- Passing multiple arrays between sub
- Solved: Get The Replaced Cell's Address
- Solved: Search Formula limits exceeded
- Code to Undo & Re-Do
- [SOLVED:] How to Use VBTAB
- Installer for Macro
- Getting chm help file to open from menu
- Formula for counting used rows - Anomalie?
- Solved: Transfer Data to Another Workbook
- How to RAR a folder via VBA?
- Number format
- [SLEEPER:] Set a variable equal to the sub name
- save a file to a defined destination
- Solved: Feed Word with changing data from excel
- Solved: merging worksheets matched on 'key' in column
- Printing each sheet to pdf with a unique pdf password
- Spreadsheet to Form Help
- Solved: Windowstate = xlnormal then Center Position?
- Solved: Calling a Subroutine
- Saving data from several objects to 1 cell
- [SOLVED:] Indian number format
- Solved: Number Stored as Text
- If statement
- Word.application????
- Loop Help to find Intersection Cell Address
- Excel GUI : Activate a button from macro
- Findout Max value
- Solved: Macro help
- FYI - Adjust zoom, orientation, and papersize automatically
- Looping/Code Consolidation
- Delete Add-in with code
- Sleeper: Do a v-lookup on a closed workbook
- Counting
- How to give a button a fill color?
- date in vba when paste defaults to american
- Solved: What is wrong with this thing??
- Dynamically Created Toolbar with Custom Icons are Blurry
- Copy Variable Range
- Code to add a menu, macros to it and remove when book closes
- Extracting Data from a PLC
- initialize active X control
- Solved: can we have Greek letters in label caption?
- Solved: CheckBoxes
- Can these functions work with arrays?
- Solved: Listbox populated by Userform selections
- Solved: Enable & Disable Macro
- Solved: Substitute Workbook Source Name?
- Solved: Add If Statment to w/ Array to Loop
- Add to Pivot Cache based on Criteria?
- If statement and Qualifying help-- please
- Save Excel File to Fileserver via Macro
- Solved: Multiplying cells
- Extract data from closed workbook using VBA with data range unknown at start!
- VBA recolor fonts to paste into other apps
- hide active window using Auto_open
- Solved: Ampersand function help
- Solved: Rename a macro module
- UsedRange, copy paste values?
- Solved: save as excel file automatically
- auto close
- auto email generation
- auto update
- Solved: auto population of data
- Solved: Charts - Using Two Y Axes
- Solved: Any better suggestions for checking cells before row move?
- Solved: Text file extract
- Finding Print Area per Page
- Solved: Count Sheets With Specific Name
- Need to open Outlook Template out of Excel
- Making a Database out of Excel
- Solved: Create worksheets based on column
- is it possible to delete a workbook with code?
- [SOLVED:] Find Next
- Using a Variable in a V-Look up formula
- Solved: How do you make text wrap in a textbox?
- Solved: Mouse/Cursor Speed
- Solved: Using a range in a chart with VBA
- excel to access
- Find Cut and Paste at bottom
- Solved: Counting 1's in a column
- Exporting charts as GIFs, help needed
- changing code with code
- Solved: ActiveWorkbook.Activesheet
- Solved: Forcing correct data entry
- Solved: Code is calling Private Worksheet Code, Why?
- Solved: Edit this loop to loop through all Sheets
- Solved: Auto Close WorkBook when Idle
- Copy Filtered list / hidden data
- UserForm(Excel/Project/MSForms) - Color/Font List Box
- Solved: Left zero to appear as blank
- Good online tutorials/Where do you learn vba from?
- Variable scope problem
- Link Update
- Solved: not able to show all data autofilter problem
- Replace function not working in script form.
- Solved: Parameter passing with Command Button
- Solved: Insert rows while preserving data
- If statement..run macro
- Solved: vlookup filename
- Solved: return missing value
- Solved: Add a named workbook
- Object disconnected from its client error
- How to copy Name
- Solved: UCase Procedure is converting formulas
- collection keys
- Solved: Two validation in one cell
- Discussion on Objects
- Adding Description to UDF
- Solved: Hide WorkBook then Userform Show
- Solved: Transform the position of data on a table
- reference myinput in vlookup formula
- Solved: Trim Function...
- Solved: Hash Problems
- Password Help PLEEEASE !
- Solved: Entering Cell Comments On A Protected Worksheet
- VBA to open spreadsheet (name dynamic through var call), extract and process data
- Solved: Paste Special between Worksheets
- Solved: Data From Previous Months file
- Solved: Detect if a form is opened
- Email using VBA and AOL
- Solved: Convert to proper
- Disable Cut in a Specific Range
- Check Lotus Notes if Open
- Solved: Add item to File Menu Bar in certain position
- Elseif ?
- Add hyperlink to unknown sheet
- Add toolbar on workbook open
- Solved: Weird Error Message
- SumIf using background color as criteria
- Solved: Add textbox values to database using loop
- What's the difference between VBA.method vs Strings.method
- Solved: Creating Drop Down Lists that Filter
- Solved: update from master data
- Solved: Accessing Target Spreadsheets existing VBA Code
- [SLEEPER:] Find string in sheet and pass location to variable?
- Looping through worksheets question
- Solved: Multi Column Listbox
- Solved: Save As and replace existing file
- Solved: Dynamic Autofill?
- Solved: Creating success variable from FollowHyperlink
- Solved: File Address
- Solved: Pivot Chart Positioning
- Solved: Display records against Single Date
- Solved: User form to appear when certain cell are clicked
- Insert row code help
- Search table, copy rown and paste into new sheet
- Solved: How does this line Select D5
- Solved: Command Bar Position
- [SOLVED:] How to paste a value
- Compare 2 Columns & Return In Third
- [SLEEPER:] Combining 2 files in one
- Change Directory on Workbook Open?
- Hide Rows based on 3 column variables
- How do you search a cell for key words?
- get cell address without the $'s
- Solved: Text Format
- Solved: Hide hyperlink address
- Setting Default Property in a Class Module
- [SOLVED:] Tricks with Zips
- Convert a range to Proper Case
- to automate cells with a hyperlink
- examning if a cell is emty
- How to add a column to a collection
- date
- Solved: Select printer & sheet code modification
- Solved: Can excel disable close button at right corner
- Solved: Trying to delete rows based on 3 variables
- user form
- Data manipulation with files
- Listbox control help
- Stock data downloading code
- Solved: If....Flash cell-Module
- Listbox column Headings
- Solved: Select Range with variables
- Solved: VBA beginner: Code in the Workbook_Open() does not get called
- VBA pass by reference or value
- Solved: Auto_Open Query
- Open Up a Store Email Template out of Excel
- Solved: add leading zero(s)
- Solved: Import Word Table & text into Excel
- Solved: Can you set Security through VBA?
- Access to Excel transferspreadsheet and automatic sort data
- Solved: Any way to prevent repeating the same executing code for 4 worksheets?
- Solved: application.speech.speak
- Excel 2007 - Application.ScreenUpdating won't change?
- file search/auto import in excel 2000
- Solved: Copy PDF into Excel and Keep PDF Structure
- Solved: Find empty cell
- [SOLVED:] Delete empty rows
- Solved: function to retrieve characters between to given values
- Solved: Make cells inactive
- concatenating strings & data from ranges without typing a formula
- Solved: how to diferentiate between text and value?
- Items in Dropdown box of Internet Form
- Solved: Force user to fill cell
- ADODB.Connection Copy RecordSet to Array
- Formula help
- Solved: Data Validation / Array
- Solved: Copying and Pasting from each Spreadsheet in a Folder
- Mask the Salary
- Solved: graying out check boxes
- Error - manipulate dates in VBA
- Solved: How to Determine Which Fonts Are Being Used (Loaded)
- [SOLVED:] How to Clear the ?Last Cell?
- Selection not displaying in dropdown box
- Solved: User Defined Function
- Sort
- Solved: Need help with this macro
- workbooks.open question
- Sheet and cell validation
- Solved: Insert code to worksheet programmatically and run it in the same Sub - compiler error
- Solved: Find Method not working properly
- how to connect one excel file to another?
- Solved: File Exists Issue
- Solved: VBA tutorial greenhorn
- save file as CSV
- [SLEEPER:] Multiple Worksheet Entry
- Solved: Populate Specific Column Cell based on ListBox Selection
- Solved: extracting info from cells
- Ignore blank in Data Validation
- Solved: Combobox column width
- Solved: Add text in title bar
- Solved: Choose sheet code
- Solved: Looping required
- Auto deletion of data when deleted from master file
- Create/Clean-up of Objects
- Generate Exe from Workbook
- Additional Control in Vista
- Uninstall ADD-INS
- Solved: Array as a Public Const
- Convert Formula R1C1 to Range
- Solved: Question on Option Buttons on Forms vs Control
- How to make a range dynamic?
- Solved: ?Cells? and ?Range? Properties
- Delete Rows Based on Partial Cell Value
- Save as the active sheet into a new workbook
- [SOLVED:] LastRow on every page
- Importing CSV Files Without Preserving External Links
- Solved: how to find charecters in texts?
- I'm new to this and trying to fix an error
- Combine rows from multiple different worksheets / workbooks into a Master workbook
- Creating a List in Memory
- Solved: Hidding Data Hides Chart, Why?
- Add " at the beginning and end of a string
- Import with troubles - Date format
- Solved: countif question
- how to write code for doing format cells/ patterns/ no vcolors?
- Solved: Print macro
- Solved: Last Date of Last Month