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  1. expiration date and Kill (4 replies)
  2. Solved: Help in handling excel sheets with data (3 replies)
  3. Job Search - UK (2 replies)
  4. Working with merged cells (5 replies)
  5. Problem with frame tool (5 replies)
  6. Chart's size and border color? (8 replies)
  7. Solved: VBA To Access taking too long (8 replies)
  8. Solved: Macro works on my PC but not on another PC (8 replies)
  9. Loop through a Pivot to create Charts (3 replies)
  10. Solved: macro to change NAMED formulas (13 replies)
  11. Macro to calculate values based on a column (7 replies)
  12. Disable Cut, Copy, Paste (5 replies)
  13. Compile error when clicking inside a userform (1 replies)
  14. convert excel if condition to vba code (5 replies)
  15. append variable to file path??? (2 replies)
  16. How can I make this work (4 replies)
  17. Solved: Close on ESC (6 replies)
  18. Solved: unique items into a 2d array (4 replies)
  19. A Solution To Digital Cert Not Working (0 replies)
  20. Solved: Process All Workbooks in a Given Directory Folder (3 replies)
  21. Inputbox STATEMENT (3 replies)
  22. Any way to enforce incremental numbering in columns? (11 replies)
  23. Check the active workbook (2 replies)
  24. Solved: Transparent UserForm (1 replies)
  25. IE VBA controls (7 replies)
  26. changing imported file type (2 replies)
  27. Option button properties (2 replies)
  28. Macro that creates duplicates of a master sheet (4 replies)
  29. Problem with three ComboBox including Date item (3 replies)
  30. [SOLVED:] Calculate based on logic of surrounding cells (32 replies)
  31. Subtotal unique values (3 replies)
  32. Solved: VB module to convert absolute references to relative (1 replies)
  33. conditionally return number of Unique entries (8 replies)
  34. IE Control: Switch on (1 replies)
  35. Dynamic range to account for blank cells (4 replies)
  36. Solved: ComboBoxes (2 replies)
  37. Solved: VBA and Check Boxes (2 replies)
  38. dividing numbers & blank rows (6 replies)
  39. Solved: Excel Multiple Goal Seek Code. (8 replies)
  40. Solved: auto data entry based on a cell value (3 replies)
  41. Link Outlook & excel to get date/time and subject (3 replies)
  42. Associate 1 workbook with another to copy columns (0 replies)
  43. Capturing the Undo Stack (3 replies)
  44. Solved: format row with random selection (2 replies)
  45. Solved: Need to have GetOpenFilename( to work in code. (10 replies)
  46. Email Hyperlink Help (2 replies)
  47. Web Query Help (1 replies)
  48. Solved: Text box (2 replies)
  49. Solved: Userform in system tray (1 replies)
  50. [SOLVED:] List of Functions in Excel VBA (6 replies)
  51. Solved: Concatenate / Join two text variables in two cells (4 replies)
  52. Solved: Ado connection, SQL String error (2 replies)
  53. Update worksheet footer on save Excel 2003 (2 replies)
  54. VBA code for transposing (2 replies)
  55. Data Trucation (1 replies)
  56. Opening Workbooks and Running a macro from them (4 replies)
  57. Solved: Hide/Disable Macro Coding (2 replies)
  58. To arrange macros in folders. (2 replies)
  59. Excel 2007 Plotarea.Height issue (0 replies)
  60. Autofilter count (4 replies)
  61. Using VBA to detect a specific System Process (7 replies)
  62. One VBA disables another, how to correct (4 replies)
  63. May you fix this code ? (4 replies)
  64. Solved: Enter will run click function (6 replies)
  65. Solved: UserForm Refresh? (16 replies)
  66. Solved: How Do I Convert Excel Row Height to mm? (8 replies)
  67. Solved: ANother copy/paste query (4 replies)
  68. Copy and Paste Worksheet (+ Macro) in other workbooks (2 replies)
  69. Link and Calculate (3 replies)
  70. Solved: Only unique items (8 replies)
  71. Excel Backend Information (2 replies)
  72. Name VB not working (15 replies)
  73. Solved: object models for non-MS apps (1 replies)
  74. Solved: Userform Calendar Control (11 replies)
  75. Solved: GetSaveAsFilename (3 replies)
  76. Solved: system primitive failed (0 replies)
  77. Solved: set scroll area in copied book (1 replies)
  78. Solved: easiest fastest way to copy entire rows (3 replies)
  79. Solved: Call Form After Cell Update (2 replies)
  80. Assigning OPtion/Radio buttons a value to use in a calculation (0 replies)
  81. Solved: Macro to delete the row (10 replies)
  82. Excel Regresssion Model (0 replies)
  83. Protection on a shared workbook (0 replies)
  84. How to save the item in the listbox (6 replies)
  85. if problem (6 replies)
  86. edit links & open new source file (0 replies)
  87. Update spreadsheet via Form (2 replies)
  88. Forms Object Library (1 replies)
  89. Identifying textboxes with a certain text font color (3 replies)
  90. Solved: looping between named ranges (1 replies)
  91. Solved: Shapes OnAction (2 replies)
  92. Solved: Compare two spreadsheets and seperate the unique ones (13 replies)
  93. Userform load not working (1 replies)
  94. Form Populate unique Totals (18 replies)
  95. How to change the position of item in the coulmn of listbox (2 replies)
  96. If cells have figures already then don't fill (25 replies)
  97. Solved: conditional formatting (0 replies)
  98. Solved: conditional formatting (11 replies)
  99. cant edit cells from vba (2 replies)
  100. [SOLVED:] Formatting multiple textboxes on a UserForm (4 replies)
  101. Solved: VBA code not working (7 replies)
  102. Solved: Date & Excel (12 replies)
  103. Copy from one, Paste to another, Then Save As.. (0 replies)
  104. code to change text colour (0 replies)
  105. Get row from Sheet 2 if date between certain values (8 replies)
  106. Userform select and copy (5 replies)
  107. Solved: Set worksheet Target (23 replies)
  108. Forward thinking obstacle (2 replies)
  109. Solved: find code alteration to search column c &D (2 replies)
  110. Solved: Find TExt in a column and give result from the next column (2 replies)
  111. FIND Function Issue (3 replies)
  112. Solved: FileDialogFilePicker (3 replies)
  113. Why does this code move rather than copy files? (1 replies)
  114. Delete all Conditional Formats but still retain all formats. (12 replies)
  115. folder into listbox (3 replies)
  116. Add features to userform (1 replies)
  117. Sum with multiple criteria across multiple sheets (3 replies)
  118. Solved: Numeric Time Values in VBA - Reference? (2 replies)
  119. [SOLVED:] User Form Invalid Property Error (8 replies)
  120. Opening a template in VBA (2 replies)
  121. create a .txt file (18 replies)
  122. help with variable row size selection (2 replies)
  123. Solved: please check second part of mu code (2 replies)
  124. Excel help please. (3 replies)
  125. Solved: .Find won't work!!! (5 replies)
  126. Solved: Insert Formula via macro (2 replies)
  127. Editing decimals :) (1 replies)
  128. checking if sheet updated (10 replies)
  129. How to poulate listbox with data from the row? (1 replies)
  130. Solved: Delete row based on first cells contents? (3 replies)
  131. Solved: stop macro and restore password (4 replies)
  132. Using Access for my data (3 replies)
  133. Solved: File Naming Convention (1 replies)
  134. ListBox formatting (2 replies)
  135. print data (6 replies)
  136. Move data one spreadsheet to another (5 replies)
  137. Solved: Protect Column if it is not equal to today's date (10 replies)
  138. visible sheets count (1 replies)
  139. Solved: Userform Calendar Control (4 replies)
  140. The Excel Object Model (0 replies)
  141. Call upon different procedures? (5 replies)
  142. Make excel pause (4 replies)
  143. Insert Symbol made easy... a toolbar? (6 replies)
  144. Copy AutoFilter Results (1 replies)
  145. Solved: finding the difference in time (3 replies)
  146. Solved: If Subtotal equal to zero delete that paticular group. (2 replies)
  147. Row color based on result of a vlookup? (4 replies)
  148. VBA Auditting Macro (3 replies)
  149. Sum bold cells rows based on below non bold cells (6 replies)
  150. Linking cells from separate *.xls files into a Workbook (0 replies)
  151. delete numerical values only (1 replies)
  152. Interview question (0 replies)
  153. CounIFS with Month Criteria (3 replies)
  154. stop formulae from updating (5 replies)
  155. sumproduct and abs value (1 replies)
  156. Basic variable type question (and maybe more)... (4 replies)
  157. Solved: reading pdf files (5 replies)
  158. Solved: looping through check boxes on a form (5 replies)
  159. Store date in file into another work book (0 replies)
  160. Sumif , between to sheets (8 replies)
  161. Solved: Menu items created twice, but not when manually going through code (7 replies)
  162. Copy paste (1 replies)
  163. Simple Password Generator (0 replies)
  164. Checking if date is weekend (2 replies)
  165. Doing subtotals in Excel (10 replies)
  166. How to define my own standard colors? (7 replies)
  167. Solved: Extract number after text from each cell of a column (17 replies)
  168. Don't print the data have same address (10 replies)
  169. Solved: unique values with sumif (3 replies)
  170. Solved: filling a column with formulae (1 replies)
  171. Creating dates (1 replies)
  172. Solved: Adding select rows to a listbox in a form (7 replies)
  173. Solved: Missing Component(s) ?? (2 replies)
  174. Save Workbook (4 replies)
  175. Transfer named cell values between workbooks (2 replies)
  176. Solved: alpha-numeric parse (4 replies)
  177. Tweaking the "Combine all Worksheets in One" VBA (1 replies)
  178. Saving A Form As an Image (1 replies)
  179. Solved: PublishObjects (5 replies)
  180. Solved: open event code for a Work sheet with varible name (3 replies)
  181. Solved: Delete number of characters from string (4 replies)
  182. How do I make a Pivot Table query in VBA code (2 replies)
  183. Solved: Error in macro - FIND function (9 replies)
  184. Call upon excel functions? (1 replies)
  185. [SLEEPER:] How to protect a workbook? (5 replies)
  186. Solved: Where to start with multiple conditions (7 replies)
  187. How to change macro? (5 replies)
  188. Solved: selecting columns using a variable (1 replies)
  189. Solved: setting the scroll area (0 replies)
  190. Solved: CopyFromRecordset issues (0 replies)
  191. Excel Cell Color (8 replies)
  192. Help - Reddim Preserve (0 replies)
  193. Exporting Excel Data to Word Using VBA (15 replies)
  194. Caller Userform (xld - question about your code) (9 replies)
  195. sending rows to a list box (0 replies)
  196. Date format problem (2 replies)
  197. EXCEL VBA DOUBT (1 replies)
  198. Solved: Delete all records in Access using Excel VBA (7 replies)
  199. [SOLVED:] Expanding IF formula (21 replies)
  200. EXCEL Macro+POWERPOINT:PLEASE HELP (0 replies)
  201. Partial Match (1 replies)
  202. RAND function recalculating (4 replies)
  203. Solved: make all backcolor white before print (7 replies)
  204. What is the mistake in this code .. (2 replies)
  205. String to Date problem with VBA / Excel (4 replies)
  206. [SOLVED:] User Defined Function (5 replies)
  207. Pulling data from other excel file (0 replies)
  208. Solved: checkbox on spreadsheet (11 replies)
  209. Solved: sum total based on month (3 replies)
  210. Solved: sorting a single column (3 replies)
  211. Switch from Excel to Access (4 replies)
  212. check for errors (3 replies)
  213. Blinking Text in Formula (9 replies)
  214. Solved: AND not working in loop (6 replies)
  215. What does mean this property ScreenUpdating (2 replies)
  216. Active Tab change Backcolor (8 replies)
  217. Adding comments to a worksheet (0 replies)
  218. searching for and subtracting values (7 replies)
  219. Solved: types of programming (7 replies)
  220. Solved: interacting with non-MS apps (3 replies)
  221. Solved: create a copy (1 replies)
  222. Solved: checking if a database is open (3 replies)
  223. How to change mouse Icon when move above one of cell? (3 replies)
  224. Auto Corrupt/Delete an Excel File (10 replies)
  225. Looping through a flat tabled spreadsheet (6 replies)
  226. Looking to learn how to parse XML files into Excel with VBA (2 replies)
  227. Error when using vlookup in VBA (8 replies)
  228. Filepath Variable (4 replies)
  229. Extract the data from source workbooks into the active sheet (0 replies)
  230. What is the difference betweem Range and Usedrange ? (4 replies)
  231. Solved: remove letter from TxtBox (3 replies)
  232. Solved: Message box alert if cells not filled in on time (8 replies)
  233. Solved: generate random sample without replacement and with second criteria (6 replies)
  234. Insert Rows and add Title (1 replies)
  235. Button to copy buttons (4 replies)
  236. summing range of row (2 replies)
  237. Runs OK on my PC but not on another (2 replies)
  238. Module not seeing functions in ThisWorkbook (2 replies)
  239. Regular Expression syntax (9 replies)
  240. script help (2 replies)
  241. Named ranges - cross polination (6 replies)
  242. Adding a Zero (2 replies)
  243. Solved: Another userform query (6 replies)
  244. Data Transfer from User Forms (10 replies)
  245. Disable "This workbook contains links to other data sources" window (1 replies)
  246. Validation on a Textbox entry (8 replies)
  247. Embedded word document into a form (1 replies)
  248. Solved: Linking the elements of a Select Case scenario (4 replies)
  249. Solved: Sheet Tab naming on opening (2 replies)
  250. Help me to complete this code (3 replies)