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  1. Accessing recordsets (4 replies)
  2. SQL Query Optimization: Combining Multiple Joins for Improved Performance (6 replies)
  3. TIMESTAMPDIFF from one column (SQL Server) (2 replies)
  4. [SOLVED:] Parameterized MySQL SP as Form data input (3 replies)
  5. SQL Server and SharePoint (1 replies)
  6. Query for retrieving limited records (2 replies)
  7. Unable to get view definition in vba (0 replies)
  8. Sqlserver database multipe tables data to access database (3 replies)
  9. [SOLVED:] Dynamic Function (1 replies)
  10. How to union two tables without losing ordering (3 replies)
  11. Not able to add one condition in old script (1 replies)
  12. Where I type wrong??? (1 replies)
  13. Sum one column and limit to the eaileir date ... (0 replies)
  14. Solving Data Quality issues on SQL DB (0 replies)
  15. How to use COUNT with "WHERE" (0 replies)
  16. [SOLVED:] simple SELECT query to .mdb still fails! (0 replies)
  17. more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression (0 replies)
  18. Import data from DB2 to Excel issue (0 replies)
  19. CSV File Import (3 replies)
  20. display above spicific day in SQL using access and vba (1 replies)
  21. [SLEEPER:] DataAdapter (0 replies)
  22. vba function to query oracle database (2 replies)
  23. Delete and Insert new data if the date exists or insert data if date not exist. (0 replies)
  24. [SOLVED:] Skip Null and Zero Values In SQL Statement (4 replies)
  25. Exclude record if in a column (0 replies)
  26. Challenge - Resolve this error: "ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected" (3 replies)
  27. [SLEEPER:] Replace commas as part of double quote enclosed string or convert csv 2 tab delimited (0 replies)
  28. Check if value exists in Sql server Table with vba (0 replies)
  29. Unable to pull individual columns get EXPR1000, EXPR1001 (0 replies)
  30. VBA - SQL Select and return value on the same row (0 replies)
  31. MySQL error (5 replies)
  32. SQL Query - Design struggle (0 replies)
  33. Help Please - Sql Query (1 replies)
  34. Getting an error - Compile error- User defined type not defined (1 replies)
  35. Connection to SQL Server Database using generated Data Source fails ... (1 replies)
  36. ERROR JOIN, ACCES ,SQL... (2 replies)
  37. Unable to fetch data from Mysql where the data type is Text (1 replies)
  38. SQL not working for numbers but works for text, how can i make change (1 replies)
  39. Trying to to do a Sum(MAX) calculation in SQL Server (0 replies)
  40. VBA CopyFromRecordset won't print all collumns (1 replies)
  41. Run-time error '3704' - Operation is not allowed when the object is closed (1 replies)
  42. I am having a challenge trying to retrieve data using a date function in SQL. Thanks (0 replies)
  43. How to display SQL query results (1 replies)
  44. Issue with OLEDB Connection (0 replies)
  45. importing an xml file into a new MS SQL Server table (0 replies)
  46. [SOLVED:] importing an xlm file into a new MS SQL Server table (1 replies)
  47. SQL Add 2nd Most Recent Date From Another Table (1 replies)
  48. [SOLVED:] SQL Add a date from another table (3 replies)
  49. Need helps with LEFT OUTER JOIN (1 replies)
  50. VBA-SQL Server connection problem... (6 replies)
  51. creating a mailing list using SQL Server as the database (0 replies)
  52. Need assist with sheet naming and probably other issues as well (2 replies)
  53. How to recover sql database (1 replies)
  54. User Form to Insert data into SQL (1 replies)
  55. TSQL Select Third Largest Value (7 replies)
  56. Refresh Tables at Specified Time (0 replies)
  57. [SOLVED:] Status Bar Display (9 replies)
  58. [SOLVED:] Combining Results from two sql statements into one showing a new result. (1 replies)
  59. [SOLVED:] Concantenating two columns (1 replies)
  60. Retrieve CLOB Data Type from Oracle (0 replies)
  61. [SOLVED:] getting total use of values across multiple columns (1 replies)
  62. distinct rows based on combination of columns (1 replies)
  63. SQL query with 2 differenet table (2 replies)
  64. Datetime Parameter with date of Today or Today-1 and time set at 7am (6 replies)
  65. SQL Query Help (If Selecting??) (2 replies)
  66. Data in Orcale R12 need to identify (0 replies)
  67. Problem to find the good request (0 replies)
  68. Run-Time Error '-2147217900 (80040e14)': The Certificate, asymmetric key, or private (2 replies)
  69. Text column holds value of ID (2 replies)
  70. Macro button to import data from mySQL joined tables into excel based on matching ID (0 replies)
  71. SQL Query With VBA (0 replies)
  72. Update SSRS exported spreadsheet (1 replies)
  73. SQL trigger run update on second table (0 replies)
  74. [SOLVED:] Trigger to create a backup table (1 replies)
  75. Shift Excel Cell after executing a macro (6 replies)
  76. sql in vba - could not find a file (4 replies)
  77. use a variable SQL column to recieve data to excel (1 replies)
  78. Multiple DSN's for Excel Macro (1 replies)
  79. Fay: Access_2010_Combining_an_Insert_Into_statement_with_Select. (2 replies)
  80. Mysql query to count the records even data not exist (0 replies)
  81. To pull data from Access to VBA on Multi selected variables from the list box (0 replies)
  82. THE SAME COLUMN (0 replies)
  83. Loop in SQL (1 replies)
  84. [SOLVED:] query not working (1 replies)
  85. VBA Wildcard (2 replies)
  86. SQL SELECT same column different Counts (2 replies)
  87. computer stoped being able to connect to SQL server (4 replies)
  88. VBA process multiple files in same folder in sequential order? (0 replies)
  89. Counting combinations using criteria from subquery (0 replies)
  90. SQL Embedded in VBA using Queryopen (2 replies)
  91. Getting an error in this VBA (0 replies)
  92. How to query oracle using VBA (0 replies)
  93. AdventureWorksDW2012 (2 replies)
  94. VBA Code (4 replies)
  95. VBA - SQL Syntax checker function (0 replies)
  96. [SOLVED:] Filter DataBase Between Selected Start and End Dates w/ Visual Studio 2012 (1 replies)
  97. [SOLVED:] Excel Formula To TSQL (1 replies)
  98. Book (1 replies)
  99. Emails (0 replies)
  100. BULK INSERT Text Files into SQL/Oracle (0 replies)
  101. only local SQL databases? (3 replies)
  102. SQL string syntex problem (2 replies)
  103. vba to sql (15 replies)
  104. LocalDB installation (0 replies)
  105. [SOLVED:] transitioning from vba/access sql to T-SQL and errors (1 replies)
  106. Return multiple results if multiple strings (1 replies)
  107. VBA [Excel 2007] to SQL Server [9.0] (0 replies)
  108. Automation Error: (1 replies)
  109. CopyFromRecordset vs. GetString() (0 replies)
  110. Solved: Table Autonumber and Visual Studio VBA (4 replies)
  111. creating bounded groupings (0 replies)
  112. Solved: Visual Studio Form Control (2 replies)
  113. VBA code to get data from Mainframe (0 replies)
  114. SubQuery Amnesia??? (2 replies)
  115. How to pass combobox/textbox selected member into sql string in main module (0 replies)
  116. how to automatically update sql results in ActiveX Combobox? (7 replies)
  117. Solved: ADO Parameter query.. from text file! (6 replies)
  118. Doing a calculation on a derive column within an SQL statement (0 replies)
  119. Count unique instances of a column in relation to another column? (0 replies)
  120. Connect to oracle from excel (2 replies)
  121. Excel Front end, SQLServer backend??? (7 replies)
  122. Can't resolve "Query too complex" error (0 replies)
  123. Solved: Update Query (1 replies)
  124. Statement Help (3 replies)
  125. Filter by previous week (2 replies)
  126. Oracle SQL (1 replies)
  127. creating random future dates with datediff() (1 replies)
  128. Solved: Loop to create repeating SQL statment with incrementing variables (1 replies)
  129. VBA ,SQL Data type (0 replies)
  130. SQL insert (0 replies)
  131. Present SQL result in Word??? (1 replies)
  132. Plz help a newbie understand SQL (1 replies)
  133. Converting A date Function from VBA to SQL (0 replies)
  134. Urgent : How run BCP command using .bat/.vbs file from Excel VBA? (1 replies)
  135. Can't get RecordCount of a Query Output from Oracle DB using VBA (3 replies)
  136. Solved: Need to Store query results for use by another query (1 replies)
  137. sql excel vba connection problem (8 replies)
  138. Advanced SQL Sorting (0 replies)
  139. Specified Procedure Not Found (1 replies)
  140. ADO Connection Problems (1 replies)
  141. VBA code to export SQL extract result and formatting (1 replies)
  142. Database Design for Multiple Filters (5 replies)
  143. empty recordset when multiple entires in parameter (1 replies)
  144. Multiple JOINS without NESTING (1 replies)
  145. Sending a SQL String to SQL Server 2008 from Excel? (0 replies)
  146. SQL Server Database Integration with EXCEL (2 replies)
  147. Excel to SQL Server (SqlBulkCopy method) (5 replies)
  148. different version of versions(dialects) (4 replies)
  149. Setting Parameters or Query def for Access 2003 DAO SQL query (2 replies)
  150. If argument in SQL query (2 replies)
  151. Solved: Table Design / SQL Design Advice (10 replies)
  152. Get all results from where clause even value doestn exits. (1 replies)
  153. Notifying Excel 2007 about changes in a database in SQL Server 2008 R2 (0 replies)
  154. Solved: ADO error: syntax error or access violation (0 replies)
  155. Merging into one.... (1 replies)
  156. SQL Download (4 replies)
  157. ListBox.Value inside an MySQL Query (4 replies)
  158. Update Script (4 replies)
  159. TO_NUMBER SQL function not work (2 replies)
  160. converting Access db To SQL Server (1 replies)
  161. Access - SQL Query to repair table. (1 replies)
  162. Solved: Remove duplicate records (4 replies)
  163. Sleeper: Create Subtotals (0 replies)
  164. Best Practice Advice (3 replies)
  165. SQl VBA Access 2007 -filter not working properly (0 replies)
  166. Solved: How to fill all sheet name into Combo in ADO (7 replies)
  167. SQL problem with Null (1 replies)
  168. Solved: vba to solidDB (1 replies)
  169. Solved: ACE.OLEDB and SELECT INTO [Excel (1 replies)
  170. Feeding data set into a sql stored proc using VBA (1 replies)
  171. Store Procedure that deals with nested tables? (4 replies)
  172. ODBC connector (1 replies)
  173. Solved: Type conversion error with SQL query (3 replies)
  174. Access Format vs SQLS Convert (1 replies)
  175. SQL Syntax Error (0 replies)
  176. Quick question - Sql server (2 replies)
  177. SQL COMMAND ISSUE (1 replies)
  178. Batch processing SQL query strings (1 replies)
  179. SQL Express, Access front end deployment (0 replies)
  180. Solved: VBA-SQL Type Mismatch (3 replies)
  181. SQL Server Export Specifications (3 replies)
  182. Syntax to display last day of current month (0 replies)
  183. MS Sql Reporting Services configuration problem (1 replies)
  184. Update query in ms access (2 replies)
  185. Solved: nested loop on sql statement (1 replies)
  186. get list of items which are there in result of 1 query and not there in another query (2 replies)
  187. getting value into a string using sql statement in VBA. (1 replies)
  188. Solved: Count include 0? (4 replies)
  189. Solved: Convert 12-hour to 24-hour (0 replies)
  190. Solved: Specific Order? (2 replies)
  191. SQL help, ms access (5 replies)
  192. Solved: Help required in SQL Statement. (11 replies)
  193. Use a stored procedure in Access 2007 .. (1 replies)
  194. select multiple foxpro databases for query (0 replies)
  195. access 2007 update query using CASE (2 replies)
  196. SQl server 2000 (3 replies)
  197. Solved: New SQL user (1 replies)
  198. Solved: Extract data from SQL Server table into excel (9 replies)
  199. Solved: Alter table script (1 replies)
  200. Solved: Populate a comboxbox and Listbox in a excel userform with an sql table data (26 replies)
  201. SQL Query in Excel VBA - Runtime Error 1004 (1 replies)
  202. Can't create table from script (3 replies)
  203. Odd 'Where' statements (1 replies)
  204. SQL Server 2008 book recommendation (2 replies)
  205. SQL and Word Connection - finding data to put into word (0 replies)
  206. Solved: SQL Syntax for querying two tables with specific columns (1 replies)
  207. Solved: List grid solution for a user form (8 replies)
  208. How can i link my website to the result generated from excel (VBA) ? I have no idea ! (0 replies)
  209. VBA Check Box (1 replies)
  210. Solved: Using SQL to build a drop-down list (4 replies)
  211. Querying dates fails (2 replies)
  212. QueryTable.ResultRange includes header row (0 replies)
  213. How to learn VBA excel with use ODBC connection SQL query (0 replies)
  214. Field Name unknown in SQL with VBA excel (1 replies)
  215. ODBC in SQL error (5 replies)
  216. [SOLVED:] Installing SQL Server on a Server (1 replies)
  217. Solved: SQL Server Express - Free Download (0 replies)
  218. Friendly inquiry (4 replies)
  219. [SOLVED:] Connecting to Commercial Software (2 replies)
  220. Solved: Convert Varchar to Date format (3 replies)
  221. SQL Relationship (2 replies)
  222. Excel to SQL (2 replies)
  223. Retrieve SQL Server data from remote server (0 replies)
  224. Data import from closed workbook omits cells (0 replies)
  225. Solved: D*MN Column Headers!!!! (3 replies)
  226. veiw sql query for the output. (0 replies)
  227. SQL Compare Databases (3 replies)
  228. Concurrent Installs of MS SQL Server 2005 And MS Sql Server 2008 Express (1 replies)
  229. Solved: SQL Server 2005 Connection Problem (1 replies)
  230. Fun with SQL Policy Manager Exported Results (XML) (2 replies)
  231. SQL query to retrieve only rows from 60000 to last row (6 replies)
  232. Pivot Tables question (1 replies)
  233. Solved: Testing current date... (3 replies)
  234. Logparser SQL and HTTP/SOAP: redux (0 replies)
  235. Inner Join 2 Excel Sheets with ADO? (10 replies)
  236. Solved: Stored Procedure not executing from scheduled task? (1 replies)
  237. Stored Proc question (5 replies)
  238. How to call a Stored Procedure in Word (2 replies)
  239. Solved: SP_HELP (2 replies)
  240. Newbie - Excel data from MySql on server (4 replies)
  241. LogParser SQL - basics++ (1 replies)
  242. LogParser SQL - basics (14 replies)
  243. Wildcard in SQL (2 replies)
  244. Excel api and databases (3 replies)
  245. Error 3001 when calling stored proc (1 replies)
  246. SQL Enterprise Manager (View) IIF Then (1 replies)
  247. Solved: Report From query issue (access SQL) (1 replies)
  248. Vba Code to insert data from access table to mysql table (2 replies)
  249. Solved: Simplify SQL (5 replies)
  250. vba sql datetime format (3 replies)