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Thread: Solved: Exporting a memo field from access to excel

  1. #1

    Solved: Exporting a memo field from access to excel

    I've tried everything I can to get this to work. When I export my data to excel, the data from the memo field is cut off at 1830. It was being cut off at 255. I believe this was because I was padding my data before exporting to excel. When I say padding, I mean taking out carriage returns. Well I'm now doing that before the data (which is entered on a form) is saved to the table. I've read everywhere that excel 2000 allows roughly 32,000 bytes in a cell. Why is my data being cut off at 1830? I would appreciate all the help I can get on this problem. It's very important I get this to work and as soon as possible. The code I'm using to export my data to excel is below.

    [VBA]Private Sub cmdExportExcel_Click()
    Dim rsExport As DAO.Recordset

    Dim xlApp As Object
    Dim xlWb As Object
    Dim xlWs As Object

    Dim recArray As Variant

    Dim qdfQDef As QueryDef
    Dim strQuery As String
    Dim strExcelConn As String
    Dim strFilePath As String
    Dim intCount As Integer

    Dim strMachineName As String
    Dim strFileName As String
    Dim strFTPFileName As String

    Dim strMemo As String

    'Requery form to save current record

    strFileName = GetExportFileName()

    Dim fso As New FileSystemObject

    strQuery = "[Get_Export_Records]"

    strFilePath = "C:\Documents and Settings\mcdear\My Documents\Cont_Excel_Export\"

    Set qdfQDef = CurrentDb().CreateQueryDef("", "SELECT * FROM " & strQuery)
    Set rsExport = qdfQDef.OpenRecordset(dbOpenDynaset)

    PSRcount = 0

    Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
    Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    Set xlWb = xlApp.Workbooks.Add
    'Set xlWb = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("C:\Documents and Settings\mcdear\Desktop\PSR_Report2.xls")
    Set xlWs = xlWb.Sheets("Sheet1")

    ' Check version of Excel
    If Val(Mid(xlApp.Version, 1, InStr(1, xlApp.Version, ".") - 1)) > 8 Then
    'EXCEL 2000 or 2002: Use CopyFromRecordset

    For intCount = 0 To rsExport.Fields.Count - 1
    xlWs.Cells(1, intCount + 1) = rsExport(intCount).NAME

    ' Copy the recordset to the worksheet, starting in cell A2
    xlWs.Cells(2, 1).CopyFromRecordset rsExport

    xlWs.SaveAs strFilePath & strFileName
    End If

    ' Auto-fit the column widths and row heights

    'closing Recordsets and Connection
    Set rsExport = Nothing

    Set xlWb = Nothing
    Set xlWs = Nothing
    End Sub[/VBA]

  2. #2
    VBAX Expert xCav8r's Avatar
    May 2005
    Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Sorry, Sam, I've never tried this. I'm willing to expend some energy troubleshooting though, if you provide me with something with which I can work.

  3. #3
    Thanks xCav8r. I would appreciate it. Let me know what you need and I'll do what I can to get it to you. Thanks again.

  4. #4
    VBAX Expert xCav8r's Avatar
    May 2005
    Minneapolis, MN, USA
    I meant just gimme whatever you're working with (minus sensitive data), and I'll give it a go from my end.

  5. #5
    VBAX Expert xCav8r's Avatar
    May 2005
    Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Sammy, I know from our conversation that this is resolved. When you have the time, would you mind explaining how it was fixed? Also, would you mark this thread as solved?

  6. #6
    I ended up using the following and it exported everything from my memo fields to excel without any truncating.

    DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, strQueryName, strFilePath & strFileName

    Thanks xCav for your help.

  7. #7
    VBAX Expert xCav8r's Avatar
    May 2005
    Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Thanks for the credit for something you solved on your own!!!

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