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Thread: Solved: Counting sort for multi-dimensional arrays?

  1. #1

    Solved: Counting sort for multi-dimensional arrays?

    I'm using John Walkenbach's counting sort but need to apply it to a multi-dimensional array. The code below beautifully sorts an array of one column. How can I modify this for a two-column array, sorting on column one but keeping the corresponding data in column two?

    First, set up 2-column array of data to be sorted.

    ReDim MaxPValueArray(0 To iLastRow-1) As Double
    'Id like this to be ReDim MaxPValueArray(0 To iLastRow-1, 0 To 1) As Double

    Application.Goto "Property"
    qCol = ActiveCell.Column
    For q = 0 To iLastRow - 2
    MaxPValueArray(q, 0) = Cells(q + 2, qCol)
    Next q

    'code works if MaxPValueArray(0 to iLastRow-1) and I never pick up the Value column
    Application.Goto "Value"
    qCol = ActiveCell.Column
    For q = 0 To iLastRow - 2
    MaxPValueArray(q, 1) = Cells(q + 2, qCol)
    Next q

    Call Countingsort(MaxPValueArray)

    Here's John's counting sort.

    [VBA]Sub Countingsort(list)
    Dim counts()
    Dim i As Long
    Dim j As Long
    Dim next_index As Long
    Dim min, max
    Dim min_value As Variant, max_value As Variant

    ' Allocate the counts array. VBA automatically initialises all entries to 0.
    min_value = Minimum(list)
    max_value = Maximum(list)

    min = LBound(list)
    max = UBound(list)

    ReDim counts(min_value To max_value)
    'ReDim counts(min_value To max_value, 0 to 1) causes a subscript out of range at the Minimum = l(s1) line in Function Minimum.

    ' Count the values
    For i = min To max
    counts(list(i)) = counts(list(i)) + 1
    Next i

    ' Write the items back into the list array.
    next_index = min
    For i = min_value To max_value
    For j = 1 To counts(i)
    list(next_index) = i
    next_index = next_index + 1
    Next j
    Next i
    End Sub

    The functions Minimum and Maximum are the same, only different in a lesser-than or greater-than comparison.

    [VBA]Private Function Maximum(l)
    Dim s1, s2
    Dim i
    s1 = LBound(l)
    s2 = UBound(l)
    Maximum = l(s1)
    For i = s1 To s2
    If l(i) > Maximum Then Maximum = l(i)
    'For Minimum, If l(i) < Minimum Then Minimum = l(i)
    Next i
    End Function[/VBA]

    Many thanks in advance for what will be obvious once someone points it out and explains it to me.

  2. #2
    VBAX Expert
    Feb 2005

    Counting Sort vs Other Sorting Methods

    The "counting sort" approach is very fast, but also rather difficult to understand. Unless you have lots of data (say # points in target column > 5000), I suggest that you use a simplier approach. I am partial to the simple "bubble sort" method because it is so easy to implement and modify.

    I have several such routines, one that is probably what you want. It is called MultiSort and sorts an array based on a target "column". I have attached a zip file that demonstrates its use.

    Hope this helps

  3. #3
    VBAX Tutor
    Mar 2005
    Seems like the only concern would be getting the second dimension to tag along. You're not sorting based on the second dimension, right?

    The first code block should work with your redim statement. BTW, there are faster ways of loading the array if your columns are adjacent.

    I've not tested it, but I would think this for the Max / Min functions:
    [vba]Private Function Maximum(l)
    Dim s1, s2
    Dim i
    ' Note that the '1' refers to the first dimension.
    s1 = LBound(l,1)
    s2 = UBound(l,1)
    Maximum = l(s1,0)
    For i = s1 To s2
    If l(i,0) > Maximum Then Maximum = l(i,0)
    'For Minimum, If l(i) < Minimum Then Minimum = l(i)
    Next i
    End Function [/vba]

    ...and then (again untested):
    [vba]Sub Countingsort(list)
    ' I'm removing the parantheses because they're probably not needed,
    ' and rediming a dim'd array with multiple dimensions can be problematic
    Dim counts as variant
    Dim i As Long
    Dim j As Long
    Dim next_index As Long
    Dim min, max
    Dim min_value As Variant, max_value As Variant

    ' Allocate the counts array. VBA automatically initialises all entries to 0.
    min_value = Minimum(list)
    max_value = Maximum(list)

    min = LBound(list,1)
    max = UBound(list,1)

    ReDim counts(min_value To max_value, 0 to max-min+1)

    ' Count the values
    For i = min To max
    counts(list(i,0),0) = counts(list(i,0),0) + 1
    Next i

    ' Write the items back into the list array.
    next_index = min
    For i = min_value To max_value
    For j = 1 To counts(i,0)
    list(next_index,0) = i
    next_index = next_index + 1
    Next j
    Next i
    End Sub [/vba]

    Damn. I'm making this crap up on the fly, if you can't tell. That algorithm was tricky to understand, like MWE said. OK, here's what I've done in the last section. I'm stacking up your values (second column) in a second dimension of counts(). If this works, the catch is that you don't know in advance how many elements you need in that second dimension. So I've redim'd it as the number of elements in the first dimension of list because the most you'll ever need is when all the property values are identical.

    BTW, this sort method only works with integers, right? (Just want to make sure I understood it right - sometimes understanding the logic of the code is not the same as understanding how it works.)

  4. #4
    BlueCactus, For something that you made up on the fly, your code is very fact, if my data were perfect, your code would be as well.

    I happen to have duplicate Property values (it was a lucky test dataset). As soon as I've written the code to handle duplicates, I'll post it.

    Many, many thanks.

    MWE, Thanks to you as well but I've got too much data for a Bubble sort to be effective. Sometimes it's a set of 1,500, sometimes it's a set of 22,000.

  5. #5
    VBAX Tutor
    Mar 2005
    I'm actually surprised that it works but doesn't handle duplicates. Unless you mean it should delete duplicates? The one thing it won't do is sort duplicate properties based on the Value - it should spit them out in the same order it found them in the original data. You could do the secondary sort relatively easily by copying the second dimension of counts() into a 1D array, feed that to the original sort code, and copy the results back to the second dimension of counts(). The only problem is that most of that counts() second dimension is unused which will require more code mods to increase efficiency.

    Anyway, good luck with that and let us know how it goes. I think I may have some uses for this code myself.

    BTW, just noticed an error in the code at the end. Should be:

  6. #6
    Here's the code that I wrote for duplicates in the first column Property.
    [VBA] For i = min To max
    If counts(list(i, 0), counts(list(i, 0), 0)) = 0 Then
    'this is your code
    counts(list(i, 0), 0) = counts(list(i, 0), 0) + 1
    counts(list(i, 0), counts(list(i, 0), 0)) = list(i, 1)
    'my test to pick up the larger Value in the second column
    Duplicate(0, 0) = counts(list(i, 0), counts(list(i, 0), 0))
    If Duplicate(0, 0) > list(i, 1) Then list(i, 1) = Duplicate(list(i, 0), 0)
    counts(list(i, 0), counts(list(i, 0), 0)) = 0
    counts(list(i, 0), counts(list(i, 0), 0)) = list(i, 1)
    End If
    Next i
    It seems to work...

    Now I'm up to a "subscript out of range" error at
    [VBA] next_index = min
    For i = min_value To max_value
    ' For j = 1 To counts(i) 'this is the offending code
    For j = 1 To counts(i,0)'it looks this may be the correct code
    list(next_index, 0) = i
    list(next_index, 1) = counts(i, 0)
    next_index = next_index + 1
    Next j
    Next i

    My test sample now is 2 pairs, each with a Property of 7. The code takes the larger of 5 and 6. So far, so good.

    I'm left with a counts array that is 3 pairs long (counts(5 to 7, 0 to 1). Both counts(5, 0 to 1) and counts(6, 0 to 1) are empty. I think that the first is empty because it was used as a placeholder for counting and the second is empty because I eliminated the Value of 5 in my test for duplicates.

    So, since this doesn't work, I'm going back to test with non-duplicate data. Back in a few.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by BlueCactus

    BTW, just noticed an error in the code at the end. Should be:
    Hey, me too!

    We're getting very close now. On to testing for data with duplicates...

  8. #8
    Distinguished Lord of VBAX VBAX Grand Master Bob Phillips's Avatar
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by skulakowski
    MWE, Thanks to you as well but I've got too much data for a Bubble sort to be effective. Sometimes it's a set of 1,500, sometimes it's a set of 22,000.

  9. #9
    A 2-dimension counting sort.
    Sorts on the first column and retains the corresponding value in the second.
    If anyone would care to test, I think this works.

    [VBA]Sub Countingsort(list)
    Dim counts()
    Dim i As Long
    Dim j As Long
    Dim next_index As Long
    Dim min, max
    Dim min_value As Variant, max_value As Variant
    Dim Duplicate(0, 0)

    ' Allocate the counts array. VBA automatically initialises all entries to 0.
    min_value = Minimum(list)
    max_value = Maximum(list)

    min = LBound(list)
    max = UBound(list)

    ReDim counts(min_value To max_value, 0 To 1)

    'Count the values (i.e., recognize it exists in data; grab the value in column 2.)
    For i = min To max

    'If this is the first time we see the value in column 1, recognize it.
    If counts(list(i, 0), counts(list(i, 0), 0)) = 0 Then
    counts(list(i, 0), 0) = counts(list(i, 0), 0) + 1
    counts(list(i, 0), counts(list(i, 0), 0)) = list(i, 1)
    'If the value in column 1 has already appeared in the data, take the larger of the two possibilities in column 2.
    Duplicate(0, 0) = counts(list(i, 0), counts(list(i, 0), 0))
    If Duplicate(0, 0) > list(i, 1) Then list(i, 1) = Duplicate(list(i, 0), 0)
    counts(list(i, 0), counts(list(i, 0), 0)) = 0
    counts(list(i, 0), counts(list(i, 0), 0)) = list(i, 1)
    End If
    Next i

    ' Write the items back into the list array.
    next_index = min
    For i = min_value To max_value
    For j = 1 To counts(i, 0)
    list(next_index, 0) = i
    list(next_index, 1) = counts(i, j)
    next_index = next_index + 1
    Next j
    Next i
    End Sub
    [VBA]Private Function Maximum(l)
    Dim s1, s2
    Dim i
    s1 = LBound(l, 1) 'NB &quot;1&quot; => dimension 1 or 1st column
    s2 = UBound(l, 1)
    Maximum = l(s1, 0) 'but I started the index numbering w/0
    For i = s1 To s2
    If l(i, 0) > Maximum Then Maximum = l(i, 0)
    'or If l(i, 0) < Minimum Then Minimum = l(i, 0) for Minimum function
    Next i
    End Function
    I only wish I could say that I understand it!
    Also, BlueCactus, you said you had a better way to read data into arrays if the columns were adjacent. What is it?

  10. #10
    Three quick notes.

    W/out the test for duplicates, the code generates a "subscript out of range" error. (At least it did when I was testing that bit...but who knows what else I was moving at the time.)

    The duplicate test above substitutes the larger column 2 value in place of the smaller => two duplicate entries in the arrays with the same larger value. This works for my purposes but it may not work for others.

    In effect, I have an almost-twice-sorted list with the counting sort on column 1 and a "always larger value" in column 2. It'd be nice to modify the duplicate test so that it retained both values in column 2 but I've had too much fun already.

  11. #11
    VBAX Tutor
    Mar 2005
    Don't have time to address most of this right now, but in terms of reading in the array, use:

    [vba]Dim myArray as Variant
    myArray = Sheets(index).Cells(row,col).Resize(numRows,numCols)[/vba]

    where row,col is the top-left cell, and numRows, numCols are the number of rows and cols.

    Note that the first cell will be in myArray(1,1), not myArray(0,0), so this will require some minor mods to some of the element indices you use for the second dimension. The first dimension should not be affected since the code already refers to LBound(myArray,1) and UBound(myArray,1).

  12. #12
    VBAX Tutor
    Mar 2005
    I only wish I could say that I understand it!
    It's actually not so hard once you've stared at it for a while.

    Basically, you find the minimum and maximum values in the data. You create a counts() array spanning from minimum to maximum. This array then has an element for each possible value in the data. You walk through the data, and count how many times each possible value appears in the data. Thus, if counts(7)=12 then there are 12 occurences of the number 7 in the data. Now, you don't actually have to sort anything, because the counts() array is by definition already in ascending order. So you just step through the counts() array: for each n, you list counts(n) occurences of n, and you're automatically sorted.

    An important aspect of VBA in the code provided is the handling of
    [vba]for i = min_value to max_value
    for j = 1 to counts(i)
    next j
    next i[/vba]
    If counts(i)=0, there were no occurences of i in the data. Some versions of BASIC will execute the code contained in the For j = 1 to 0 loop once because j is originally set to 1. VBA does not. It pretests the loop, finds that j>0 and skips it. This eliminates having to enclose the For j loop inside a If counts(i) >0 block.

    The code as provided only works with integers, because you can have only integer indices for an array. You could easily modify it to work with fixed decimal places by mupltiplying the data by a factor of 10 (and then rounding) before counting, and dividing it by the same factor at the end. But, this could lead to some pretty huge memory-hungry arrays. (Imagine having min_value = 1, max_value= 100000, with 3 decimal places. That would lead to a counting array with 100,000,000 elements.)

  13. #13
    VBAX Expert
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by BlueCactus
    It's actually not so hard once you've stared at it for a while.

    Basically, you find the minimum and maximum values in the data. You create a counts() array spanning from minimum to maximum. This array then has an element for each possible value in the data. You walk through the data, and count how many times each possible value appears in the data. Thus, if counts(7)=12 then there are 12 occurences of the number 7 in the data. Now, you don't actually have to sort anything, because the counts() array is by definition already in ascending order. So you just step through the counts() array: for each n, you list counts(n) occurences of n, and you're automatically sorted.

    An important aspect of VBA in the code provided is the handling of
    [vba]for i = min_value to max_value
    for j = 1 to counts(i)
    next j
    next i[/vba]
    If counts(i)=0, there were no occurences of i in the data. Some versions of BASIC will execute the code contained in the For j = 1 to 0 loop once because j is originally set to 1. VBA does not. It pretests the loop, finds that j>0 and skips it. This eliminates having to enclose the For j loop inside a If counts(i) >0 block.

    The code as provided only works with integers, because you can have only integer indices for an array. You could easily modify it to work with fixed decimal places by mupltiplying the data by a factor of 10 (and then rounding) before counting, and dividing it by the same factor at the end. But, this could lead to some pretty huge memory-hungry arrays. (Imagine having min_value = 1, max_value= 100000, with 3 decimal places. That would lead to a counting array with 100,000,000 elements.)
    I never meant to say that it was hard to understand once you have played with it a bit; rather that for average folks, it was overly complicated for the gains achieved unless there are lots of numbers to be sorted. For the vast majority of what I do, the bubble sort approach works fine; it is adequately fast, pretty independent of data type (works fine for integer, long, string, single, etc., with no code fiddling) and is very compact.

  14. #14
    Distinguished Lord of VBAX VBAX Grand Master Bob Phillips's Avatar
    Apr 2005
    I haven't followed this thread too deeply, but wouldn't it be easier just to drop the array onto a worksheet and use Excel's built-in sort? It can all be triggered from VBA.

  15. #15
    VBAX Tutor
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by xld
    I haven't followed this thread too deeply, but wouldn't it be easier just to drop the array onto a worksheet and use Excel's built-in sort? It can all be triggered from VBA.
    Possibly, but where's the fun in that?

  16. #16
    Distinguished Lord of VBAX VBAX Grand Master Bob Phillips's Avatar
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by BlueCactus
    Possibly, but where's the fun in that?
    Solving the problem?

  17. #17
    VBAX Tutor
    Mar 2005
    skulakowski added code to throw out duplicates during the search, which makes some of the other code a little redundant because I'd originally anticipated keeping and maybe sorting the duplicates.

    However, if you want to show use of Excel's functions, go right ahead.

  18. #18
    Distinguished Lord of VBAX VBAX Grand Master Bob Phillips's Avatar
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by BlueCactus
    However, if you want to show use of Excel's functions, go right ahead.
    I certainly don't have any appetite for working on this, or mnore to the point tracking back and finding out the course of events, but I am intrigued as to two things

    - why Excel wasn't used (dropping an array into a worksheet and back is very straight-forward, as is using Excel's sort in VBA)

    - why this very peculiar sort algorithm was used. As far as I can see a counting sort is efficient when the range of keys is small and there many duplicate keys (which makes the change odd!). I doubt that it would beat a quicksort (although maybe keeping the sort stable using quicksort would be a challenge?

  19. #19
    just back in the office today...

    I chose to use a counting sort for two reasons. First, because my users sometimes have tens of thousands of records to sort, none of the other straight-forward sorts I tried were fast enough to suit them (an entertaining yet very demanding group!).

    Second, I figured I'd learn something. I have other sorts set up that rely on filtering out and deleting non-unique rows (which makes them fast enough for tens of thousands of records because many records would be filtered out). But I already know how to do that.

    Thanks to everybody. I have learned a lot.

  20. #20
    VBAX Newbie Vergence's Avatar
    Jan 2010
    Ontario, Canada

    Using the Counting Sort

    The counting sort is at least as fast (if not faster) than the quick sort at least based on larger data sets. John Walkenbach also demonstrates this in his "Power Programming with VBA". There is a very good lecture on YouTube via MIT that explains the counting sort process as well.

    It's a great sort algorithm and is also much more predictable. I thought the approach was quite clever and it's always interesting to rethink these things from time to time. Often we take great algorithms for granted. The benefit of the counting sort is that it's timing is linear (not exponential) as the data size increases.

    I can certainly appreciate the effort expended on the thread exchange above. Great job.

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