't achieve FULL JUSTIFICATION alignment in Word
  219. [SOLVED:] Pasting picture fails if insertion point is not at beginning of line
  220. [SOLVED:] Find word and highlight line within selected text
  221. Office 64 Bit Compatibility
  222. making an open word document active
  223. Public Constants question
  224. [SOLVED:] Check for and add "Option Explicit" and module level code programatically
  225. Split on page break
  226. Pass a Variable in a Form to a new form
  227. Keybindings are automatically removed after creating new in Word
  228. [SOLVED:] Passing Array's Data Between UserForms
  229. [SOLVED:] Selection.InlineShapes.AddPicture - Strange Behavior
  230. [SOLVED:] LinkToPrevious
  231. [SOLVED:] Scope, Lifetime, I need a fresh set of eyes
  232. Word 2010 Macro Enabled Template with Content Controls
  233. Copy Text from one Directory and create new to Paste into
  234. Split Into Pages Macro - update for .docm
  235. Hide Textfields when selecting options from a dropdown list
  236. [SOLVED:] Insert Multiple Pictures
  237. Rainbow word
  238. [SOLVED:] count characters between .Find results
  239. [SOLVED:] Validating Textbox entries in UserFrom
  240. [SOLVED:] Create Textbox based on the postion of the picture
  241. Editing Security protected
  242. find text string and return page number
  243. Array from Word vs array from excel
  244. Validate Textbox before sending form
  245. Extract only hotmail addresses
  246. Array to line list
  247. Set UserForm Listbox Column Widths
  248. How to edit word bookmark titles in excel
  249. .text not quite correct
  250. [SOLVED:] Code works when stepping but not when running