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Thread: Excel VBA 2003 Out of Memory Error

  1. #1
    VBAX Regular
    Apr 2008

    Excel VBA 2003 Out of Memory Error

    I am receiving a run-time error #7 "Out of memory" as I am adding to cells of a worksheet from a collection of custom objects i have created. I have gone through a tone of documentation and cannot resolve the situation.

    What I am adding to the worksheet is formula's with references to another worksheet in the workbook. The worksheet being referenced has a long name "Current Forecast By LTD" which is appended to each cell referenced like so "'Current Forecast By LTD'!A1".

    If I remove the worksheet name (to test) and add the same cells to my first worksheet (it of course is referencing the incorrect cells) it works. I think I am running into a size limit on the worksheet being appended to. What I would like to do is increase the amount of memory that I can use with a worksheet such that I am able to reference my original worksheek, or any other fix. The following is my code
    Function GenerateTATD(cs As String, ts As String, c As Collection)
        ' Iterate over TATD's in Collection 'c' and create
        ' "Forecast by TATD mpr" worksheet
        ' Init
        Dim tSheet As Worksheet, cSheet As Worksheet, tmp As CTATD, _
        startIndex As Integer, fubar As Variant, y As Integer
        ' Define
        Set tSheet = Worksheets(ts)
        Set cSheet = Worksheets(cs)
        y = cSheet.Cells(1, 1)
        Set cSheet = Nothing
        startIndex = 1
        ' For each TATD
        For Each tmp In c
            ' Add headers
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex, 1) = "TATD " & tmp.Name & " Forecasted Expenditures"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 1, 1) = "Forecast Month"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 1, 2) = "Allocated FY " & CStr(y) & "/" & CStr(y + 1) & " ROM"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 1, 3) = "Apr"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 1, 4) = "May"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 1, 5) = "Jun"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 1, 6) = "Jul"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 1, 7) = "Aug"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 1, 8) = "Sep"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 1, 9) = "Oct"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 1, 10) = "Nov"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 1, 11) = "Dec"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 1, 12) = "Jan"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 1, 13) = "Feb"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 1, 14) = "Mar"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 1, 15) = "Forecast FY " & CStr(y) & "/" & CStr(y + 1) & " ROM"
            ' Add Previous
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 1) = "Previous"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 2) = tmp.AllocatedRom(2)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 3) = tmp.April(2)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 4) = tmp.May(2)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 5) = tmp.June(2)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 6) = tmp.July(2)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 7) = tmp.August(2)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 8) = tmp.September(2)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 9) = tmp.October(2)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 10) = tmp.November(2)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 11) = tmp.December(2)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 12) = tmp.January(2)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 13) = tmp.February(2)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 14) = tmp.March(2)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 15) = "=SUM(C" & CStr(startIndex + 2) & ":N" & CStr(startIndex + 2) & ")"
            ' Add current
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 1) = "Current"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 2) = tmp.AllocatedRom(1)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 3) = tmp.April(1)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 4) = tmp.May(1)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 5) = tmp.June(1)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 6) = tmp.July(1)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 7) = tmp.August(1)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 8) = tmp.September(1)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 9) = tmp.October(1)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 10) = tmp.November(1)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 11) = tmp.December(1)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 12) = tmp.January(1)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 13) = tmp.February(1)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 14) = tmp.March(1)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 15) = "=SUM(C" & CStr(startIndex + 3) & ":N" & CStr(startIndex + 3) & ")"
            ' Add delta
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 4, 1) = "Delta"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 4, 2) = "=B" & CStr(startIndex + 2) & "-B" & CStr(startIndex + 3)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 4, 3) = "=C" & CStr(startIndex + 2) & "-C" & CStr(startIndex + 3)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 4, 4) = "=D" & CStr(startIndex + 2) & "-D" & CStr(startIndex + 3)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 4, 5) = "=E" & CStr(startIndex + 2) & "-E" & CStr(startIndex + 3)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 4, 6) = "=F" & CStr(startIndex + 2) & "-F" & CStr(startIndex + 3)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 4, 7) = "=G" & CStr(startIndex + 2) & "-G" & CStr(startIndex + 3)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 4, 8) = "=H" & CStr(startIndex + 2) & "-H" & CStr(startIndex + 3)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 4, 9) = "=I" & CStr(startIndex + 2) & "-I" & CStr(startIndex + 3)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 4, 10) = "=J" & CStr(startIndex + 2) & "-J" & CStr(startIndex + 3)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 4, 11) = "=K" & CStr(startIndex + 2) & "-K" & CStr(startIndex + 3)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 4, 12) = "=L" & CStr(startIndex + 2) & "-L" & CStr(startIndex + 3)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 4, 13) = "=M" & CStr(startIndex + 2) & "-M" & CStr(startIndex + 3)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 4, 14) = "=N" & CStr(startIndex + 2) & "-N" & CStr(startIndex + 3)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 4, 15) = "=SUM(C" & CStr(startIndex + 4) & ":N" & CStr(startIndex + 4) & ")"
            ' Add cum
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 5, 1) = "Cum"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 5, 2) = "=B" & CStr(startIndex + 3)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 5, 3) = "=C" & CStr(startIndex + 3)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 5, 4) = "=C" & CStr(startIndex + 6) & "+D" & CStr(startIndex + 3)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 5, 5) = "=D" & CStr(startIndex + 6) & "+E" & CStr(startIndex + 3)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 5, 6) = "=E" & CStr(startIndex + 6) & "+F" & CStr(startIndex + 3)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 5, 7) = "=F" & CStr(startIndex + 6) & "+G" & CStr(startIndex + 3)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 5, 8) = "=G" & CStr(startIndex + 6) & "+H" & CStr(startIndex + 3)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 5, 9) = "=H" & CStr(startIndex + 6) & "+I" & CStr(startIndex + 3)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 5, 10) = "=I" & CStr(startIndex + 6) & "+J" & CStr(startIndex + 3)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 5, 11) = "=J" & CStr(startIndex + 6) & "+K" & CStr(startIndex + 3)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 5, 12) = "=K" & CStr(startIndex + 6) & "+L" & CStr(startIndex + 3)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 5, 13) = "=L" & CStr(startIndex + 6) & "+M" & CStr(startIndex + 3)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 5, 14) = "=M" & CStr(startIndex + 6) & "+N" & CStr(startIndex + 3)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 5, 15) = "=O" & CStr(startIndex + 3)
            ' Style table
            tSheet.Range("A" & CStr(startIndex) & ":O" & CStr(startIndex)).Merge
            tSheet.Rows(startIndex).Font.Bold = True
            tSheet.Rows(startIndex + 1).Font.Bold = True
            tSheet.Range("A" & CStr(startIndex) & ":O" & CStr(startIndex)).Interior.ColorIndex = 36
            tSheet.Range("A" & CStr(startIndex + 1) & ":O" & CStr(startIndex + 1)).Interior.ColorIndex = 15
            tSheet.Range("A" & CStr(startIndex + 3) & ":O" & CStr(startIndex + 3)).Interior.ColorIndex = 36
            tSheet.Range("A" & CStr(startIndex + 5) & ":O" & CStr(startIndex + 5)).Interior.ColorIndex = 36
            tSheet.Range("A" & CStr(startIndex) & ":O" & CStr(startIndex + 1)).Borders.LineStyle = xlThin
            ' Increment start index
            startIndex = startIndex + 8
        Next tmp
        ' Style Sheet
        tSheet.Columns("B:O").NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00)"
        ' Save workbook, free mem
        Set tSheet = Nothing
    End Function
    P.S. I have gone through the rest of my code and ensured that every 'Set var' has a corresponding 'Set var = Nothing'. I would greatly appreciate any help.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Master Oorang's Avatar
    Jan 2007
    What line does the error occur on?

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  3. #3
    VBAX Regular
    Apr 2008
    The error occurs on this line.
    tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 2) = tmp.AllocatedRom(2)
    I've tried commenting it out and then the eror occurs on the next line.
    tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 3) = tmp.April(1)

  4. #4
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Master Oorang's Avatar
    Jan 2007
    That helps quite a lot then. Next question. Is CTATD as user definied type? If so can you post the it?

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    • Please Mark your thread "Solved" if you get an acceptable response (under thread tools).
    • Enclose your code in VBA tags then it will be formatted as per the VBIDE to improve readability.

  5. #5
    VBAX Regular
    Apr 2008
    Yep CTATD is a user defined Class Module. The following code is what I used to define it:

    Private pName As String
    Private pJan(1 To 2) As String
    Private pFeb(1 To 2) As String
    Private pMar(1 To 2) As String
    Private pApr(1 To 2) As String
    Private pMay(1 To 2) As String
    Private pJun(1 To 2) As String
    Private pJul(1 To 2) As String
    Private pAug(1 To 2) As String
    Private pSept(1 To 2) As String
    Private pOct(1 To 2) As String
    Private pNov(1 To 2) As String
    Private pDec(1 To 2) As String
    Private pForecastMonth(1 To 2) As String
    Private pAllocatedROM(1 To 2) As String
    Private pForecastROM(1 To 2) As String
    ' Name property
    Public Property Get Name() As String
        Name = pName
    End Property
    Public Property Let Name(value As String)
        pName = value
    End Property
    ' January property
    Public Property Get January(index As Integer) As String
        January = pJan(index)
    End Property
    Public Property Let January(index As Integer, value As String)
        pJan(index) = value
    End Property
    ' February property
    Public Property Get February(index As Integer) As String
        February = pFeb(index)
    End Property
    Public Property Let February(index As Integer, value As String)
        pFeb(index) = value
    End Property
    ' March property
    Public Property Get March(index As Integer) As String
        March = pMar(index)
    End Property
    Public Property Let March(index As Integer, value As String)
        pMar(index) = value
    End Property
    ' April property
    Public Property Get April(index As Integer) As String
        April = pApr(index)
    End Property
    Public Property Let April(index As Integer, value As String)
        pApr(index) = value
    End Property
    ' May property
    Public Property Get May(index As Integer) As String
        May = pMay(index)
    End Property
    Public Property Let May(index As Integer, value As String)
        pMay(index) = value
    End Property
    ' June property
    Public Property Get June(index As Integer) As String
        June = pJun(index)
    End Property
    Public Property Let June(index As Integer, value As String)
        pJun(index) = value
    End Property
    ' July property
    Public Property Get July(index As Integer) As String
        July = pJul(index)
    End Property
    Public Property Let July(index As Integer, value As String)
        pJul(index) = value
    End Property
    ' August property
    Public Property Get August(index As Integer) As String
        August = pAug(index)
    End Property
    Public Property Let August(index As Integer, value As String)
        pAug(index) = value
    End Property
    ' September property
    Public Property Get September(index As Integer) As String
        September = pSept(index)
    End Property
    Public Property Let September(index As Integer, value As String)
        pSept(index) = value
    End Property
    ' October property
    Public Property Get October(index As Integer) As String
        October = pOct(index)
    End Property
    Public Property Let October(index As Integer, value As String)
        pOct(index) = value
    End Property
    ' November property
    Public Property Get November(index As Integer) As String
        November = pNov(index)
    End Property
    Public Property Let November(index As Integer, value As String)
        pNov(index) = value
    End Property
    ' December property
    Public Property Get December(index As Integer) As String
        December = pDec(index)
    End Property
    Public Property Let December(index As Integer, value As String)
        pDec(index) = value
    End Property
    ' ForecastMonth property
    Public Property Get ForecastMonth(index As Integer) As String
        ForecastMonth = pForecastMonth(index)
    End Property
    Public Property Let ForecastMonth(index As Integer, value As String)
        pForecastMonth(index) = value
    End Property
    ' Allocated Rom property
    Public Property Get AllocatedRom(index As Integer) As String
        AllocatedRom = pAllocatedROM(index)
    End Property
    Public Property Let AllocatedRom(index As Integer, value As String)
        pAllocatedROM(index) = value
    End Property
    ' Forecast ROM property
    Public Property Get ForecastRom(index As Integer) As String
        ForecastRom = pForecastROM(index)
    End Property
    Public Property Let ForecastRom(index As Integer, value As String)
        pForecastROM(index) = value
    End Property

  6. #6
    VBAX Regular
    Apr 2008
    I have tried a quick experiment to determine the length of the strings I was putting in the cells. I have replaced the following code:

    ' Add Previous
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 1) = "Previous"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 2) = tmp.AllocatedRom(2)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 3) = tmp.April(2)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 4) = tmp.May(2)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 5) = tmp.June(2)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 6) = tmp.July(2)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 7) = tmp.August(2)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 8) = tmp.September(2)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 9) = tmp.October(2)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 10) = tmp.November(2)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 11) = tmp.December(2)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 12) = tmp.January(2)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 13) = tmp.February(2)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 14) = tmp.March(2)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 15) = "=SUM(C" & CStr(startIndex + 2) & ":N" & CStr(startIndex + 2) & ")"
            ' Add current
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 1) = "Current"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 2) = tmp.AllocatedRom(1)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 3) = tmp.April(1)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 4) = tmp.May(1)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 5) = tmp.June(1)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 6) = tmp.July(1)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 7) = tmp.August(1)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 8) = tmp.September(1)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 9) = tmp.October(1)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 10) = tmp.November(1)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 11) = tmp.December(1)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 12) = tmp.January(1)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 13) = tmp.February(1)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 14) = tmp.March(1)
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 15) = "=SUM(C" & CStr(startIndex + 3) & ":N" & CStr(startIndex + 3) & ")"

    ' Add Previous
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 1) = "Previous"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 2) = Len(tmp.AllocatedRom(2))
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 3) = Len(tmp.April(2))
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 4) = Len(tmp.May(2))
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 5) = Len(tmp.June(2))
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 6) = Len(tmp.July(2))
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 7) = Len(tmp.August(2))
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 8) = Len(tmp.September(2))
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 9) = Len(tmp.October(2))
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 10) = Len(tmp.November(2))
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 11) = Len(tmp.December(2))
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 12) = Len(tmp.January(2))
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 13) = Len(tmp.February(2))
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 14) = Len(tmp.March(2))
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 15) = "=SUM(C" & CStr(startIndex + 2) & ":N" & CStr(startIndex + 2) & ")"
            ' Add current
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 1) = "Current"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 2) = Len(tmp.AllocatedRom(1))
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 3) = Len(tmp.April(1))
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 4) = Len(tmp.May(1))
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 5) = Len(tmp.June(1))
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 6) = Len(tmp.July(1))
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 7) = Len(tmp.August(1))
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 8) = Len(tmp.September(1))
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 9) = Len(tmp.October(1))
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 10) = Len(tmp.November(1))
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 11) = Len(tmp.December(1))
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 12) = Len(tmp.January(1))
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 13) = Len(tmp.February(1))
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 14) = Len(tmp.March(1))
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 3, 15) = "=SUM(C" & CStr(startIndex + 3) & ":N" & CStr(startIndex + 3) & ")"
    The results show that the maximum length is 1567 which is were the memory error is occuring

    tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 2) = Len(tmp.AllocatedRom(2))
    I have looked up the maximum length that a cell can hold and have found it to be 32767 chars, however, the maximum display length is 1024 chars. Is it possible the issue is corralated to the 1024 limit and if so is there another was to set a cell equal to a string greater then 1024 chars?

  7. #7
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Master Oorang's Avatar
    Jan 2007
    That's an interesting idea, 2003 have some nonintuitive behavior on large values.You could set up a test class that truncates the string on "property get" to see if that is what is going on. But to be honest I don't think that is what is going on.

    Excel doesn't use all available memory. It uses 32MB. If you exceed that you will get out of memory errors (;en-us;313275). I suspect you are just putting more in memory than the 32 MB. Try testing the code with a just some
    very small strings in a collection of say 2 classes and see if you are still getting the memory errors. If not theb we know what the issue is.

    To avoid loading all that code into memory you can set yourself up to handle the info in a stream. Instead of loading all the classes into a collection and then working through the collection, load the data into one class right before you use it, then the next etc. So you only ever have one CTATD in memory.

    Keep Our Board Clean!
    • Please Mark your thread "Solved" if you get an acceptable response (under thread tools).
    • Enclose your code in VBA tags then it will be formatted as per the VBIDE to improve readability.

  8. #8
    VBAX Regular
    Apr 2008
    I suspect that you are correct in that I am exceeding the memory limit. I have created the following test which creates a string with 2000 chars and places it in the worksheet:

    ' Init
        Dim tSheet As Worksheet, cSheet As Worksheet, tmp As CTATD, _
        startIndex As Integer, fubar As Variant, y As Integer, largeString As String, v As Integer
        ' Define
        Set tSheet = Worksheets(ts)
        Set cSheet = Worksheets(cs)
        y = cSheet.Cells(1, 1)
        Set cSheet = Nothing
        startIndex = 1
        v = 0
        Do While v < 2000
            largeString = largeString & "v"
            v = v + 1
        ' For each TATD
        For Each tmp In c
            ' Add headers
            'tSheet.Cells(startIndex, 1) = "TATD " & tmp.Name & " Forecasted Expenditures"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex, 1) = largeString
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 1, 1) = "Forecast Month"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 1, 2) = "Allocated FY " & CStr(y) & "/" & CStr(y + 1) & " ROM"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 1, 3) = "Apr"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 1, 4) = "May"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 1, 5) = "Jun"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 1, 6) = "Jul"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 1, 7) = "Aug"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 1, 8) = "Sep"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 1, 9) = "Oct"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 1, 10) = "Nov"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 1, 11) = "Dec"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 1, 12) = "Jan"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 1, 13) = "Feb"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 1, 14) = "Mar"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 1, 15) = "Forecast FY " & CStr(y) & "/" & CStr(y + 1) & " ROM"
            ' Add Previous
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 1) = "Previous"
            tSheet.Cells(startIndex + 2, 2) = tmp.AllocatedRom(2)
    The same error occurs, meaning the 2000 char string is placed in the worksheet without issue. I have double checked this by taking the incomplete worksheet that is generated and pasting the 2000 char string into word to count the # of chars, it is equal to 2000.

    I have run the code with Windows Task Manager open to monitor the memory usage. Excel loads using ~28.5 MB's and the memory error occurs when Excel is using ~35.5 MB's. This is interesting because it does not occur at exactly 32 MB's. Also, I am using excel 2003 and the memory limit listed on the link you provided states 64 MB's (which I am not even close to). Is there a method to increase the memory that Excel is able to use?

    The reason why I ask if I can augment the memory used by Excel is that I need to Collection to build all of the classes. When the Collection is being added to I continueously need to check for existing elements with the same 'pName' property and add to them if they exist otherwise create a new instance of the CTATD class and add it to the collection.

    Would there be any way that I can only load single elements of the Collection into memory or reference them in the function (I have a background in C/C++ and am thinking about a pass by reference type param I can use in the function instead of passing the entire collection, or possible copy?)? Also, reading the link you provided I see that "Workaround option #2" suggestions "Select only the last row or last two rows of the filled range, and then fill farther down the sheet." and I don't quite understand how that would help and exactly what to do.

    Thanks for the help so far.

  9. #9
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Master Oorang's Avatar
    Jan 2007
    Is there a method to increase the memory that Excel is able to use?
    I don't know of one.

    In VBA all paramaters are passed by reference by default, so you have already realized those savings. But just as fyi you can explicity prefix a paramater with ByRef as well (or ByVal).

    You are crossing the memory line because vba handles strings poorly. See here for a little more on that: But if bad string handling is enough to put you over the edge, then you are going to need to par down your memory use anyway. If you are OK with limiting yourself to ASCII characters you could store the strings in byte arrays to half you memory consumption. A trivial example would be:
    Sub Example()
        Dim bytString() As Byte
        bytString = StrConv("Foo", vbFromUnicode)
        MsgBox StrConv(bytString, vbUnicode)
    End Sub
    Another way to go would be to have the properties store and retrieve the data from disk (Temp files) instead of putting it in string. It will be a tad slower, but slow go is better than no go Here is a possible example. I'm sure it can be improved but it should give you the idea :
    Option Explicit
    'Requires reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime (scrrun.dll) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    Private fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject
    Private m_strExamplePropertyPath As String
    Private Sub Class_Initialize()
        Set fso = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
        m_strExamplePropertyPath = fso.BuildPath(fso.GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder), fso.GetTempName)
    End Sub
    Public Property Get Example() As String
        Dim ts As Scripting.TextStream
        Dim strRtnVal As String
        On Error GoTo Err_Hnd
        If fso.FileExists(m_strExamplePropertyPath) Then
            Set ts = fso.OpenTextFile(m_strExamplePropertyPath, ForReading, False, TristateUseDefault)
            strRtnVal = ts.ReadAll
            strRtnVal = vbNullString
        End If
        On Error Resume Next
        Set ts = Nothing
        Example = strRtnVal
        Exit Property
        MsgBox Err.Description, vbSystemModal, "Error: " & Err.Number
        Resume Exit_Proc
    End Property
    Public Property Let Example(ByRef value As String)
        Dim ts As Scripting.TextStream
        On Error GoTo Err_Hnd
        If fso.FileExists(m_strExamplePropertyPath) Then
            fso.DeleteFile m_strExamplePropertyPath, True
        End If
        Set ts = fso.OpenTextFile(m_strExamplePropertyPath, ForWriting, True, TristateUseDefault)
        ts.Write value
        On Error Resume Next
        Set ts = Nothing
        Exit Property
        MsgBox Err.Description, vbSystemModal, "Error: " & Err.Number
        Resume Exit_Proc
    End Property
    Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    On Error Resume Next
        fso.DeleteFile m_strExamplePropertyPath, True
        Set fso = Nothing
    End Sub

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  10. #10
    VBAX Regular
    Apr 2008
    I am going to play around with the string type and length on Monday (next chance I'll have to work on it). Thanks so far fo your help, when I resolve thi issue I will post how I did it to this thread in case someone runs into the same issue in the future.

    Thanks again.

  11. #11
    VBAX Regular
    Apr 2008
    I have resolved my issue with Excel and the "Out of Memory" error. My solution is a work around for my particular case and will most likely not be applicable to other errors of the same type. Regardless, I am going to describe what I have done in case someone runs into a similar scenario in the future.

    The problem is described in the thread above, the resolution is below.


    In my case I am adding custum objects to a Collection, one of the parameters being a string. Now I am assuming that my "Out of Memory" error was caused by me trying to access the largest of the strings (being 1500 chars) in vba. Although both Task Manager and 'Application.MemoryUsed' both show me as being below the 64MB memory limit.

    The string parameter I had was a formula using references to other worksheets (why it was 1500 chars). What I did was eliminate the references and instead only place the cell coordinates ("M5, J7, etc...") in the string parameter and simply parse the string parameter and append the reference to eaceh cell coordinate thus saving my self ~ 900 chars.

    The solution is somewhat sloppy but I spent way to much time debugging this and with an uncertainty of what the error was I am satisfied with the solution.

    If anyone runs into a similar issue feel free and message me. I personally feel that VBA is a terrible language and I am happy to be done working with it for now.

    I'd like to thank Oorang for his help, it was greatly appreciated. There is a nice community of developers here.

  12. #12
    VBAX Newbie
    Jan 2009

    Red face Exceeded the max length for formulas in Excel 2003

    I encountered a similar problem, and finally stumbled onto the answer.

    Your problem was not with the overall amount of memory being used by Excel, and I believe you had already (correctly) decided that was not your problem.

    The real problem was with the maximum length of a FORMULA allowed by Excel!

    • Max length of cell contents (text) = 32,767 characters. Only 1,024 display in a cell; all 32,767 display in the formula bar.
    • Max length of formula contents = 1,024 characters.
    So the bottom line is that you were trying to programatically save formulas that were too long.

    Excel will interpret a string as a "Formula" if it starts with something that looks like a formula (an Equals sign, a Minus sign, a Plus sign) If you had changed the first character of the string to something that did NOT resemble a formula, Excel would've accepted it up to 32767 characters.

    Unfortunately, in VBA this throws the "Out of Memory" error (Error 7), which is not exactly helpful. As a test, if you try to paste the same formula into Excel manually, it will tell you "Formula Too Long."

    Thanks, Microsoft... gotta love those error messages.

  13. #13
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Master Oorang's Avatar
    Jan 2007
    Hello Mr Grip,
    Welcome to the board. Nice Tip... Tried it out with ActiveCell.Formula = "=""" & String$(1024,"X") & """" And it does indeed throw exception 7. Thanks for posting it

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