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  1. macro that changes white text in black text
  2. VBA Code to Find TEXT and Following Text in Body and Text
  3. Creating a macro to mark correct answers on a quiz
  4. [SOLVED:] Selecting Yes/No Options on UserForm Not Working
  5. Macro to copy and paste answers from the end of the document
  6. Macro that changes the style of all tables in document
  7. [SOLVED:] Using a highlighted string (a word + an integer in ()) in searching as findtext
  9. VBA CODE , how to to control where to put the pictures
  10. [SOLVED:] Delete Table Styles
  11. Word UserForm with three checkboxes to insert text at cursor
  12. Tagging
  13. Sentence Type Detection
  14. Macro to insert/type nonformatted text, even if after sub/superscript
  15. VBA to insert and format a shape
  16. [SOLVED:] Copy previous heading number of "Heading " to the paragraph in "Normal "style
  17. Customize Shortcut Menus for Word
  18. [SOLVED:] Tidying Up Paragraphs
  19. [SOLVED:] Split the selected Table by every single Row by VBA
  20. Include underscores in found strings
  21. Macro to Edit Contents of in Table in Word Header
  22. [SOLVED:] VBA Hyperlink.Delete does not work properly
  23. [SOLVED:] Save Word doc as separate PDFs with specific name
  24. VBA Add Hyperlink to Directory Path
  25. Add border to all images except small ones
  26. [SOLVED:] Remove Mail Merge Fields From All Headers & Footer (Except Page Numbering)
  27. Macro for saving a macro enabled file to a non macro file
  28. [SOLVED:] Macro to auto update calculation
  29. Combination of 2 types of dropdown list content control
  30. Check completeness of form and generate a copy (.doc) without the content controls
  31. MS Word overwrite Paste Options:
  32. Help VBA automatic numbering in Word
  33. VBA to create portrait & landscape pages
  34. [SOLVED:] How to detect if document object has been deleted
  35. code needed
  36. [SOLVED:] Select words macro
  37. Find string within word document
  38. [SOLVED:] Duplicated certain text in a word table to other word table automatically
  39. [SOLVED:] Selection with VBA for Word
  40. How to modify this Select command to pass shin character HEX value?
  41. VBA for word is making the document open out of frame
  43. [SOLVED:] How to de-link a document from a userform
  44. automate image pasting
  45. Is it Possible: Duplex Print Specific pages in a document
  46. I can't get the correct color of a hyperlink
  47. [SOLVED:] Tables of Contents and Using .Find with a Do While .Execute = True
  48. [SOLVED:] Is it possible to find images in document by size then delete them?
  49. [SOLVED:] Loop to Find Instances of Font.Color = wdRed and Apply Custom Style
  50. [SOLVED:] How do I insert a blank line before bold text in a selection?
  51. Code needed - finding duplicate text (not sentences) in Word
  52. Word macro to hide an object/graphic
  53. Apply style guide macro
  54. [SOLVED:] Merged Cell over Page Break is not Displayed properly
  55. [SOLVED:] Dealing with insufficient memory on large documents
  56. [SOLVED:] How can you add a Heading style to just the first paragraph of a document with VBA?
  57. [SOLVED:] Code to insert a building block via a check box
  58. [SOLVED:] VBA Manual to Auto Cross References
  59. [SOLVED:] Macro to remove range of unicode characters
  60. [SOLVED:] How to amend Macro to consider all table columns instead of just the first
  61. [SOLVED:] Highlight every character not followed by a space
  62. [SOLVED:] VBA - Save single Pages as PDF - Problems
  63. [SOLVED:] Delete Any Space Found At End Of Range
  64. [SOLVED:] Word (VBA) Automatic saving of the file using the content from the bookmark to pdf
  65. [SOLVED:] Make Font Bold On Document If Option "YES" Selected
  66. Document content only locally visible
  67. Word Instructions Document in Tables - Find Duplicate Steps
  68. [SOLVED:] Deleting specific text, but not all, in parentheses
  69. Need urgent help with updating VBA on a MS Word template
  70. [SOLVED:] VB Script word in pdf including password
  71. [SOLVED:] Remove Spaces After Coma If Preceded By A Number
  72. MS Word inserts keys in the text area instead of performing the shortcut command
  73. [SOLVED:] Replace form checkbox with content control checkbox
  74. Why does this ClearHyperlinks sub strip formatting of freshly pasted text?
  75. Using MathType Word SDK to convert equations
  76. Getting Word to Move to next instance of a text
  77. Userform To Add a Signature to Word Document
  78. Macro to open dialogue box with specific option selected
  79. [SOLVED:] VBA Newbie Trying to Find/Replace All Caps after Tab
  80. [SOLVED:] Macro to superscript ordinal date numbers' “st”, “nd”, “rd”, “th”
  81. Script to merge cells in columns and add text
  82. writing and editing a macro in current word document, not all documents
  83. Contextually referencing the table cell / row a MacroButton field is located in
  84. [SOLVED:] Remove Focus From Text Box Once Something Has Been Typed In It
  85. Event MailMergeAfterMerge does not fire. Addin intercepts script run?
  86. RichText content control anomoly
  87. [SOLVED:] Help - macro to insert a return before each capital letter in selected text failing
  88. I need to Find and Replace
  89. [SOLVED:] Not replacing kindly help where i missed
  90. [SOLVED:] Create mailmerge layout for booklet
  91. [SOLVED:] create character style
  92. Colour Of Selected Option
  93. [SOLVED:] Progress Bar
  94. [SOLVED:] Inserting text from VBA textbox into part of a string
  95. Use Drop-Down List Content Control to Populate Bookmark (multiselect)
  96. VBA to extract word pages (per content) to PDF format.
  97. [SOLVED:] Custom AutoFormatAsYouType
  98. [SOLVED:] Insert rows in a table uptill the page bottom
  99. [SOLVED:] Change Word mailmerge source with VBA?
  100. Convert Word document comments to Markdown-formatted links
  101. Automatically Update Header Content
  102. How to make a macro that split word documents, using headings as markers?
  103. Macro to move numbers to the end of a sentence
  104. Speeding up a replace macro running through a long text
  105. [SOLVED:] Need help with Macro to separate bible verses
  106. Find/Replace With Indent and Paragraph Help
  107. [SOLVED:] How to highlight text between two finds
  108. How to delete all lower case words
  109. Go to beginning and end of selected text
  110. Find/Replace Wildcard to Sort Numbers in Word
  111. [SOLVED:] How to write a "replace" order in VBA working every other time
  112. Bookmarks in a Word Document-Copy & Paste
  113. Word macro to undo changes before last saved
  114. [SOLVED:] Finding matches from a list and replacing from another list, one by one (not global)
  115. Copy the heading numbering in the table
  116. Imported PDF used as addendum but can't add ToC entries to it
  117. [SOLVED:] Find & replace issue with Greek letter
  118. [SOLVED:] Image injection
  119. Create automatic index in Word based on Headings with VBA
  120. Email Images in Mail Merge
  121. [SOLVED:] Finding, counting, and highlighting matches from a list
  122. [SOLVED:] Clearing / Resetting Variables
  123. [SOLVED:] Including text boxes in find/replace macro
  124. Word- Autofill text based on 2 seperate dropdowns
  125. How do I differentiate between two directories in Word VBA?
  126. [SOLVED:] How to highlight paragraphs and add comment
  127. How to insert table in the next page?
  128. Search an expression (code) and turn the whole line into heading
  129. Saving window layout in VBA editor
  130. macro to display userform, insert data at bookmarks
  131. Batch print Word docms
  132. [SOLVED:] After exiting dropdown word doesn't go through "On-Exit" sub
  133. Find and replace if specific conditions aply
  134. Search and replace text of a certain font
  135. Macro to bring Excel data into Word template
  136. Preserve formatting after update - WORD Table
  137. Using signatures in word.
  138. Is there a way to disable the "Restrict Editing" button ?
  139. [SLEEPER:] Replace text across multiple word files
  140. Apply braces around strikethrough string of text
  141. Manage Word's Sections & Contents using TreeView
  142. [SOLVED:] VBA code that changes the font size of spaces but only applied to selected text
  143. Splitting a particluar column into multiple rows
  144. [SOLVED:] Table positioning - Move With Text check box in VBA
  145. Cell position on page
  146. Insert Image after Text in Text Field
  147. [SOLVED:] Macro to insert captions that after images in a table
  148. Create Personalized Files with Mail Merge
  149. Find table cell border bottom vertical position relative to the page
  150. Need Help in Date Format in Table - MS Word
  151. Performance issues looping through collection
  152. Executing macro on each subsequent page/table
  153. Sorting a table full of images
  154. [SOLVED:] Need help with Find and Replace
  155. Reverse Column Order in Table
  156. NOT SOLVED: Reverse column Order in Table
  157. Command Buttons executing same code Word VBA
  158. [SOLVED:] How to pass a word variable to another macro?
  159. Open, Edit / Copy From 3 Separate Existing Macro Templates From Single Macro Template
  160. [SOLVED:] Insert the image into the corresponding position in word
  161. Code to migrate text in particular paragraps into an existing document
  162. forgot the password for my word file
  163. Command button. Copy text + pictures from different pages/part of document
  164. Macro to reformat text not working - help
  165. VBA code to name a document
  166. VBA to convert word into pdf and copy table to outlook body in a prescribed format
  167. Keyword Search Hit Color
  168. VBA Cross Reference Issue
  169. Problem with copying text to the clipboard
  170. Need help about Copy Text from Word To Excel
  171. Issues about adding hyperlinks
  172. [SOLVED:] VBA: How to add a hyperlink to a cell in a table in a Word doc generated from Excel
  173. VBA to toggle "Show field codes insted of their values"?
  174. [SOLVED:] What does word use to identify different pages within the document?
  175. Running ActiveDocument.ConvertNumbersToText removes bold font emphasis
  176. [SOLVED:] How not to copy line numbers when select text from auto-numbered lines
  177. [SOLVED:] Fit large XL range to Word doc
  178. Change english quotation marks to french quotation marks
  179. VBA Code to every other instance of a string of characters
  180. Taking Bible verses from a site and copying them into Word
  181. How to auto-populate fields based on the checkbox status in Microsoft Word
  182. How to insert a bookmark in a table
  183. Is this section incorrect?
  184. [SOLVED:] Need Help with Find and Replace Code in Word for text within Parenthesis
  185. Is there a way to "find", using the Selection or Range objects?
  186. Word create or open with VBA functionality?
  187. Looking for VBA to show tracked changes and hide comments in Word Document
  188. Forcing cross-references to ignore bookmark names
  189. Split a 500 page merge into about 23 documents
  190. Need Help with the following macros
  191. Word 2007 macro to save word as .Docx
  192. [SOLVED:] Multiple ?Choice Question Request-Order of Question
  193. Word 2016 tasks.exists() problem
  194. Can't populate Word VBA Combobox Value with last cell from xldown error
  195. Word Macro Export PDF and lock some permissions (Mac)
  196. [SOLVED:] Show and hide table rows with checkboxes in Word
  197. [SOLVED:] Visibility of content controls
  198. How to Restart page numbering after 4 pages
  199. How to automatically highlight auto numbered lists
  200. Word - show/hide bookmark text based on checkbox
  201. [SOLVED:] Same VB code not working for similar Content Controls with different CC titles
  202. How to Insert Section from Source Doc into Target Doc
  203. [SOLVED:] Multi level list
  204. Macro Help
  205. font size based on character count within a text form field field...
  206. [SOLVED:] Adding additional rows to table
  207. [SOLVED:] Word to Outlook, sending document contents to body of email
  208. Populate a Word Template from a SharePoint List
  209. How to make custom dynamic user form
  210. Selection Anomoly
  211. Convert tables to Images - bottom rows missing
  212. Word macro to rearrange paragraphs
  213. Insert Bookmark data from one Word File into another Word file
  214. Resizing Inkpicture ink before pasting
  215. VBA to remove all Character Styles but keep formatting
  216. Add columns in Word
  217. Corrupt Word Document after VBA Macros
  218. [SOLVED:] Help with using Range.End in nested tables
  219. Word macro to allow the user to edit two displayed documents in the middle of complex