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  1. Word VBA Required Fields or On Save Event help (13 replies)
  2. Please Help *So LOST* (1 replies)
  3. Solved: Document_Open() vs. Document_New() (2 replies)
  4. Solved: Split document with new filename being first line of new document (12 replies)
  5. Macro to higlight repeated words (7 replies)
  6. Macro for Special Copy Paste Format (1 replies)
  7. Solved: Excel run a Word macro? (2 replies)
  8. Word Automation (2 replies)
  9. macro for last months date (2 replies)
  10. Copying table from Excel and then formatting (1 replies)
  11. Saving word doc as pdf file and send it as attachement (6 replies)
  12. Copy from point to point if object exists within points (3 replies)
  13. Need a macro for find and change bold (2 replies)
  14. Variables in word documents and Dragon Naturally speaking (1 replies)
  15. Word Macro asking me to save template (23 replies)
  16. Walk through Objects? (2 replies)
  17. macro to enter text in internet explorer site (0 replies)
  18. Require user input for a text box (3 replies)
  19. Solved: Disable/enabling radio buttons (3 replies)
  20. Repeate text fields, labels and more depending on a combo box (5 replies)
  21. Get default date formats (2 replies)
  22. Want to save the formfields after refreshing the document (13 replies)
  23. Save each sentence as a new file (18 replies)
  24. Split doc into multi documents- the string becomes the file names (4 replies)
  25. Error Handling for a Bad password error in Word (VBA) (3 replies)
  26. Compress pictures in word 2007 (4 replies)
  27. Word "Save Clean" Sub (0 replies)
  28. SaveAs NewTitle from Template (2 replies)
  29. Problem Opening and Reading Text File (3 replies)
  30. Saving word doc as two names/textes which are located within the word document (13 replies)
  31. Solved: What makes this “Wend While” stop? (8 replies)
  32. Quickly Select and Delete groups of standard clauses out of a long document (8 replies)
  33. Folder name change after printing (0 replies)
  34. Split multi page document to seperate page documents (8 replies)
  35. Solved: Word Runtime error '5941' (4 replies)
  36. CheckBox field in Activedocument check (2 replies)
  37. using assigned variable in different modules (10 replies)
  38. List of Effective Pages (LOEP) (3 replies)
  39. VBA macro code to change font text color (4 replies)
  40. Macro to create legal exhibits and schedules (7 replies)
  41. Bushwalking Route Card (24 replies)
  42. Solved: Question on StoryType Case (6 replies)
  43. Deploying User Forms from template in Word 2003 (3 replies)
  44. Word find and replace wildcard macro (5 replies)
  45. Programatically delete building blocks by category (3 replies)
  46. List of Word macro commands (11 replies)
  47. Multiple Active Douments (2 replies)
  48. Solved: Set the width of a text box (2 replies)
  49. Insert AutoText table loses combobox values (6 replies)
  50. Help needed for Command Button in word to send email and close word (8 replies)
  51. Solved: Using AutoFit on a table (3 replies)
  52. Solved: Closing a Word document loses combo box values (5 replies)
  53. Find, Copy, Paste (4 replies)
  54. Solved: Need a Macro to change Casing (14 replies)
  55. Hotkeys Not Working (2 replies)
  56. Solved: Copy table upon clicking button (9 replies)
  57. Help finding a word 2007 command for VB (9 replies)
  58. Hyperlink TextToDisplay (0 replies)
  59. Populate Listbox (14 replies)
  60. "Adjust List Indents" Dialog (0 replies)
  61. vba script find and highlight multi-word phrases (38 replies)
  62. Populating Drop Down Box from Excel (1 replies)
  63. ODBC help needed (5 replies)
  64. Solved: Open File Dialog (3 replies)
  65. Solved: Find and Replace Only in Beginning of Pargraph (remove hard numbering) (6 replies)
  66. Formating with macro (17 replies)
  67. Centering a page number Word 2007 (3 replies)
  68. Closing Word without Forms (1 replies)
  69. Solved: Interleave two documents (7 replies)
  70. Creating a macro that makes a cross-reference (14 replies)
  71. Add/delete Quick Access Toolbar icon on document load? (0 replies)
  72. Footnote Formatting (1 replies)
  73. WORD VBA - Open and save file to new location (12 replies)
  74. Open file, read fille names using VBA for Word (2 replies)
  75. Preview a document (1 replies)
  76. Solved: Validating mixed font strings (8 replies)
  77. Tracking Changes after acceptance: Text has to be bold (2 replies)
  78. Solved: Word mailmerge skip empty fields, not empty lines (2 replies)
  79. Printing on different paper sizes (1 replies)
  80. Macro to Run on Opening (1 replies)
  81. Losing Character formatting when pasting in table (0 replies)
  82. replace words one by one (2 replies)
  83. ActiveX problems after kb2277947 (5 replies)
  84. How to find and replace multiple words at one time (1 replies)
  85. How to run a macro in an particular area (5 replies)
  86. Solved: Negative number handling (5 replies)
  87. Solved: Creating an array of textboxes (2 replies)
  88. Grab contents of word document and put into a var ? (5 replies)
  89. Filter tracked changes by date possible? (1 replies)
  90. Can you get word fields to update automatically? (1 replies)
  91. How to increase size of bullet points (1 replies)
  92. Solved: Help with Word.mvps Organising your Global Template article (5 replies)
  93. Word opens a blank page (1 replies)
  94. Solved: Table borders different for first row (3 replies)
  95. Convert Word doc to PDF? (6 replies)
  96. End of lines Equal how? (just like newspapers) (1 replies)
  97. Recall data upon re-opening form (12 replies)
  98. Delete rows from a Table based on style (2 replies)
  99. save as in word (1 replies)
  100. Solved: How to get user input? (7 replies)
  101. Missing Last Copy (6 replies)
  102. Macro to insert symbols before and after selection and apply style (4 replies)
  103. Help With Excel Macro (0 replies)
  104. Best practice to run a macro in a word template (8 replies)
  105. Solved: Migrating Word 2003 Macros to Word 2010? (7 replies)
  106. how to multiply paragraphs (6 replies)
  107. [SOLVED:] Delete Row[Run-time error 5991] (2 replies)
  108. Two or More Dependent Lists (8 replies)
  109. Disable editing in form fields? (13 replies)
  110. Solved: converted word file from pdf but with image formate !! (3 replies)
  111. Solved: Word 2003 - Button that runs VBA code (12 replies)
  112. Solved: copy value from one textbox to another. (4 replies)
  113. Automating Section Breaks (6 replies)
  114. Repurposed Save Command - Error Handling (1 replies)
  115. Only few items in Combobox bold rest regular font (1 replies)
  116. finally (1 replies)
  117. DialogInsertSymbol (9 replies)
  118. Export word data to excel (19 replies)
  119. Solved: loop using textbox (10 replies)
  120. Solved: Using Subroutine to efficiently call multiple entries from building blocks.dotx (11 replies)
  121. Fill a protected form using Bookmarks (11 replies)
  122. Combo Box in Mail Merged document (1 replies)
  123. Scrollbar in multipage dialog box sitting in wrong place (1 replies)
  124. How to specify a range of table cells (11 replies)
  125. Simple loop to read and store words (20 replies)
  126. How to change the color of special Characters (5 replies)
  127. Custom Quick Styles--Technical Documents (0 replies)
  128. Call was rejected by callee (3 replies)
  129. read txt file (1 replies)
  130. Solved: Returning an array of strings with a function (4 replies)
  131. Solved: Document Path in Title Bar Toggle Button (17 replies)
  132. Updating all field codes in doc with >1 section break (6 replies)
  133. Remove a style property (3 replies)
  134. Merging images and resizing (0 replies)
  135. Construct filename from a specific word in document (5 replies)
  136. [SOLVED:] Modify Macro which Batch Insert Photos to also include caption (27 replies)
  137. Is there any drawing tool to draw this? (4 replies)
  138. Solved: Replace break with a , (2 replies)
  139. Solved: loop through word file and delete paragraphes and combine tables (15 replies)
  140. RGB value of HighLightColorIndex (4 replies)
  141. how to extract sentences containing every word in the Excel word list file (29 replies)
  142. Determine what text has been edited (5 replies)
  143. Determine what text has been edited (0 replies)
  144. VBA tags in the word editor. (1 replies)
  145. Protected Project Issue (2 replies)
  146. Remove Codes On SaveAs... (3 replies)
  147. help with listbox (8 replies)
  148. Solved: SaveAs Dialog Issues (1 replies)
  149. Solved: Why would this script need a Constant (11 replies)
  150. Solved: Write to Word DOCUMENT Textbox (18 replies)
  151. bulleted list without renumbering (5 replies)
  152. How to delete shapes and blank pages on document (2 replies)
  153. Help formatting string variable (2 replies)
  154. Solved: combobox that act strange (from my point of view) (5 replies)
  155. Auto changing table shading (Help) (7 replies)
  156. Convert Word to PDF (6 replies)
  157. change string data to date (2 replies)
  158. Split two at a time (3 replies)
  159. Solved: Search and Replace lone % and $ signs (8 replies)
  160. Detecting existing text in a selection (13 replies)
  161. Batch insert pictures with filenames as captions (5 replies)
  162. Class commands running in all documents (1 replies)
  163. Solved: delete text with VBScript.RegExp (8 replies)
  164. Splitting a word doc into pages (6 replies)
  165. How to export word 2007 tables with Arabic language to Access data base 2007 (2 replies)
  166. Solved: Copy from Word to Excel with samples (10 replies)
  167. [SOLVED:] Word Count and Character Count (5 replies)
  168. Solved: Search and copy any instance of {bracketedtext} (8 replies)
  169. Paragraph space (2 replies)
  170. Activating macros (3 replies)
  171. Moving between footer and text (5 replies)
  172. Enable/Disable TextBox based on Option Selection (4 replies)
  173. Solved: DropDown Help (2 replies)
  174. Need to loop find and replace (11 replies)
  175. Copy word document into excel as HTML (16 replies)
  176. Paste default mode set to unformatted text in MS Word 2007 (2 replies)
  177. Help with "IF...Then" within a Word document (7 replies)
  178. Word VBA: Selecting a single character (15 replies)
  179. Need VB to open and close CHM doc (12 replies)
  180. Solved: Follow Hyperlink with "&" (7 replies)
  181. square box with question mark symbol (17 replies)
  182. Solved: simplify (10 replies)
  183. Need macro to split large word doc by headings (24 replies)
  184. Solved: how can I delete carriage returns in text (7 replies)
  185. Select first field and run entry macro (8 replies)
  186. saving word file based on first line of text (17 replies)
  187. Word Macro Text replacement help please (13 replies)
  188. unicode characters from form to .doc (8 replies)
  189. Extract Embedded XLS from Word DOC (2 replies)
  190. Auto correct macro in Word... (2 replies)
  191. Solved: Alternate Wording without dropdown (4 replies)
  192. Word - Merge document with email - fax - print option and to select department (5 replies)
  193. Solved: Replace "Emphasis"/"Strong" paragraph styles with good 'ol fashion bold/italics? (9 replies)
  194. Solved: Searched and searched... writing to a variable stored in a global template? (12 replies)
  195. Replace and merge phrases (8 replies)
  196. Looping through a table to merge blank cells (10 replies)
  197. update data in excel object (1 replies)
  199. Transpose specific words (31 replies)
  200. [SOLVED:] Add a VBA Reference Library via code (15 replies)
  201. How to hide macro code when using command button to unprotect (1 replies)
  202. Updating TC fields when a matching text is changed! (10 replies)
  203. Maximum Lines Per page in Word (2 replies)
  204. How can I use the content of a table cell as the file name when saving? (6 replies)
  205. Macro/VBA Help (6 replies)
  206. how to allign word table columns using vb (6 replies)
  207. [SOLVED:] Extract a Paragraph's Outline Reference (7 replies)
  208. Turn Compression Off Globally (0 replies)
  209. Search for Style and add tab (2 replies)
  210. Solved: special characters from text file to word (11 replies)
  211. Is it possible to use Equation feature through VBA (5 replies)
  212. Solved: Styling Matching Paragraphs (19 replies)
  213. Solved: How to do it? Help....... (7 replies)
  214. Solved: Help Please (2 replies)
  215. Word VBA linking Excel Cells to Word Bookmarks (2 replies)
  216. Mail Merge Query - Please help (10 replies)
  217. Checking if a object is valid (7 replies)
  218. Automation of Word Class (3 replies)
  219. Save to Field and Remember (3 replies)
  220. Solved: create bookmarks like this 1,2 .. 1,2 .. 3,4 and so one (7 replies)
  221. sums in word tables (3 replies)
  222. Running a macro upon mail merge (4 replies)
  223. WildCard Replace (0 replies)
  224. synchronize two listbox scrollbars (1 replies)
  225. Solved: SaveAs with formfield value in current folder (5 replies)
  226. Solved: Need to Extract File Name from String (7 replies)
  227. listbox columnheading (3 replies)
  228. Update Excel 2003 range from MS Word 2003. (13 replies)
  229. Solved: Autosave problem (6 replies)
  230. Changing Paragraph Style (12 replies)
  231. Upper and lower cases in a title (6 replies)
  232. NEWBIE with a very basic entry question VB or VBA (4 replies)
  233. Solved: Code to check and uncheck boxes (2 replies)
  234. Doing Word VBA inside an Excel Macro (22 replies)
  235. Solved: coding for specific key strokes (13 replies)
  236. Search and replace within selection (1 replies)
  237. Selecting text found in a find/replace macro (7 replies)
  238. with VBA search text file with wildcards (6 replies)
  239. Solved: Word Userform, processing time slow ... (18 replies)
  240. Solved: excel to Word problem (3 replies)
  241. Code not working HELP (7 replies)
  242. Word TexBox nightmare (17 replies)
  243. Userform help (10 replies)
  244. Word 2007 checkbox loop (0 replies)
  245. Wait while word is printing (3 replies)
  246. Solved: Mail Merge Help (3 replies)
  247. Odd formfield behaviour (16 replies)
  248. Multiplying all numbers in a document with 2 (15 replies)
  249. [SOLVED:] Select "Heading 1" Paragraph text (5 replies)
  250. Recompiling removes error? (11 replies)