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  1. move all tables in a document
  2. How to calculate distance of cursor from edge of SCREEN
  3. Add a new paragraph after for each selected paragraph
  4. Add a new paragraph after for each selected paragraph
  5. [SOLVED:] Find and replace advice needed
  6. [SOLVED:] remove a tab and put in a space
  7. [SOLVED:] Merging cells
  8. [SOLVED:] Copy content controls across all files in same folder
  9. [SOLVED:] Need to modify merge cell macro
  10. switching documents and continuing macro??
  11. Match a String containing Wildcards and Pasting Paragraph to Excel
  12. DOC file - only 1 user to be able to open it
  13. export word table data into an excel sheet
  14. [SOLVED:] Make New Documents from the XL Word List
  15. [SOLVED:] Question on highlighting word before & after "and"
  16. [SOLVED:] Find within table
  17. VBA to handle merged cells
  18. [SOLVED:] Sentiment analysis
  19. [SOLVED:] Replace Image in Document Header (Multiple Documents)
  20. Word UserForm - load images interactively with option buttons
  21. How to re-order pictures in a table using Word VBA?
  22. Open/Find/Replace/SaveAs not working
  23. Get characters before and after the selection
  24. Print Macro to Print Entire Document Accept the last page
  25. Split word document by some count of pages
  26. Word 2016 - Style Set Limitations
  27. Modifying Word table cell text without loosing footnotes/endnotes and formatting
  28. [SOLVED:] How to Align a Word shape to the bottom of the page with VBA?
  29. Enable / Disable Button in document using macro
  30. How to Set Current Selection as Range in Word
  31. Fit a picture in a graphic
  32. Macro to return a word count of text contained within a bookmark
  33. [SOLVED:] Copy range from word table and paste into inkEdit control
  34. Macro button in word
  35. Word 2013 template document with command buttons and VBA code (NOT macros)
  36. [SOLVED:] Find & Replace - 3 Digits Regex Sentences - into Heading 1 Style
  37. [SOLVED:] Change the font of a specific cell
  38. Convert table to html tags without using saveas option in word vba
  39. On converting .dot templates to .dotm, custom styles disappear ...
  40. [SOLVED:] Paragraph sentences to bullet points
  41. Comboboxes in Word Document
  42. Insert text into next blank Page
  43. [SOLVED:] Word TOC required for large number of custom heading styles
  44. [SOLVED:] Remove all before certain sentence
  45. AllowBreakAcrossPages issue
  46. Inserting caption in table cell
  47. [SOLVED:] Word Series Find and Replace
  48. Macro to close Find and Replace dialog when a drag is started
  49. Display date when loading word document
  50. Force MS Word to Open and Save all Text Files in MS DOS encoding
  51. [SOLVED:] Find Font Colour or Strikethrough
  52. Stuck with Highlighting Macro
  53. [SOLVED:] Was a specific item selected in a multi-select listbox?
  54. [SOLVED:] Need to determine if footnote reference exists
  55. Match a pattern
  56. Alert when modeless userform loses focus
  57. VB code to search and modify text in the first column of multiple tables
  58. Tables - Deleting blank rows
  59. Add picture to bookmark and delete previous one
  60. Automatic spell check and formatting
  61. Macro to remember location of hyperlink
  62. [SOLVED:] Find & Replace Regex - 2 Letters Conditon
  63. [SOLVED:] Entering zero-width space in regular expression as part of replacement string
  64. Find Word then Highlight Entire Paragraph and or Sentence Around That Word
  65. Code to change header
  66. Auto Delete Nested Tables rows in word
  67. Isolate First Word of Multiple Paragraphs
  68. Alphabetical Order Via Surnames / Not First Word
  69. [SOLVED:] VBA for word
  70. [SOLVED:] please help! Word VBA save as dialog
  71. [SOLVED:] pelase help the code in VBA
  73. [SOLVED:] Retaining Formatting When Extracting Text for Footnotes (Office 2007)
  74. [SOLVED:] search for specific track change in word
  75. [SOLVED:] Move Paragraph Back - Delete Paragraph Mark
  76. [SOLVED:] changing specific character font
  77. [SOLVED:] Multiple Text Selection
  78. Inserting Text via VBA into a Text Form Field in a Protected Word Document
  79. Copying Specific Clipboard Items
  80. [SOLVED:] copying specific rows
  82. [SOLVED:] Userform to open automatically when saved document opened
  83. [SOLVED:] How to create conditional content control in word using vba?
  84. [SOLVED:] Inserting page numbers
  85. [SOLVED:] Help modifying "copying specific rows" code.
  86. Trouble Setting Column Widths
  87. [SOLVED:] Activate excel workbook from Word
  88. [SOLVED:] Need a Help for Alter the VBA code
  89. Move userform entry to bookmarks with different lengths
  90. Chaos in Headers/Footers
  91. [SOLVED:] How can I concatenate a hard-coded string and a variable to create a parameter?
  92. VBA To Remove Rows From Table
  93. Carriage return after last comma
  94. [SOLVED:] Incrementing a ref number within a docvariable
  95. [SOLVED:] HELP!!
  96. [SOLVED:] VBA to replace hyphens with en dashes
  97. [SOLVED:] hyperlink in repeating header
  98. [SOLVED:] Formatting alternate cells in table
  99. [SOLVED:] Regular expressions to locate roman numerals and specific words
  100. Using VBA to Format between two specific paragraphs
  101. [SOLVED:] Search For Sentences - Put in a 2 Column Table
  102. Please help me with these code (macro to find repeated words)
  103. VBA insert table doesn't run
  104. Extracting "Shall" Statements with Associated Paragraph Number
  105. Macro for inserting and formatting headers and footers
  106. [SOLVED:] Easy question: adding a paragraph for each row of a document AFTER 20 characters
  107. Is it possible to merge excel and word to become one document in doc/docx format?
  108. Transferring Content from Word Doc to Excel Doc - checking if already done
  109. Is there a macro to select and copy a specific size font of a word in a document?
  111. [SOLVED:] Shapes 'n Headers 'n Footers
  112. Counting different checkboxes within a table, for varying number of tables
  114. Checking number of words in a sentence
  115. [SOLVED:] Highlight All Words Containing Capital Letters?
  116. [SOLVED:] Macro to position eahc shape in a new page and carry the previous text
  117. Highlight specifc text plus 15 characters afterwards
  118. [SOLVED:] Highlight All Spelling and/or Grammatical Errors?
  119. Merging two tables and inheriting formatting
  120. [SOLVED:] Delete all spaces before footnote and endnotes call numbers
  121. [SOLVED:] VBA Format some - but not all - Word tables
  122. Word VB Code to find character pattern, cut, move to end of document
  123. Passing variables into a function
  124. Creating a checklist in MO that only exports values selected to a MS Word doc
  125. [SOLVED:] Command to locate any attribute (bold, intalic, underline)
  126. [SOLVED:] Lost a Userform
  127. How Do You Read a CSV File into a Word ADODB and place values into Work Bookmarks
  128. [SOLVED:] Switch Documents - to Make ActiveDocument For Macro
  129. [SOLVED:] Focus Mode
  130. [SOLVED:] page numbering
  131. Is there any way to include a CR as the last character in the scope of a comment?
  132. [SOLVED:] VBA to combine multiple word docs with comments and changes
  133. Problem Deleting Folders
  134. [SOLVED:] save as
  135. Formatting replacement text.
  136. Adding Bookmark to Multiselect ListBox Text
  137. How to copy selected text?
  138. Populate Combobox from Excel into a Word UserForm
  139. Functions only running during a breakpoint
  140. [SOLVED:] Globally change ref field to preserve formatting
  141. change/make copy of windows document file name based on content
  142. [SOLVED:] Extracting a row if a certain word is present
  143. Word Documents are staying "Locked"
  144. Difference btw Selection.InsertFile and Selection.Copy
  145. Sleeper: Controls etc not visible until clicked on
  146. [SOLVED:] Using VBA to put in HTML tags for bolded, italicized or underlined text
  147. [SOLVED:] TOC from page header?
  148. Multi-Select Listbox, Output by Order Selected
  149. Run-time error 5947 Word 2010 - why?
  150. Anchor graphics line to paragraph
  151. Request a macro
  152. [SOLVED:] Adjust the Space Between 2 Words To 1 Space - Wildcard Search
  153. Help setting up invoice templatesi
  154. [SOLVED:] How can I restrict/lock parts of a word document for read only using vba
  155. [SOLVED:] Word 2010 Table - loop through table cells and combine email addresses into range ";
  156. Inconsistent thickness of table borders: is there a remedy?
  157. [SOLVED:] Created Legacy Drop Down boxes to Auto Populate; Script has bugs
  158. [SOLVED:] issue with PDF to word creating anchored objects
  159. [SOLVED:] Macro not quite working right
  160. [SOLVED:] For Each cell in Tables if cell has table within it (Nested Table) Next
  161. [VBA MS Word] Code to control BeginArrow and EndArrow
  162. Syntax when looping through text entries
  163. [SOLVED:] Automatically Generated Table Need to be Split after Every 2 Rows
  164. Macro only working with a breakpoint inserted
  165. [SOLVED:] Delete Text Found Only in Column 1 of Table
  166. Wait for document to load in editing screen
  167. Macros not executing
  168. [SOLVED:] Excel style SaveCopyAs for Word
  169. Office 2013 - Word
  170. [SOLVED:] Global Dim for Form in Word
  171. search with a twist?
  172. Tools - Reference - Sending to Someone
  173. Highlighting misspelt text, but ignoring certain text
  174. Print Several Copies with different header title ( word document )
  175. RTF to Excel
  176. Paste selection from excel to word in specific paragraph
  177. Importing photos into 1 cell
  178. [SOLVED:] Selecting Text with VBA?
  179. Copy Word Files including Header/Footer... add Page Break
  180. Shortcut keys and macros not working when offline
  181. [SOLVED:] Copy images from Excel to header of Word
  182. Word 'Drawing Tools' in a Header
  183. A Second Set of Eyes - Cannot Spot the Error
  184. save images from word table as jpeg
  185. Repeating section content control, NodeAfterInsert event
  186. [SOLVED:] one page at a time
  187. Extract pages from a word document by finding certain text in them and saving as file
  188. Search for similar paragraphs in several docs
  189. VBA print pages double side or single sided based on footer
  191. [SOLVED:] Deleting rows based on adjacent blank cells in table
  192. Inserting pictures in Word via VBA
  193. Duplicate or missing filenames in document list
  194. VBA Word Number format and decimal symbols
  195. Macros don't work on a few computers
  196. macro to remember page number where last hyprlink was accessed
  197. Moving Frames In A Userform
  198. [SOLVED:] Code slowing down
  199. [SOLVED:] drag and drop?
  200. permanently saving a filename in a macro
  201. VBA & Bookmark collapsed by default when opening word document
  202. [SOLVED:] leading space
  203. Extra paragraph marks ruin all scripts
  204. Continuous Section break "Tab" issue
  205. Save a Word as PDF
  206. Word prompt to save template
  207. [SOLVED:] auto created carriage returns in cells
  208. [SOLVED:] Delete leading characters
  209. [SOLVED:] Search for font text and delete apart from certain words
  210. how to update specific fields
  211. [SOLVED:] Using Hidden Text in Numbered List
  212. Identify specific Content Controls in multiple templates
  213. Exporting Highlighted Text to New Word Doc
  214. Automatically adding hyperlinks.
  215. [SOLVED:] Count Highlighted Text Macro
  216. Indexing Repeating Content Control
  217. [SOLVED:] "the drawing operation cannot be applied to the current selection"
  218. Hyperlinks and plain text content controls bug
  219. [SOLVED:] VBA to insert AutoText depending on a doc variable
  220. Excel Database + Word MailMerge
  221. Mapped CC not remapped when a node is deleted
  222. Save on Click through userform
  223. [SOLVED:] handle file between Word & Excel in VBA
  224. copying word from a table to another and deleting doubles
  225. [SOLVED:] Adding Text to the end of a cell in a table
  226. [SOLVED:] Convert to a Function - Open the VBA Editor to Module and Sub Procedure Name
  227. I need help in a bad way
  228. [SOLVED:] Code Checking Please
  229. Textbox Alignment and Stuff [Help]
  230. [SOLVED:] help at Wildcards
  231. Read only for older versions of Word
  232. Moved: VBA: Picture in Word-Header? Position?
  233. Table of Contents Formatting Issue
  234. Writing to Header and Footer while Changing Text Color
  235. [SOLVED:] Search for text, if found open messagebox
  236. Documentum counting?
  237. Message Bar notification for Compatibility mode documents
  238. Graphic Display Problem
  239. Merging Portions of Word Documents
  240. [SOLVED:] Word Documents Close Only 1 Window - Leave Other Window Open
  241. VBA code to change a long list of messages into a table (please help, happy to pay)
  242. [SOLVED:] Automatic deletion of table rows in locked Word documents
  243. [SOLVED:] Word ListBox - Selection Column 3 to Run the Macros
  244. Intermittent, error. 4248 this command is not available because no doc is open
  245. Word Protect Macro - Works in VB Editor but not from document
  246. merge cells upto blank cells
  247. [SOLVED:] New line added in header by a replace
  248. [SOLVED:] Printing restriction
  249. [SOLVED:] Extract Highlighted Words
  250. [SOLVED:] Convert To Normal List Bullets